Status: Welcome to Heaven

A Little Piece of Heaven


Empty. That's how he felt as the doctors looked at him.

The room was silent. And cold. Matt didn't like it. He looked down at Alex, hoping this was some sort of joke that Alex was playing on him. His hand started to reach down to her, but he stopped himself. He didn't want to touch the reality. His eyes closed and he fell to his knees.

A nurse came to his side, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Mister Sanders, are-"

"You let her die." He grumbled under his breath.

"Pardon?" The nurse's eyebrows furrowed.

He looked up, shrugging the nurse's hand off. "Nothing. Just the love of my life has died in the hands of you and your surgical team." Matt stood himself up, exiting the surgery room.


Alex opened her eyes to a television placed in front of her. She watched was playing in front of her and realized she was watching Matt. She sat up slowly, reaching her hand out to the screen. Matt's eyes were red from crying. He was sitting in the delivery room waiting area. He looked up, shaking his head.

"Bring her back, man. I'll do anything. I just want her back."

Alex could hear his voice not only from the television but also around her.

"He really misses you, Alexandria."

Alex turned around to see a white-suited man. He had a white beard and a bald head. His eyes were a golden color, and he was tall. "God?" The man nodded.

"Indeed, and I have been watching you very closely." Alex swallowed hard, knowing she had a pile of sins on her plate. "I've noticed that you were once calling me to help you, and you still were during your pregnancy."

"Please, I just want to take care of my daughters and be with the love of my life."

"I know. It isn't your time."

"I'm supposed to be alive?"

"You are alive."

Alex looked confused, and then God and the white room faded. She was falling back into her world, her life, and her body. She opened her eyes, coughing. Her heart monitor going at a normal rate. A nurse in the room looked at her.

"Miss Gomez?" Alex nodded. The nurse smiled, running out of the room and into the hallway. Alex was left in the room for a few moments until the surgical team came pouncing into the room. One of the nurses left the room and the rest of the team began scrubbing down and putting on latex gloves. Alex felt tugging on her lower torso shortly and she heard the familiar sound of Matt coming down the hall. He walked into the room in his scrubs and saw Alex breathing. She looked at him, tears in his eyes.

"Alex," he whispered, kissing her lips gently as he cried into her neck. "I love you."

"I love you, too."