Thick and Thin

Chapter Seven

Electra's p.o.v
"What the hell is going on?!" Brock snarled as we stood outside the bus.It had been one week now.

"Nothing is going on!" I yelled.

"Yes something is going on! You can't do this!"

"What's going on?" Matt asked.

"Nothing." I snarled.

"Uh." Brock complained.

"Just leave me the f*** alone!" He glared at me, then went inside the bus.

"What's going on?" Matt asked.

"He's on to us." I answered.

"How? We act like we hate each other around him!"

"I don't know."

"Come here."

"We shouldn't. He is probably watching."

"Why can't we just tell him?"

"Because he will go off about how we can't and I just can't handle that on tour. Not right now anyway."


"Show time!" Syn yelled.

Matt's p.o.v
After the show we all headed back to the bus. Electra went to her bunk.

"Matt can I talk to you outside?" Brock asked.

"Yeah" Outside he looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you messing around with my sister?"

"No. Why would you even think that?!"

"Come on!" Electra's voice cut in. We both looked over.

"We are going out." Brian added.

"Oh yeah we get tomorrow night off" I stated

"Yes we do. Now let's go." Jimmy pushed me forward.

When we got there we all went inside. Electra was smiling a lot today. Maybe that is how her brother had caught on.

We had been there for thirty minutes when Electra stood up and hit me on the arm.

"What?" I snapped.

"I want to dance you asshole!"

"Fine" As soon as we were out on the dance floor she pulled me closer.

"I'm sorry about that." She told me.

"Don't worry about it. We've got to cover so your brother doesn't figure it out. I under stand."

Electra's p.o.v
When we got back to the table Brock stood up. I was having freakin' Deja Vu.

"Sit your ass down and shut up the hell up!" I snarled. He sat down and I smirked. At least I was still in control.

"Electra?" Newt asked.

"Yeah Newt?" I responded

"Your brother thinks you and Matt have a thing for each other."

"Newt shut up!" Brock growled.

"No we don't." Matt and I laughed.

"Okay. See I told you that would never happen!" Newt looked at Brock as he said that.

"Shut up." Brock snarled.

"Leave him alone!" I growled at Brock.

"Thanks Electra." Newt told me.

"He has no right to do that."

"Electra I can't believe you." Brock snarled.

"Can't believe what?!" I responded

"I try and protect you and you treat me like this!"

"Protect me from what?!"

"Getting hurt!"

"Hurt by what?!"

"Him!" Brock pointed to Matt.

"What?! You are the reason I got hurt damn it!"

"What?!" Newt, Sid, Allen, Zacky, Jimmy, Brian, and Johnny asked.

"What do you mean I'm the reason!"

"You cause all the shit!"

"Bull crap."

"Brock I love your sister, I'm not going to hurt her!" Matt cut in.

"Brock I love him." I turned to walked away. But Matt came up and kissed me. After that I grabbed his hands and let him out of the club.