Status: Welcome to Heaven

A Little Piece of Heaven


His eyes fluttered open as the rain poured outside of the bedroom window. The space next to him was empty. He sat up, searching the room for her or any sign of where she might be. "Alex?" His lips frowned at the silence. He threw the covers from his body, stepping onto the floor and trudging through the room to the living room. "Alex?" She was no where in the apartment. He scanned the kitchen, noticing a yellow sticky note next to a plate of pancakes.

"Be back at noon. Went to the baby doctor with Vivi. I love you!" Alex's name was signed in perfect cursive at the bottom of the note. There was P.S., telling Matt the pancakes were blueberry, his favorite, and that he could enjoy them to the game before she returned home. He smiled, kissing the sticky note where her name was written and pouring blueberry syrup over the pancakes.

"Thanks, baby," he said as he lifted a forkful of pancake to his mouth and groaned at the taste. How the hell does she makes these so amazing? Alex had always been a great cook, but her pancakes had never tasted this good before. He took the plate with him to his chair and grabbed the remote from the in table, pressing the power button and settling in as the television came on. He went to the recordings list, selecting the Metts versus Braves game and eating the pancakes. He couldn't focus on the game, though. He was too busy focusing on the future. In six months he would be saying "I do" to the love of his life. In nine months he would a father. He couldn't imagine his life starting any other way. His life was finally beginning to become what he had always imagined, and it was all because of Alex.

"Hey, babe."

His thoughts broke as he looked up at Alex. She smiled at him, looking down at the plate in his lap. "Hi," he said sheepishly, feeling his cheeks grow warm. Am I blushing?

"I'm assuming those are good?" He nodded, reverting his attention to the game. "Good," Alex said from the kitchen as she opened the refrigerator. She pulled out a pitcher of raspberry lemonade and fixed herself a glass of the beverage. She left the pitcher on the island as she sorted through the envelopes in her hands.

"How was the doctor?"

Alex stopped what she was doing, trying to suppress her blushing. She looked up at Matt as he stood up with the empty plate. She eyed him as he walked into the kitchen and set the dish in the dishwasher. "You might want to sit down," she said with her grin of wonders, or that's what Matt called it.

"Why?" Worry feel through Matt's body. "Is something wrong?"

Alex shook her head. "No, everything is perfect. But you still need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you."

Matt nodded, making his way back to his chair and pausing the game. Alex sat in his lap wrapping her legs around him and taking his hands in her own. She smiled as she placed two kisses on each hand. "What do you have to tell me?"

Alex smiled, excitement filling her eyes as she at Matt. "We're having twins!"

"Twins..." The word came out as a question to Matt. There wasn't just one baby in her, but two. Two babies. Two of everything. Double the costs, double the cribs, double the diaper duties, double everything.

"Twins!" Alex shrieked with excitement, but Matt was worried. He had figured out how they'd be able to afford one baby, but two? He looked down between his legs at his penis. You gotta calm down, buddy, he thought to himself as Alex's soft hands found themselves on either side of his face.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Matt nodded, taking in her beauty all over again. "Are you sure?" He nodded once more. He took Alex's face into his hands and crashed his lips onto hers before she could question him again. She submitted to the kiss, resting herself against his body. The way she was sitting on him gave him the perfect angle to grind his growing erection against her sex. She moaned against his lips, and pulled away. Matt frowned and so did his penis.

"As much as I would enjoy an afternoon of hot sex with you, we are having lunch with my sister and her husband, and then dinner with our parents tonight." Alex gave him another kiss. Matt groaned.

"Is that really tonight?"

"Yes, honey. Why do you think I have today circled in three different colors on the calendar?"

Matt tried to remember seeing the date circled, but honestly, he never paid attention to it. He figured she would remind him, or he'd look when he needed to. He knew tonight was soon, but not this soon. "Okay, okay. We won't have hot afternoon sex in the new sheets we bought." Matt frowned as Alex got off of him and walked into the bedroom. He watched her, paying close attention to that bottom of hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry this is late! And, I am sorry, not sorry about this cliffhanger!