Thick and Thin

The Hunted

Matt's p.o.v
I stood outside the bus in the parking lot. I leaned up against the bus. Two weeks into the tour and we were staying at a hotel. There was a show tonight. The sun beat down on the city, and I just watched from behind my sunglasses. Electra had backed off a bit. Not much but some. Now something was bugging her, she seemed scared.

It was hard to picture her scared, but she seemed to be. Whenever she was outside she was always looking over her shoulder. If any of the guys had even talked to her it was Brian. He thought he actually stood a chance with her. At the shows I did have to give her credit for one thing, she could get the crowd going.

She really did love this. But that seemed to be the only thing that she loved. And the rest of her band. They have all confused that she is like a big sister to them, and takes care of them. But she is also in charge. Brian just didn't know when to back off. He thought that he would win her heart. I laughed at him.

She didn't want him, she didn't want any of us. It was ashame, but the truth.

"She's so hard to talk to!" Brian stated walking off the bus.

"What did I tell you?" I asked him

"You've known her before this."

"No. I just know her kind."

"Okay. How do I get to her?"

"You don't. She is talking to you, she'll have to do the rest."


"It's your only choice Gates."

"She is the only girl I've ever met like that."

"She is one of a kind."

Electra's p.o.v
We walked off the bus and towards the hotel. I looked over my shoulders as we walked towards the door. He was here somewhere. I sensed it. He had been following me for two weeks now. I hadn't saw him, but I knew he was here.

Brian had been trying to get close to me, but I wouldn't let him. We walked up to the front desk and got out keys.

"Most of you have been paired up since we didn't have many rooms." The lady at the desk stated.

"Okay" We all responded. We got the the right floor, and I looked at my room number. I was probably paired up with Brock or Newt. It was always that way. I found the room and went to the door. I stuck the card key in the slot.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked. Everyone retreated to their rooms.

"Going to my room. What are you doing standing right there?"

"This is my room." Great, I was sharing a room with him. I knew none of the guys would trade with me. I was stuck. They were dead. I pushed the door open and went inside. I claimed the bed by the window for a reason.

"I'm going to take a shower. Keep you ass out here" I barked at Matt grabbing my clothes and going into the bath room. I locked the door behind me. This was just great. I didn't want to share a room with him. It was for three days.

Matt's p.o.v
I heard the shower come on. I sat down on my bed and looked around. She had left her bag open. Snooping through it would be wrong. But I couldn't stop myself. I looked through it. Clothes, girl stuff, but on the bottom there was something that I'd never saw before. It was like a teeth whitening plate that you put on your teeth. But the teeth shapes were really pointy. She did have pointy teeth, but not this much.

And what was the tray for. I replaced it and all the bags other contents. Maybe looking at some more than others as I put them back in. I was going back to that night. It just wouldn't stop. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her or it since I saw her. She like took me over when she walked into a room. It had been two years ago, and we met in a bar.

"Electra is a name that you don't hear everyday." I told this girl sitting next to me.

"I know. I'm not a girl you that you know everyday. I'm different." She responded.

"So I've noticed."

"You're girlfriend is going to be mad at you if she shows up."

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh really. A guy like you, I can't picture that. You are probably a bad kisser."

"Do you want to test that out?"

"As a matter of fact I do." Have you ever met someone that you instantly fall in love with them the minute you start talking? Well I just had.
I heard the shower cut off. I acted like nothing. She walked out of the bathroom, in something I never thought she would.

Electra's p.o.v
I walked out of the bathroom in my bra and underwear with a towel around me. But he probably thought it was just the towel. His eyes stayed on me as I walked over to my bag. I grabbed a pair of jeans and slid them up, not removing the towel.

He was still watching. He hadn't looked away. I sorted through my shirts. I found one I wanted but I waited. He was still watching me.

"What you've never saw a girl wrapped in a towel?" I snarled spinning around. He looked away. Like he wasn't looking.

"What are you talking about?" He responded.

"I know you were watching me."

