Status: will not come everyday

My Tortured Life

The Innocent Baby

The hospital was busy as always but unlike everyday of this small town hospital the paparazzi have been trying to get into the hospital or news on what is going on. I, Dante Rizzo, a famous director and producer and my wife, Hyun Jung, an actress and model are expecting quadruplets and things are going downhill for my wife and children fast that they have to deliver at 30 weeks to try and save everyone. Today is October 26, 4988, and I am with my wife, as they get ready for an emergency C-section. The quadruplets are to be named Sara Jae Hwa, Sofia Chung Cha, Stefano Myung Ki, and Susanna Young Mi. We have a blended family with my Mario, Dante, and her 3 triplets: Josephina Mi Cha, Jason in Su, and Justin Myung Dae Jenkins, and our 2 year old triplets: Rachele Ae Sook, Raimondo Suk Chul, and Riccardo Kyu Bong.

The doctor takes my wife back before I’m allowed back since she has to prep her for the birth. One after one the quadruplets are born Sara an Steve of which at least attempt to cry and do but when Susanna cry there is no sound and things becomes a blur afterwards and I get removed from the operating room to where I have to go into the waiting room where our families are.

“Dad, what’s going on?” asks Mario.

“Sara, Sofia, Stefano, and Susanna were born,” I reply. “But then things became hectic that I couldn’t get pictures of any of them so right now I don’t know what fully is going on or if any of them are ok.”

“Is everything alright?”

“All what I know as of right now, Susanna didn’t even attempt to breath because they said the drug at this age will help and will breath when they will be born early. That is all what I saw and know at this point but I think something happened with mom.”

The next 10 minutes are the longest of my life with no idea what's going on and if all of them are alive. Two doctors come in and want to see me alone so I'm shown to one of the smaller private waiting rooms that aren’t being in use right now. The air in here is rather tense and I'm bracing myself that all of them have died. I know 1 if not 2 died tonight or on will have some problems growing up.

“Are they alright?” I ask. “Are the newborns and my wife alive?”

“Well there is good news and bad news. Do you have a preference in what you want to hear 1st?” replies one of the doctors.

“The good news”

“Your children are alive and fine the last female that was born we did get to breathe and respond. All of them do require some amount of oxygen but she does have a higher amount and she was in a greater amount of stress despite her length but her weight says more. Obviously this child was the one in the ribs,” informs the one closest to me.

“Unfortunately we couldn't save Hyun Jung she was refusing any treatment and wanted us to focus on the children. She ultimately bled to death which could have easily been preventable but she didn't want any treatment. That was the only complication nothing else. We are sorry for your and your family's loss.”

“Can I see my wife's body so I can say goodbye? Then I want to see the new born.”

“We can do that.”

They show me my wife in the morgue to say my goodbye to her before going to see Sara, Steve, and Sue. They all are very long for their gestation and everyone but Sue is at a length and gestational weight. Susanna on the other hand is skinny and doesn't look healthy for a baby. I do see their chips out to put in the right arms soon.

These chips were introduced sometime in 3000 AD right after the demonic attack on earth killing a lot of humans and decimated the population. Angels had to step in order to save earth because all of it would have been destroyed not only humans that were fighting making us go 1st. When peace was restored the angels brought these chips and restored what peace there can be. There still are demonic attacks to this day and still wars between countries to some degree. Demonic attacks are more prevalent now than wars between countries.

These chips I should point out does everything from monitoring health conditions to communication to a mini computer with holographic screen or access through a computer screen after scanning it to everything you can possibly think of. As parents we control our children's chip until 18 years old and employer can only access on work times to make sure employees are doing what they should be doing. As a director and producer and the owner/CEO/President of Rizzo Entertainment I use this aspect a lot but I do keep basics incase emergencies come up.

The doctor comes up to me.

“She’s a fighter,” he state. “The reason she wasn’t breathing or responding because of a very low heart beat rate that any longer she might have died. We had to simulate before it began to beat at a normal rate and she will be out here later than her siblings most likely.”

“Is she still in the woods?” I ask.

