Thick and Thin

Chapter Thirty-One

Electra's p.o.v

It was raining as we drove towards the school. A week had passed since Brock had showed up. Apparently my dad had told him that he was supposed to stay away from Matt and I, forever.

"So what exactly is the plan?" Matt asked. I decided I needed some time away from Huntington Beach after what had happened.

"I talked to Janet and she said that her and few of the teachers are the only ones at the school, so we could stay as long as we wanted to. But Matt if you don't want to stay a week there, I understand."

"Electra, I'm cool with staying there with you."

"Thank you."

"Babe, you really need to stop thanking me." I laughed as I parked at the school.

"I honestly think I spend too much time here." I was still kind of laughing.

We went inside and met up with Janet, then headed for the guest dorm we were sharing. The large, dark hallways seemed comforting. The soft lights where easy on my eyes. There weren't any windows in the hallways, because the fact vampires don't really like sunlight. Yes we can live and go out in it, but that doesn't mean we like it.

I could still head the rain that was pouring down outside. I'd always like the rain. The smell of it, the way it feels, the way it sounds. Everything about it. The school always seems different when it rains.

In our room we sat our bags down and I walked over to the window. I moved the large, thick curtain back and looked outside. I knew one thing that I wanted to do soon. But I didn't want to just abandon Matt right away.

"Electra, I'll be fine. Go do what ever it is that you've been dying to do." His arms had wrapped around me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll go explore."

"Okay, have fun, thanks Matt." I kissed him, then left the room. I navigated my ways through the hallways as if I was still going to school here. Some things never change I guess. I had always made my way around here without getting lost, and I probably always would. I found the large room and went inside.

This was the room where I'd spent so much of my free time practicing. I knew that now I had a gift, I'd be able to do more things. I was a little curious to find out what they were. The room was filled with all kinds of stuff.

Punching bags, fencing stuff, swords, and several areas to jump off of. The punching bags were towards the back of the room. The fencing stuff and swords where tucked away in a closet in a corner. I was more interesting in what I could do on my own.

I love Matt, with all my heart, and I know that he loves me for me. Vampire and all. But there were still a few things that I wasn't ready for him to see. This being one of them. It can be a lot to handle, learning all these new things about vamps all at once.

There were small cracks in the wall, that were meant to be there. I got a running start and jumped, going a little higher than I expected. I grabbed one of the small cracks and place my toes in one of the other cracks.

Without trouble, I climbed up with wall and moved to one of the many balconies that lined the walls, very high up. I climbed onto the railing of the balcony and balanced. I was crouched down. Who the hell thought of the word crouched anyway? I concentrated and made my eyes glow red, then purple, then turn black.

This was fun! I stood up, and looked down. I jumped, and glided safely to the floor. I then went back up. Yes I was having a lot of fun finding out what I could do. Come to think of it, I wasn't sure why I didn't really want Matt to see. I mean really, I have drank his blood. What could possibly freak him out more than that?

I thought about calling him on his phone to come see, then I thought of a better idea. I once again jumped down, and then walked out of the room. I'd just go find him in person. I walked down the hallways for a while, before seeing him. I ran and hugged him from behind. I was happy to see him.

"Hey Electra." He laughed.

"I want you to come see something."

"Okay, I'm coming."

He followed me back to the practice room. I got back up on the balcony and looked down at him. I smiled and turned my eyes purple. I jumped and glided down.

"That's cool babe." He hugged me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Let's just say it was a little freaky to watch you jump like that. I don't want to lose you."

Matt's p.o.v

"I'm going to take a shower." Electra announced after we got back to the dorm room.

"Okay." She leaned down and kissed me, before disappearing into the bathroom with her stuff. I sat down on my bed to take in what I had just saw, She had just jumped off a balcony and landed on her feet. That was cool!

I still wondered when we'd see Loren. I just wanted him to leave Electra alone. She didn't want him around. I don't blame her for not wanting him around either. I heard the shower cut off and she appeared a few minutes later.

"I don't really like pajamas." She randomly said, making me laugh.

"That was random."

"Well I'm a very random person."

"You are tired aren't you?"

"A little."

"Hey before you go to bed can I ask you something?"


"When is this whole getting rid of Loren thing going to take place?"



"I just hope it works."

"Well if it doesn't work we can always go to plan B."

"What's plan B?"

"I'll be the shit out of him and tell him that if he doesn't stay away from you he won't live to see next Tuesday."

"Good plan. But Matt? Please don't ever kill anyone or threaten them. I know how the law works, and I don't want to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere babe."

"Wake up!" She was starting to get annoyed with me. She had been trying to get me up for about ten minutes now.


"Because it's nine! Get your ass out of be!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Quit being an asshole and get up!"


"You sound like a two year old."

"Let me sleep for 30 more minutes."

"Uh, fine. Loren is waiting already. I guess I'll have to drink his blood then." I heard her sigh and stand up. It took my brain a few seconds to process what she had just said. I sprang up in bed and looked at her.

"Would you really do that?" I asked. She turned around, and smiled at me.

"Hell no, but it got you up. Come on though, let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving."

"I'm coming. Hold your ass."

"What if I don't want to hold my ass?"

"You are being really annoying right now, you know that?"

"I'm trying." After I took a quick shower and got dressed I walked out of the bathroom.

"Good morning." Electra came over and kissed me.

"Morning. How did you sleep?"

"Great. What about you?"

"Good. But were you really serious about drinking someone else's blood besides mine?"

"No. But I knew it would get you up. I love you, why would I do that?"

"I love you too."

"Good, let's get something to eat. I'm starving."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."