"So what if I was? You should have taken your jeans and shirt in the bathroom with you if you didn't want me to stare."

"Shut up."

I let the towel fall to the ground and slid the tee shirt on. I grabbed my make up bag and went into the bathroom. I was working on the dark make-up when he walked up. He but one hand higher on the door frame and stood with his back to the other side of the door frame.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"Nothing." He answered in the same tone. But he didn't move, he just stood there.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I told you that it is none of your business." I growled.

"Something happened. You didn't seem the way you were the next morning. Why?"

"I was drunk the night before. You couldn't handle being around me anyway."

"Try me."

"You couldn't! Now leave me the f*** alone!" I growled slamming the door.

"I meant every word I said that night. But I don't know why." He said through the door. I heard him walk away. Time for the show finally came. I actually watched his band that night. They were really good. As they came off the stage I left. All the guys would hang out there for a while, I'd get a chance to clear my head. I heard a noise. I looked around.

"There you are."

"Get away from me." I growled showing my fangs. He showed his. I ran.

Back at the hotel I said I was going for a walk. I needed away. I just walked and walked. There was a huge park close by.

"You go away once, not this time." The dark voice said.

"Craven leave!" I hissed. He began chasing me. Vampire chasing was different from a human chase. It was faster and ten times more deadly. This one would most likely end in death. We made it to that park and the bushes became our hiding area. Vampires are strongest at night.

Most people think we need blood to live, but we don't. We can eat food and stand the sun light. My kind can anyway. Different breeds of vampires have different ways of taking care of themselves. Craven grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

I bit down on his arm and blood poured. He howled in pain.

"You bitch." He hissed.

"Come closer and I'll finish you off." I told him. My voice and my actions were ten times meaner than my ones toward Matt. Craven jumped on me and bit my neck. I threw him off and bit down hard on his shoulder.

"You'll never win this." He growled.

Matt's p.o.v
Electra was going for a walk, so I followed her. Some guy came up, and began chasing her. They had to be running faster than the fast person I've ever saw. I did see where they went as they went into a cluster of branches. As I got closer I heard the sounds of a fight.

The guy howled in pain I looked in and saw something that was scary.

"You'll never win this." The man growled.

"Yeah you're right." She agreed. I was shocked. I looked. Bloody she turn away. He turned his back to her.

"I knew you'd never last through the fight and you'd give up." He told her laughing.

"I didn't give up damn ass, and I've won." She snarled. I saw her spin around and fangs grew from her mouth. She bit down hard on the man's neck and blood went everywhere. A few minutes later he stopped moving altogether. But what happened next, is the reason I went in. Satisfied with her work Electra turned, but then she went white and fell to the ground.

I rushed into the bushes. She wasn't human, but something was wrong.

"Electra!" I said shaking her. She was breathing but wasn't moving.

Electra's p.o.v
Some times after a fight like that, or when a vampire has been bitten then kills who bit it, we black out. Like I did.

As I came to, I felt someone near by. I opened my eyes and sprang up.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I growled.

"I saw everything." Matt told me. Shit.

"Usually when a human sees this we turn them, or kill them."

"Okay. So I guess I'm dead."

"What did you do?" I looked at the wounds of the fight.

"I saw you black out, and I came to make sure you were okay. Your band can't function with out you. They need you."

"I would have been fine."

"I won't tell anyone. I'll forget I saw anything, if you tell me why you left, and what you are."

"I'm a vampire. And if I don't tell you the reason I left, then you'll tell. Tell then." I tired to stand up. I couldn't. I was still too weak. Matt helped me up.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed. It hurt. And now I felt bad.

"You can't walk like this all the way back." He barked.

"I hate you. Since I can't walk back I guess you are going to help me all the way back huh?"

"Nope." He picked me up.

"Damn you." I cursed.

"When we get there I will help you walk." he was smirking, I knew it.

"Stop smirking. This is a one time only thing." I barked at him


It was happening again, same as before, I couldn't control it. I would have to be meaner now. Great, just great!