Thick and Thin


Electra's p.o.v
"So who barks out the most orders?" The guy from the magazine asks as all 11 of us sat around doing this interview.

"Electra to us." Brock answered.

"What about you guys?" He asked turning to Avenged Sevenfold.

"Me probably." Matt laughed.

"What is it like having a girl like Electra on the tour bus?" The guy named Dave asked.

"Interesting." Everyone in my band answered.

"Cool." Everyone in Avenged Sevenfold except for Matt answered.

"What do you think about it M. Shadows?" Dave pried.

"It's cool. Never a dull moment." He smirked looking at me.

"It gives them something to look at." I chipped in.

"All except for Brock." Newt added.

"Has there been any friction?" Dave questioned.

"Not at all." Everyone except Matt and I answered.

"Well that wraps it up." Dave said standing up. We watched him leave.

"Never a dull moment?" I turned to Matt.

"What did you want me to say?" He spat

"You're retarded." I growled.

"Ha." he was smirking. He sure knew how to get to me, that's for sure!

"Some times I just want to punch you." I snarled.

"Then punch me."

"You'd enjoy it too much."

"Electra why don't you back off a bit?" Came from Brock.

"Shut the f*** up Brock! I don't take orders from you!" I barked at him.

"Maybe if you would once in a while." He stood up to finish, but so did I.

"Shut up and sit your ass down!" I growled. He didn't.

"I'm just trying to give you some advise."

"The last advise you gave me caused a bunch of shit. No sit your ass down!" I barked. He sat down and looked scared. I sat down and glared at him.

"Wow. You've got a big bark for your size. Tell me is the bite worse?" Brian asked

"Way worse. You don't want to fight me." I answered.

"See, this is a cool girl!" Zacky chipped in. I laughed

"I'm going to go up to the room and change." I announced seeing that it was late in the evening and we were all going to the bar/club in the hotel soon.

Matt's p.o.v
I watched as Electra walked out of the coffee room towards the elevator.

"You're sister is scary!" Newt told Brock.

"I know." Brock responded.

"But she'd never lay a finger on any of us. Just you Brock." Sid pipped up.

"Matt?" I heard Jimmy's voice. The elevator door was closing, and my head was tilted to the side.

"What?" I asked being snapped back.

"What are you looking at?" Syn asked me as he looked.

"The sign of all the different coffees." I answered as a cover.

"Can I ask you something?" Brock asked.

"Yeah what?" I responded.

"How are you handling staying in a room with my sister?"

"Mean comments, and not talking."

"Sounds great. How do you do it?"

"What the mean comments or not talking?"

"Mean comments."

"They just flow out."

"How? She is like the one person you don't mess with."

"I'm not scared of her. She's not scared of me. So the mean comments just come."


"Why is she so mean to you?" Jimmy asked.

"I think it has something to do with this one time when I talked her into something. Not only that she says that none of us have the guts to be the leader of this band." Brock answered.

"She's always known how to take control over what ever is happening and make it work." Sid added. I was listening, but had no input. I was thinking about something.

"But she has always taken care of us, and her orders usually make things better." Newt added into the conversation.

"So what do you guys like to do?" Brian asked.

"When?" Allen responded.

"Never mind. That is a stupid question."

"Matt! Seriously you need medical attention!" I heard from Zacky who slapped me upside the head. It kind of hurt.

"No I don't. Ow." I rubbed my head.

"We should all go to the rooms before we head to the club." Johnny suggested.

When we got to the floor that the rooms were on I watched as they all hurried into their rooms. I knocked on the room that Electra and I were sharing. She opened the door.

"Forget your key?" She asked.

"No, I just didn't want to walk in and you not want me to."

"You don't have to be nice to me." I walked inside and she went back to the bathroom. She closed the door and I sat down on my bed. Several minutes later she appeared. My jaw dropped and in one moment I was taken completely aback.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Don't act like you've never saw a girl dressed like this. It pisses me off." She barked. I looked away. She was wearing a black skirt with a corset top that was black and white. I was amazed, that was as simple as I could put it.

Electra's p.o.v
"That looks so fun!" Brock, Newt, Sid, and Allen whined over the music in the club. They were watching Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny.

"Go. You asshole. Abandon me." I sighed.

"Sorry" they all stood up and hurried over to the rest of them.

"I hate it when they whine." I stated.

"Bugs you?" Matt asked in that smart ass tone.

"Yes, no don't you start." I spat.


"About last night, thank you. What you did was really nice."

"Wow did you just say thank you?"

"Yes, tell anyone and I'll kill you."

About an hour later all the rest of the guys came back to the table. A song that I like came on.

"Get up." I told Matt standing up. He looked confused. He stood up and and grabbed him.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I want to dance." I informed him. He followed me out on to the dance floor. We were dancing, very close to each other when he whispered something in my ear.

"You are so gorgeous." He told me.