“We’ll know by tonight if it isn’t constant then we will have to figure something out and may prepare for her not making but if it remains constant she will make it but will just need an extra week or so here. But this doesn’t mean she won’t have health problems. The other two should have very little problems in life as they get older and most when they were young, she will most likely have long lasting effect be it with her heart problems, development issues in all areas, or other areas but we won’t know until she is older.”

“I understand, but this doesn’t affect if she could be lactose intolerant? It runs my wife’s side and she was lactose intolerant and while not prevalent now but my grandfather was lactose intolerant as well.”

“Not breathing and low heart rate but prematurity might at least for a while but genetics will play a key role in that. But it also gives us to look out for that as well with your children if that is to crop up later. What will pop up would be problems with her heart or head with her not breathing and low heart rate.”

“Got it”

“Do you have names for them?”

“Yes, she is Susanna Young Mi, the boy is Stefano Myung Ki, and the other girls are Sara Jae Hwa, and Sofia Chung Cha. We discussed it and fell in love with those names. I should really tell our other children about what happened.”

“Of course, they deserve to know as well.”

I head to the waiting room where everyone is at and I have a plan to tell them according to age so I can tell them in words they will understand. The eldest by 13 years (Mario) will be told first then the 8 year old step-triplets that I tried to adopt but their father didn’t want to follow by the 2 year old triplets. They are allowing me the closest waiting room to tell them in person and do how I want so I take Mario back first. Most likely he knows something is up from what I told him.

“What’s going on?” he asks. “You didn’t have much info before.”

“Mom died, she was refusing treatment and bleed to death because she thought they should be focused on the quadruplets. As for the quadruplets they are doing alright all have to be on oxygen for a while and it will be awhile before they come home,” I reply.

“They won’t be affected by being born early?”

“It will have some effect but from what I was told Sara, Sofia and Stefano will have minimal as they age compared to Susanna. Susanna wasn’t breathing and almost dead if she wasn’t born now. They think she will have the most potential for some lifelong medical condition but that is in the future so nothing is set in stone right now that they will or won’t have problems. But right now we are still waiting to see if Susanna remains stable for the rest of the day otherwise a decision may have to be made with her.”

“What will happen with Jason, Justin, and Josephina?”

“Well first off I’m hoping their father is here to tell all four of them at once but so far he hasn’t come but they will most likely go with him. I will tell him by phone if I have to if he isn’t hear after everyone is told that is here and that is only the siblings since you were watching them.”

“Ok, but mom had no other complications giving birth? I know this pregnancy was very hard on her.”

“No, surprisingly none”

“How did my biological mother die? I know she is dead from what you told me but you never said why.”

“I think you can handle this now. I didn’t realize she was depressed and I saw no signs of her being depressed or suicidal or any of our families in fact we were engaged to be married so she hid it very well. When you were 10 days old, she committed suicide with a note saying she couldn’t handle it anymore and that she thought if she hid she would get over her feelings of depression and suicide instead of getting help. I have the letter she wrote and a letter she wrote to you and I can give you them when we get home.”

“If you don’t mind”

“I’ll get them when we get back.”

At that I go back and I still don’t see Hyun Jung’s ex-boyfriend, Draco, so I take Justin, Josephina, and Jason back and I’m preparing for them to accuse a child over this. Being cambions and young cambions being raised by their human mother can be detrimental to everyone involved. I just hope they aren’t bad as other cambions that I have seen and they have cemented that beforehand but this is different.

“Where’s mom?” demands Josephina. “Aren’t we going to see her?”

“Mom is dead and wanted the doctors to focus on the children which are the reason why you cannot see her until things have been cleared. I will talk to your father what is to happen as soon as you children know,” I state ignoring the harsh tone in Josephina’s voice.

“So the one in her ribs finally killed our mother?” retorts Justin. “We will get revenge on Susanna for taking away our mother no matter what happens.”

“They are kidding, we won’t hurt our sister but we would rather stay with you to help you punish our sister when she is being bad. That should be enough for her,” soothes Jason.

“You aren’t to hurt your sister,” I weakly state trying not to give into them which they have gotten their whole lives up to this point.

“Well that sister is an angel, our enemy, including the boy!” yells Josephina.

