Thick and Thin

Chapter Thirty

Electra's p.o.v

"Are you okay?" Matt asked as we walked inside the restaurant.

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried about what my dad will say."


"He's always wanted me to marry a vamp."

"But instead you pick a human. Thank you for that." I laughed and smiled at him. We found the table my parents were at and sat down.

"Do you two want to come back to the house for a while?" My dad asked after everyone was done eating.

"Yeah. I need to tell you something. We'll meet you there." At my parents house I parked. It was cloudy and looked like it might rain.

"Electra are you sure you are okay?" Matt's hand grabbed mine.

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's go inside." Inside we all sat down. Matt was holding my hand still, so the ring wasn't visible.

"Um dad?"

"Yeah kiddo?"

"I need to tell you something."


"Matt and I are getting married. We're engaged."

"Matt?" He turned to Matt. Aw shit.

"Yes sir" Matt responded.

"You take good care of my little girl okay?" Whew! Then an evil laugh filled the air.

"Brock?" I asked looking around.

"Take good care of her. Ha! He's human." Brock's voice was cold.

"Remember who beat the shit out of you the other night." I snarled.

"What is going on?" My dad asked.

"He'll leave you to die." Brock spat.

"No I won't! I love Electra!" Matt came up.

"You are the one who left me to die."


"WHAT?!" My dad's voice yelled.

"When I developed my gift I almost died dad. Brock left me to die. Matt, the guys, and the guys of A7X stayed with me. But Brock just left me there."

My dad turned to Brock, anger had taken over his eyes.

"Why do you believe her?" Brock asked him.

"I can call all the guys and they will all say the same thing, because you did just leave her to die." Matt came up.

"Just shut up! I'll kill you myself." Anger took my body over. My eyes were probably glowing red, and the atmosphere was more than a little tense. Brock was shaking, but not backing down.

"Why would you leave your sister to die?" My dad's angry voice snarled.

"Matt, maybe you should come with me." My mom suggested.

"Matt go with her." I looked at him, trying to soften my look towards him. He didn't look scared. But I wanted him to leave the room anyway.

"Okay." Matt followed my mom to the kitchen.

"He will leave you, you should know that." Brock laughed.

"No he won't."

"Did you tell dad you drank his blood?" My dad looked at me.

"Dad I did drink his blood." I confessed.

"Okay." He turned his attention back to Brock.

"You watch and see, he will." Brock was smirking. Out of no where my anger spiked, and I jumped across the living room, pinning Brock against the wall. I could have bit him, drained his blood, and killed him right now. My anger level was high enough.

"Kill me." He looked in my eyes.

"I should. I will." I snarled showing my fangs.

"You hate me. Remember all I put you through. Kill me. Take my life from me. But remember what I warned you the day Matt leaves you."

"HE WON'T DO THAT! YOU DON'T KNOW HIM!" My voice was so loud and powerful that I hardly recognized it as mine.

"Do it!"

"Why do you want me to kill you?"

"Just do it your sissy."

"I will kill you."

"Then do it." I opened my mouth and prepared to sink my fangs into his neck. Then it hit me, like a thousands knives all at once. I felt tears falling from my eyes. Could I really kill my brother? No matter what he did, he was still my brother.

"Kill me." His voice was strong now.

"I-I can't do this." I turned away from him, letting him go and running for the door.

I got in my car, and placed my trembling hands on the steering wheel, trying to clear my head from the ten millions things running through my mind at one. Then I heard the car door open.

"Baby it's okay." Matt's voice was calm, and made me feel a little bit better.

"I want to go home." I whispered.

"Okay." I drove back to my house, somehow managing to keep the tears back. I finally talked Matt into going home after an hour. I went up to my room, changing into pajamas. I walked over to the window and looked outside. I could see the beach.

After all the hell he had put me through, I couldn't bring myself to kill him. Why? I realized I was crying again. And I also realized the one person who I needed right now. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

"Electra are you alright?" Matt's voice was concerned.

"Will you come over?"

"Yeah. I'll be right over baby."

Matt's p.o.v

I wondered how she was holding up. I shouldn't have let her talk me into coming home. I wanted to be over there, making sure she was okay. When the phone rang I pounced on it. I saw it was Electra.

"Electra are you alright?" I asked very concerned.

"Will you come over?" She was crying.

"Yeah. I'll be right over baby." We said bye and hung up. I grabbed my keys, and left.

I got to her house and knocked on her front door. I heard her dogs bark, before she opened the door. Her eyes were blood shot.

"Come on in." I followed her inside, then looked at her. She looked at me and sighed.

"Electra." I started. Whenever she cried something was very wrong.

"I couldn't do it Matt." Her voice cracked.

"He is still your brother, I know you couldn't. You should have to." I gently pulled her into a hug. She was a wreck.

"Why is this so complicated?" She was almost whispering.

"I don't know Electra. I don't know. But he is wrong. I'm never going to leave you."

"I know Matt. I just don't understand, I practically flew across the living room, trapped him, was ready to bite him, and then I can't do it."

"He knew you wouldn't be able to do it. He was testing you."


"I don't know. But I could see it in his eyes."

"I need to call my mom and find out what happened."

"What would your dad do to him?"

"I don't know. And I'm a little scared to find out." She grabbed her phone and sat down.

I listened to her talk before hanging up with her mom. She looked a little relieved when they hung up. She sat the phone down and sighed. She hid her face in her hands for a minute. I wasn't sure what to say or what to ask.

"What happened?" I asked.

"My dad kicked him out of their house, and told him not to come back." She answered.

"Is that good?"

"Yeah. I just hope maybe it is all over now."

"I know you do. But you've always got me."

"I know I do." She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too Matt." Her response was also in a whisper. She had calmed down a little bit. Not completely, but a little bit. Which was a start.

"You'll get through it. You are strong enough." I told her before kissing her head.

"I know. Thanks for coming."

"Anytime, you know that."
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