Thick and Thin


Matt's p.o.v
It had ran through my mind a million times in two weeks, but never as much as it was right now. I knew I shouldn't, she'd probably kill me for saying it. But it was hard not to. I moved closer to her ear so I could whisper it.

"You are so gorgeous." I whispered. I waited, but she didn't do anything to hurt me. Maybe she hadn't heard what I had said. I waited a few more seconds, nothing. She must have not heard. Either that or she didn't care.

Electra's p.o.v
Four songs later and I was sweaty and tired.

"I'm done." I told Matt.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes you asshole, now come." I barked. He didn't fight and followed me back to the table.

"Did you have fun?" Brock asked standing up.

"Yes." I growled.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sit your ass down.' I gave him a death glare and he sat down.

"Well I think I'm going to go up and get some sleep." Newt announced standing up.

"Me too" Allen and Sid agreed.

"You should go with them Brock. You look tired." I told him

"What?" He asked.

"Go up stairs and to you and Sid's room damn it!" I barked. He stood up and left with them.

I stayed with the guys of Avenged Sevenfold, kind of arguing with Matt, for a while longer.

"I'm gonna go up and get some sleep since we leave tomorrow." I told them.

"Night." Everyone expect Matt responded

"Night" Was my reply.

Matt's p.o.v
"Go after her." Syn urged.

"You go. You're the one with the hots for her!" I told him. They all laughed.

"Yeah right. Man that's you."

"Last time I check it was you who said she was hot, not me."

"So? You are the one dancing with her."

"Who said I wanted to?"

"Come on Matt, we all now you. And as much as you'll say it's not true you like, maybe even love her."

"Now you are just being stupid."

"What ever you say man."

"I'm tired. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I stood up and they all looked at me and laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Syn responded.

"It's just you and Electra and sharing a room. Proves our point." Zacky informed me.

"We don't want to! How does that prove your point?"

"Every time we talk about her you change the subject. Now after talking to her you go up to room 356, where she is." Syn chipped in

"Man you can tell us." Jimmy told me.

"Tell you what?" I asked playing dumb

"How you feel about her." Johnny answered

"I don't like her. End of story. Goodnight guys." I turned and walked away. In the elevator I sighed. They were on to me damn it! They weren't supposed to know. Hell this wasn't have ever supposed to happen.

The elevator door opened and I stepped out. I walked to the door of the hotel room. I opened it and saw Electra looking out the window.

"You okay over there?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She snarled.

Electra's p.o.v
"Okay. Well I'm gonna get some sleep." Matt told me.

"Do what ever you want." I growled. I looked out the window. Several minutes later I looked over to see that Matt had gone to bed.

"Matt you can turn the light off." I told him

"How are you going to see?" He responded

"I'm a vampire remember? I can see in the dark dumbass."

The room went dark and I looked out the window. Two years ago Matt and I had met on New Years Eve. We hung out all night, and all morning. Then it happened. It was around 8 when I went through with it. I said some mean things to him, then left. I liked him a lot. Still do.

I walked over to his bed and sat down. He was alseep. Vampire instincs. I gently gluided my fingers through his short black hair as he slept. A tear slipped from my right eye and rolled down my cheek. It landed about half an inch from Matt's shoulder.

"Electra?" He asked rolling over. I jumped back and acted like nothing.

"I know what you were doing." He told me sitting up and turning the light on.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Electra, I know what you were doing. You don't have to hide it." He said.

"You don't understand." I went over to the window. I felt two arms around me from behind me. He was holding me.

"Try me." He whispered.

"I can't. I just can't."

"Yeah you can. Come on, tell me."

"I didn't want to leave like the way I did that morning."

"Then why did you?"

"He said that I couldn't stay with you. You were a human, I'm a vampire. He said you'd leave the minute you found out. At first I didn't believe him. I'm a half breed, my mom is human and my dad is vampire. But he made it sound so true. I didn't want to, but I didn't think there was any other way."

"I love you for you. Not because you are human or vampire. You are you, and that's what I love about you." I felt Matt kiss my shoulder.

"Who told you that?" Matt asked me several minutes later.

"Brock." I hadn't turned around. He let me go and I didn't move for several minutes. I turned around and he was still standing there.

I wrapped my arms around him and he held me close.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed into his shoulder, which was bare since he wasn't wearing a shirt may I add. He rubbed my back.

"I understand now." He responded. When I stopped crying and my eyes weren't red anymore I looked at him. I kissed him.

Matt's p.o.v
"Electra wake up." I told her as I sat on the side of her bed.

"No" She spat burying her face in her pillow.

"Get up." I gently shook her.

"Leave me alone." She snarled.

"We have to meet everyone for breakfast soon, then leave. Get your ass up." She rolled over and looked at me.

"Damn you." She cursed.

"Just get up." She sat up and threw the covers off. She grabbed clothes out of her bag and walked into the bathroom. She mumbled something that I'm sure was about me being an asshole. I heard her get in the shower.

I packed my stuff up. When I heard the shower but off I knew she would walk out of the bathroom in a matter of minutes. Sure enough, five minutes later she appeared. She walked up and I kissed her.

"Matt?" She asked as she packed her stuff up.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Can we keep this to our selves. At least for a few weeks?"


"Thank you."