“We are don here; I am going to tell your younger siblings!” I command.

I get them back before getting the younger triplets who I really don’t think really will understand everything that I tell them. Or even get it. They deserve to know, I will have to ask all their questions that they have, and hopefully they understand that mamma isn’t coming back with us and the quadruplets need more time in the hospital.

“Mamma?” asks Riccardo.

“Mamma’s in heaven, she went to our heavenly father,” I reply. “She will not be coming home and is looking down on you guys as you grow.”

“Why?” adds Rachele.

“Because the Lord said it was her time and wanted her in heaven with him because he wanted to relieve her of her sickness. You know what she wanted you three to be the best big brothers and big sisters to your younger sisters and brother. And that means getting ready for them to come home and listening to me when I ask you guys something.”

“When coming home?” inputs Raimondo.

“We will count down the weeks until they come home but it won’t be anytime soon since they need medical care and probably won’t be until their due date. They are sick and the sickness cannot be taken care of at our home so they need to be here until they get better before they come home.”

“Why are sick?” inquires Rich.

“Well you know how mamma was sick throughout this pregnancy?”


“Well the sickness made your younger sisters and brother sick by making them come early when they should have stayed in mother for a much longer time. Also there were three of them and if there is more than one and sometimes two, sometimes coming early cannot be stopped. You three came early but only stayed in the hospital for a week these three will not be so lucky.”


“Yes, they are sicker than you three were when you guys were born.”

They just nod their head and want to go back which is understandable but I don’t take them back until I can get Draco on the phone to see what was the plan in case of Hyun Jung’s death. Ringing at least 5 times before he even picks up and I don’t want to be on his bad side right now.

“What?” he greets. “Can’t this wait? I have important business to do, Mr. Rizzo.”

“I was calling about your children with Hyun Jung and I figured you would like the news before it is released to the public. Hyun Jung had her C-section today and she didn’t make it she bled to death because she wanted the doctors to focus on the quadruplets that were just born. Seeing how I have not adopted your children since you didn’t want me to the courts will most likely give them back to you unless you say otherwise,” I reply.

“I see, thanks for informing me and I will pick them up tomorrow.”

He hangs up quickly and I take all of them back to see the newborns hoping the cambions will not cause much trouble and Rich, Ray, and Rachele will not have a meltdown. Showing them where Sara, Sofia, Steve, and Sue is in the NICU but Jason decide that it was a good idea to pinch Susanna’s oxygen tube making her cry out and warning bells go off. Jason is rushed out by the staff and I make everyone leave even if it is early in the morning. Draco thankfully has shown up and takes Jason, Justin, and Josephina with him which is surprising but unless something happens in the courts then he has full custody of them. I know he passed the test and is a demon. Other than that I have no clue about him in person, when I’ve seen him for a demon he seems nice but we don’t talk a lot Hyun Jung dealt with him a lot.

At the house I get things into my PR team so they can form a public statement about the death and the arrival of the quadruplets. Not that, they don’t know but I want some of the words in the release my own so it isn’t all lawyers or my representative talking, this is affecting me and my family so I have to give a statement from me. Not taking me long to write it, proof it over, and send it off but that means I go the birth board that Hyun Jung is on for this pregnancy but most have given birth and the premature parenting group. When you are 1st pregnant both the mother is automatically signed and most times the father as long as the father is known if it is unknown until DNA can prove whom the father they will not be on it is. My screen name is RE_D.A.Rizzo which is the Rizzo Entertainment logo (RE), first and middle initials and my last name. Hyun Jung’s was Korean.Countess.

Trigger! Important Update on Korean.Countess (Private-Online Friends Only)
This is Korean.Countess’s husband RE_D.A.Rizzo and by tomorrow Rizzo Entertainment and her representative will circulate around our site and reputable news sites about what has happened; therefore this thread has been locked for only members and her friends on this board to see for a while.

