Thick and Thin

After shock

Matt's p.o.v
"I'm sorry for making you leave early last night." Electra told me the following more as we sat on my bunk.

"Don't worry about it. You're worth it."

"Aw thanks." We both laughed. Since last night's little episode Brock nor I had said anything to one another. It had been complete silence. I heard the guys in the lounge.

"I'm kind of glad he hasn't said anything to me." I confessed.

"I'm sorry for causing that."

"Don't be. Matt my brother is an asshole and he can't keep his nose out of my life. He is going to learn that he has to."

"Why does he not want anybody to know about you guys secret?"

"I don't know. I never cared until that night I met you and he talked me into doing what I did. Since then I've hated what I am."

"Do you still?"

"Not in a week."

"How can you be so sweet and so mean all at the same time?"


"Photo shoot guys!" We heard Zacky yell.

"When?" I responded.

"This afternoon."


"I'm gonna change then." Electra told me. She got off my bunk and went to hers. She unzipped her bag. Then spun around and looked at me.

"Without you watching." She added.

"Fine." I left the room.

Electra's p.o.v
After Matt left I changed my clothes then walked out into the lounge. I sat down by Matt. Brock glared at us angrily.

"Brock?" I asked breaking the 14 hour silence between us.

"What?" He responded.

"I don't care what you think, so just stick it up your ass. And while you are at it, stop glaring at Matt and I."

"What?!" He responded.

"Brock back off!" Allen told him.

"Yeah back of" Sid and Allen agreed.

"No!" Brock told them.

"Brock stop it." I growled.

That night after the show I went back to the bus while everyone else hung out. I wanted to be away from my brother right now.

"Hey." I heard Matt's voice say from behind me.

"Hey Matt." I responded.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You seem mad."

"Just at my brother."

"Okay good. I was hoping you weren't mad at me."

"Why would I mad at you?"

"I don't know."

"Sometimes you make no sense."

"I know."

"But it is nice to not have to worry about what you are going to say next."

Matt came over and kissed me. I smiled and looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."