Thick and Thin


Matt's p.o.v

"How long have you known her?" Brian asked as we stood outside of the bus a few weeks later.

"Why?" I responded.

"Because we all know that you have known her before this tour." Zacky added.

"We met two years ago on New Years eve at a that party. We ended up hanging out all night. We kissed a few times. Then around eight in the morning she said some really mean things and left." I sighed.

"Wow." Jimmy added on a joking tone.

"I saw that girl that year. That's not Electra." Brain added.

"She stopped dying her hair." I told him.

"Oh I see. So that's why it's not black with purple."


"Hey guys." I heard from Electra. I looked over and saw her.

"Oh wow." All of us guys said in amazment.

"What?" She asked.

"Your hair." Zacky answered.

"What about it? What do you guys think?" She quizzed. She had put purple in it again and it was also black once again.

"I like it." All of us answered.

"Thanks guys." She smiled.

"What did you do?" Brock blew walking out.

"I did my hair back to the way I like it." She snarled.

"We will see you guys later." Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny all stated walking away. Brock whispered something about when he finds out.

"He already knows!" Electra yelled.

"Awesome!" Newt yelled from the bus. His head came out the door.

"We get to stay at a hotel tonight!" He told us. We all said cool, then he went back in the bus. I watched through my sunglasses as Brock glared at me.

"Don't get envoled with her. You can't take care of her." Brock snarled walking up to me. He gave me a warning glare.

"Oh I can take care of her, and I intend to." I spat.

"You don't know anything about her."

"Wanna bet on that?"

"As a matter of fact yes I do!"

"Brock stop being an asshole and go inside the damn bus now!" Electra blew. He went inside and with out a word she walked away.

"I'll be back later." She called over her shoulder. I figured that she just needed to clear her head for a bit. She liked to be alone for that. So I watched as she walked away from the bus.

Electra's p.o.v

"Yes there are reservations for Avenged Sevenfold and Crimson Stars for your hotel tonight. I'm Electra Wolf, I'm the singer for Crimson Stars. I would just like to know if it is two people to a room?" I asked into my cell phone.

"Ah here it is. Yes ma'am, it is two people paired to a room." The lady answered. I had to ask now.

"May I ask who I'm paired up with?"

"Because of the last names you are paired with a Brock Wolf."

"Crap. Who is Matthew Sanders paired up with?"

"Newt Kiser."

"Okay, Brock is my brother. Newt is his best friend. It would really be better, and a lot less fighting for your other guests to have to listen to if Brock Wolf and Newt Kiser are in the same room."

"Who do you wish to be paired with?"

"Matthew Sanders."

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Can you please try. If there are any fees I will gladly pay them. You see my brother is over protective and well I can't take much more of it."

"I understand. I have a brother like that. Let me just change this real quick."

I smiled to myself. I heard the sound of a key board.

"Okay ma'am you and Matthew Sanders will be in room 248."

"Thank you so much. You have a nice day."

"Thank you. You too."

I closed my cell phone and placed it in my pocket. Victory was sweet. I looked around at what I could see of Las Vegas. I could tell that it would be a great show and that it would be a hell of a night. Since we had an interview the following morning we weren't leaving until the afternoon.

I went to the stage and looked around. A smirk came on my face as I thought of the fact that in about 2 hours this place would be filled with screaming fans.

"I thought I'd find you here. You've done something. But what? What has my sneaky little Electra been up to now?" Matt asked making me laugh.

"Well you will be staying in room 248 at the hotel tonight." I answered.

"What room are you staying in?"


"Why do I get the feeling that you made some changes?"

"Well I'm not going to be trapped in the same room as my brother."

Matt's p.o.v

I watched as Electra and her band lit up the stage as the crowd roared.

"Stop drooling." Zacky laughed.

"I'm not drooling." I quickly told him.

"Yes you are." Brian chipped in.

"They are right." Jimmy agreed.

"Shut up." My head tilted to the side.

"Snap out of it!" I heard all the guys say.

"What?" I asked coming back. They laughed.

"Now please welcome the extremely talented Avenged Sevenfold!" Electra scram into the mic. As we walked on stage she smiled at me. I quickly smiled back. We walked out onto the stage. The crowd went insane.

"How the f*** are we doing?!" I scram into the mic. More cheering. It was going to be a good night. In Vegas, awesome crowd. And on top of that Electra and I could talk about what ever we wanted without worrying about anyone.
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Sorry it took so long for an up-date guys, I promise to up-date more!