As you know her pregnancy has been rather rough on Korean.Countess and we had an emergency C-section today at 30 weeks making this birth earlier than our 2 year old triplets and her 8 year old triplets which both were born at 36 weeks. Three of the 4 newborn quadruplets were both healthy considering how early they were born and distress on them but still require some oxygen and a stay in the NICU and at a good weight for gestation and length. The other triplet, which was stuck in her ribs due to no space, is alive but requires more oxygen and is waiting to really green light her for health. She was not breathing for around 10 minutes despite the shot to mature their lungs and help them breathe if born early and is very underweight for her length and gestation. She might not have made it if she stayed in there for a couple more days considering she was very unresponsive towards the end and being born. She was the one that made the ultimate decision for the emergency C-section now.

As for my wife, I’m sorry to say this to you but she did not make it. She was more worried on the quadruplets being born this early and probably the one’s response that she refused any medical interventions that would have saved her life. If you are wondering how she died, after the surgery she hemorrhaged to death and I’m going to take it the hemorrhaging was severe.

Please pray for my family and when I can I will update

The good thing is that I can set this for up to 24 hours until it posts which I only set it for 3 knowing I can call everyone that is close to us and tell them the news. In fact that is my next thing that I do at home was call everyone that is family and very close friends of ours. They offered condolences and if the family needed anything to let them know. The only ones I couldn’t get a hold of was Michelangelo (Michael) and Adah who are very close family friends so I thought that was weird but they could be out somewhere. Being that I couldn’t get a hold of them I head back thinking they may be there since they are angels and they have strong intuitions on things especially on death and early arrivals with children. Once at the NICU I do see them and they are near Susanna for a reason so I hope this is good.

“Michael, Adah,” I greet. “It’s a pleasure to see you. Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you when you came but I had to take my children home so they can get rest themselves. And I can contact family and close friends while updating the online friends which will happen in less than an hour since that took around 2 hours. I just couldn’t get a hold of you on what happened.”

“It’s fine,” assures Adah.

“Besides,” inputs Michael. “We saw her spirit when she came to heaven since Adah was on spirit duty so we know what happened. It’s a shame that she had to die and we are sorry for her death it affects humans a lot when a loved one has died especially in child birth.”

“It was her time, so you know she bleed to death?” I question.

“Yes and really there wasn’t much the doctors could do to stop it because how fast she was hemorrhaging and even if they could she would have bleed internally as well causing her to die. We are glad the quadruplets are healthy for being 30 weeks gestation at birth. Don’t worry about the one that is sick from this but worry about what her future might hold for her. Your youngest daughter and son have angels in them making them a host to an angel and their last host. Your youngest daughter if what Uriel has seen comes true she will have more damage from abuse that will affect her more than what prematurity and the distress. What I can tell you right now is keep your step-children away from the youngest since they are cambions and they know about her and her brother being a host but they will go after their youngest sister to abuse in any way they can. Also I would get a new nanny she will snap with so many children to take care of.”

“I figured to keep them away they already shut off her oxygen supply but I didn’t know the nanny since we haven’t had much time to look at help for her. She’s Susanna, the boy is Stefano, and the other girls are Sara and Sofia. But you said she and Stefano are hosts to angels, do you know angelic names and angelic members?”

“First off Susanna holds are daughter Sousanna which is another reason we are here since our daughter was kidnapped by Lucifer when he rebelled in the Upper Paleolithic almost 52 millennia ago and for a while it seems her life needs to mimic life in hell for a while. Your boy Stefano holds Stephanos, a band member and friend, whose parents are Kelebek and Alvinius. He chose to go with Leonides, Sousanna’s fiancé, to search for her. Leonides should come soon and his parents are Esmeralda and Eadweard but we can’t be sure when he will get a new host other than it happening with in a year of this birth.”

“What makes you think they are the last host?”

“Uriel seeing a vision and the vibrating of Sousanna’s cottage that has all of her items and Strephano’s violin which is a very good sign that they are the last host and we are just waiting for Leonides’s weapon to vibrate. Just so you know, Sousanna was a very rare angel, there can only be 1 in heaven at a time, and she had a voice that could tame a wild beast and therefore was in the lord’s choir and had records and went on tours in heaven. Not only that but she has bachelors in composing and music theory and a masters in music production along with her high school diploma so she will not need to go to school when the mind meld happens which shouldn’t be too much longer. We at least know Stephanos had a high school degree and bachelors in music theory. He was Sousanna’s violinist in her band while she was lead and main vocals even if she can play a lot of instruments including piano and guitar.”

“Will the last host look similar to the angel she has in her?”

“Most of the times no and it is just usually a coincidence unless the angel has to prolong the child’s life for some reason. But sometimes the host will get the hair and color of the angel she has in her but that’s about it. The names being similar are another coincidence but then again when you guys were pregnant didn’t know they had hosts in them.”

“When am I to expect Kelebek and Alvinius?”

“I don’t know probably within a few days.”

♪♫Sousanna’s POV♫♪

I’m hearing people talk around my host and I can make out the human father and my angelic parents talking but earlier in the day if I had an older body I would shiver. I felt what I thought is cambions and if they are in the family the baby might be in danger because of me and they have confirmed that. I remember that day like it was the back of my hand and if I have to repeat it to a degree then I’m hoping it gets skipped over.

♪♫Somewhere between 10,000 and 50,000 BC♫♪

I’m planning my wedding to the second in command of the Lords Army, Leonides, and it is nearly done that we just need to get linens and place settings since it has been pushed back due to stress or a very rare cold. The date is tentatively set for when the war end between God and Lucifer so I have been doing all the prep work by myself with our families and only going on what we talked on before for his likes. Zephyrinus, Z or Zeph, comes in to my cottage’s kitchen, as I’m making sure my purse has what I need.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” asks Z. “You are leaving your only safety and you know they are discussing the treaty so the war is nearly over and you will be in hot water when they are expelled to hell. You know Lucifer wants you and will try to capture you because of your voice and is obsessed with making you his wife.”

“I understand that, Z, but his followers will find away to get into the cottage even with the protection on it so it’s not like I’m safer here than outside it is just they will be more delayed in the cottage. Besides most of the residents in the town will be looking out after me as well so it isn’t just you. So yes I am sure I want to does this beside we had to cancel this either because of stress, or I was sick and I don’t believe I have a good excuse now to cancel and pretend I’m scared,” I point out.

“So there isn’t much I can convince you to stay here?”

“No, besides I’ve been cooped up in this house for a month since all but this was done because of the war and it reaching its climax. I’m going stair crazy so I would rather risk it this time when there will be lookouts and no battles going on. How much safer outside could it get right now that people will allow me out? If you don’t want to come with me then I will go alone.”

“I don’t know when Lucifer is gone? But is something the matter? You don’t demand things like this.”

“I’ve been hearing the protective barrier starting to crack with my super hearing even for an angel. How much longer will last and if they attack here, I do not want to be in the house. I know the protective barrier will last a very long time but the demons have been attacking it either when I wasn’t here or it is a faulty barrier. Lookouts will be better than trying to rely on the barrier.”

“Then we need to go out of here if that is what is happening but we have no time to tell them and are that the reason you have been trying to contact your father or Leo?”

“Yes, I want them to know about it even if they cannot get it reinforced which seems to have happened. Now can we go?”


We leave the cabin finally and we get to a small boutique that I always use for parties and get together so it wouldn’t different for my wedding. A female clerk notices us coming and she seems rather new.

“May I help you?” she greets.

“Yes, I’m Sousanna,” I reply. “I have a meeting to look at table clothes and place settings for my wedding reception.”

“Ah yes, my boss put you down for today around noon. We have the set up and linens this way if you follow me, Miss Sousanna.”

She gets up and shows me the area that has a table set up and table cloths hanging up. The table clothes are what I had in mind being simple and a light color but the place settings along with center pieces seems to be what I wanted for a previous party so I don’t know if they mixed orders up.

“The table clothes are lovely,” I start. “But I can’t help but notice the place settings and center pieces are choices from my most recent party at my house. Is there any way that orders kind of mixed up for the settings and not the linens because of how often I do business with you guys? Because I thought I said I wanted to be simple and elegant not extravagant and over the top.”

“I’ll get the manager to look into this, because I just started working today,” she replies leaving.
Soon enough the manager comes and takes one look at the set up.

“I’m sorry about this, Sousanna, my worker yesterday set this up and I didn’t make sure this is what was ordered. I will get on it and it shouldn’t take long since it seems she got the table clothes right.”

“It’s fine, but I was thinking this pastel lavender color for the table clothes since I have a lot of blue purple flowers and both of them are my wedding colors. It is a good way to incorporate them.”

“Got it we will change out the settings and I will put this table cloth as the one you want. Please fill free to look around here or other stores as you wait and I am sorry for this inconvenience. This doesn’t happen and obviously the person didn’t read it right and made us looked horrible.”

“It’s fine, really, how much I give you guys business with business parties and what not the mistake was bound to happen but I would love what I asked for.”

At that I just look around the store since I really don’t want to leave it until things are settled and that they have interesting stuff here that you really don’t want to leave. I have gotten things for my house here not just for my parties that they rent out and decorate for you. The store is mainly a party store but does have some home good items that are on sale as well besides the party items. The home good are what they use in formal parties like weddings so it makes sense that they would have them. For me, normally for formal parties I rent because I do not have good quality china since I’m still trying to find a set I like and can go with any occasion plus the wedding coming up. I do have everyday table settings just not fine china that doesn’t consist of paper plates for barbeque. The manager finds me after ten minutes, everything is what I want for the reception since it is to be in the field, and I would rather let nature be the focus than competing with it.

“Sousanna, we have everything ready for you and once again I’m sorry for the mix up,” the manager states

“Thank you,” I reply. “But don’t kick yourself over this since it wasn’t your fault and probably was bound to happen one time or another. So this has no affect if I’m going to look elsewhere for my parties since you still do great work and this was just a fluke that I thought would happen a lot earlier than this.”

“I’m glad you are gracious about this.”

We get back over to the table, I look over the place settings and center pieces which thankfully right now is what I wanted, and I see she used the table cloth I want as the cloth on the table so I can see how everything will look with it. I end up picking a low violet center piece that is the exact same color of the flowers in my yard, a nearly all plain white dish set with a small floral boarder of a blue or purple alternating dishes, and just plain silverware and glasses. I do tell them that they can go ahead and use the flowers in my yard if they so desire when making the floral pieces and that I will call with the final date but it should be soon. This is the last thing I have to do and it does feel like a weight off my shoulders so all what I have to do is call everyone and tell them the date and time that I need this by. All what they know is that it will be soon after the war is over. I just hope Leonides likes my choices.

I pay them before leaving the store, Zeph nor I knowing what is to about to happen next and that the peace negotiations ended and they tried to attack my house only to find me gone. As soon as we are out of the store 10 rebels now demons/fallen angels attack us. They chain my arms, legs, and wings together before I’m dragged downwards almost as soon as the ground opened to suck the rebels to hell.

♪♫Narrator’s POV♫♪

“Help me!” yells Sousanna after being dragged to hell by the newly formed demons leaving Zeph to clutch his cut and watching helplessly as Sousanna is dragged.

Sparing no time Z gets on his feet and rushes to the castle hoping to catch them in time. The Lord and the majority of the army is still there including Leonides, Michelangelo, and his presence cause a stir why he would be here. Michael comes up to him before Zeph belts out.

“Sousanna has been taken by Lucifer followers,” he starts. “I tried to stop them but it still happened.”

“It’s ok, we’ll find her, just calm down and hopefully they loosened her grip on her and she is just on Earth right now so we can get her back soon,” soothes Michael.

“I shouldn’t have let her out of the house but she insisted and was afraid the barrier was faulty because she was hearing cracks but tried to contact you guys but I’m guessing got no reply. She thought she would be safer with watchers around than in the house.”

“Because the barrier was faulty, we aren’t denying that. The barrier was done hastily making it more susceptible to a faulty design and to attacks and we know the rebels have been attacking it causing it to go faster. She did the smart thing by getting out of there and slowing them down so we can form this party now to find her. Unfortunately we couldn’t right back to her or to have it reinforced because the battles were one right after another making it very hard. But you need to go checked out by the healers to make sure you are all right and the Lord will make the decisions now. Thank you for telling us.”

Zeph is escorted to see the healers while The Lord, Jehovah, sighs knowing that this search has to go on and go on now.

“Michelangelo, take the army with you and do a search party on Earth,” he orders. “Leonides, for this 1st part you will not go down to Earth to help but are to find more angels willing to help in the search party. We need to find her and now. All of us have seen what Lucifer can do and will do to her and anyone who they want or get in his way. She is the rarest angel with the voice to tame a wild beast and every male want her but he has taken it for her on a whole new level.”

“Yes my lord,” the room rings and each goes their separate ways.

There is a purpose why Leonides cannot got and search right now and it is to calm him when he finds Sousanna to find who hurt her and go on a rampage that could cost him his life even if it was him trying to protect his fiancée. While this has never happened with an angel before, something of this magnitude has never happened before. So this is a safety precaution for everyone involved. Leonides for a week finds people on the streets including angels in the choir and her backup band before he is allowed to join the search. Even if he is seething with anger at Lucifer and the demons but he wants Sousanna safe right now and not hurt. The massive search goes on for a month on earth encompassing all of the contents, islands, oceans, and seas before it is called off. Most have given up hope that Sousanna is even alive any more but a remaining few. Now another decision has to be made.

“My Lord,” states Leonides. “Let me search for Sousanna no matter how long it will take and I will follow the rules on Earth for an extended amount of time but I cannot just stop looking for my fiancée. She is alive and I know Lucifer wouldn’t have killed her yet. He would be too interested in having children with her to even consider that at this moment. The only time he will ever consider that is when he is done having his way with her.”

“If you are allowing him, then let me go with so this oaf doesn’t screw things up. Sousanna was better off without him in her life even if they imprinted on each other at a very young age but he is very unaware what she wants or needs and should have been with her throughout this whole war with her being so vulnerable so this wouldn’t have happened,” replies Stephanos. “Leonides, your wish is granted,” answers Jehovah. “As for you, Stephanos, he had to participate in battle being the second in command so there was no choice and he knows what she wants better than you. You can only go if you say you are sorry to Leonides and take his orders on Earth until you two need to find hosts and when you guys reunite getting ready for the return to heaven.”

“Leonides, My Lord, I'm sorry and I'm more than willing to go on this mission,” forces out Stephanos.

“You two are to leave within an hour before I expect you two on earth. Also Stephanos, you are not to evoke the transformation in the last hosts for Sousanna Leonides is to do that.”

“Yes, My Lord,” two of them reply at once.

Leaving within the time frame, they start the very long process of finding Sousanna and making sure things are in place for their return not matter how many years passes. After a while they have to go into hosts and finally Stephanos is residing in Stefano Rizzo and Leonides is in Leonardo Di Mercurio.

♪♫Sousanna’s POV♫♪

After being dragged to hell I’m thrown on a scalding hot floor causing me to scream out in pain, as I’m being stripped and chained to the floor so my back gets all of the heat. Lucifer is in a corner smirking with another male demon and 2 female demons beside him. This isn’t good. Once I am chained to the ground Lucifer comes up to me and pushes my jaw with his foot as most of the demons leave except for the three.

“You are finally mine,” he sneers. “Don’t worry, you will be kept alive but you will never to go back to Leonides. I will kill you before that. These demons are to help me with you; your chain master is Attor and his helpers Seraphina and Pandora. Attor and I can only touch you sexually so be grateful for that. But you will stay in this room for a very long time.”

The two girls leave before being raped by Lucifer and molested by Attor. That night I stop my ovulation to protect me from getting pregnant with Lucifer’s children. I know that is what he is after but there is no way I’m letting him have what he wants. Any children I have I want to have with my fiancé, Leonides. His face is in my mind to try and distract me from the scorching hot floor on my back. Wondering if people are searching for me or are thinking I’m dead which I’m not.

The next 30 human years or 3 angelic years (1 angelic years=10 human years) are a pain in the ass. Being raped and molested every day is not something I want to do nor would thought have happened in heaven. Lucifer comes in enraged for some reason or another before starting to punch me and forcing me on the floor is a normal even as well including chaining me back down on the floor.

“You little bitch!” he screams. “You stopped your ovulation haven’t you, slut?”

“So what if I stopped my ovulation? I'm not having your child so if I can prevent myself from getting pregnant I will. It's bad enough that you are raping me every day for these 3 years for 3650 days! There is no way I want your child!” I yell at him.

“You will have my children! So it matters if you stop ovulating, bitch! Start back up your ovulation and we will have children and you have no choice. If I find out you didn’t do as I said or stopped our ovulation again you will be on the brink of death the next time. Understand? Not that I wouldn’t hurt you good now!”

I just nod my head waiting for the beating which comes and it hurts a lot and goes on for an hour before he rapes me again. This is getting ridiculous. After he leaves I do start ovulation back up since I couldn’t start it during this beating and raping session. I’m just hoping there is an off chance I don’t ever get pregnant while I’m ovulating even if it is just wishful thinking. Never will that happen in a million years and most likely before I truly do go I would have a few children. Angels are only immortal to a certain point where the defense is weakened so much by another angel and now demon that they will die either immediately or slowly. Hell even angels themselves can lower their defense mechanisms.

Defense mechanisms mean our hard skin and a high resilience which is like a 1000x’s than normal humans. We heal fast and due to the harden skin most none celestial beings can’t even rip us though it only acts when needed. Most of the time it is soft and pliable and will still fill that way if they are trying to hurt you. I do not know the full mechanisms to make it hard other than it acts up when you think you are in danger or in war. In fact, I have the hardest skin and resilience known in any living angel and yet I’m not a warrior but rather inherited my dad’s hard skin from being the 1st in command and the only defense for my type is the skin. So yes I have my dad’s resilience and armor like skin when needed. As for my type of angel, I am what am known as a choir angel so I sing and make music but I’m more than that. I have a voice that can tame a wild animal, there can only be 1 angel alive in heaven that has this talent, and it is a very rare gift.

Majority of the gifts there are at least 10 angels in it but a lot have more and depend on skill how you get there not only in the area but also in other areas. For instance, Leonides and Michelangelo are both brilliant in fighting, strategizing, and a lot more that has to do with army concepts except that dad is a little bit more experience than Leonides. The ones who are just fighting specialist are rather low in the ranks. Most choir angels are the same but mine is a celebrated voice and normally negates my other talents such as writing and composing music, producing, and many more based upon musical theory not to mention I can play almost any instrument within seconds of my first lesson. Now the ones I’m interested I’m a lot better at than the ones I’m not interested in playing. Now does that mean I can teach other angels? No, I don’t have the ability and I have tried but I sucked at it because of a school assignment. There are angels that are teacher and more than able to teach but I couldn’t.

Over the next hundreds of years I have twins which he is fine with before my body naturally on its own stops ovulation to spare what energy it has. It was within a month of starting ovulation that I got pregnant with twins that he would do experiments on while they are in utero that turns them into vampires. Lucifer named them Chad and Delilah but until they were able to go with him, i.e. I finish breastfeeding, I raised them but as soon as they had no obvious need from me he took them.

It has been 230 years since I’ve had them and my health as really deteriorated from the heat of this room, constant beating, lack of good food (only given scraps if I get anything at all, other than the pregnancy), and the sexual assaults. Not that we need to eat a lot but a good meal every occasionally does wonders for any angel healing or not. We might eat probably 1 meal a day if that depending on the angel. But we cannot go years without some kind of nutrients which is happening with me. For me I would have a good meal every week to keep up my body for what I needed which is a lot more than angels in my area eat. They are worried about their weight while I would rather be at a healthy weight and not weaken my system. Nutrients doesn’t even have to be a meal but some intake of air or any other source but really in hell the air is basically not good for nutrients and rather poisonous so it is better that I do not breath.

Right now I hear Chad and Delilah talking outside of the room thanks to my excellent hearing (perks of being a choir angel having very good hearing even above normal angels). From what I can gather they are planning something that includes me so I don’t know if they are planning an escape or what. A cold hand touches my skin and I look up to see Chad picking me up.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“We are getting you out of here,” he replies. “Dad cannot touch you on Earth and we’ll make sure you are safe no matter what even if you have to find a host.”

I just nod knowing they do have a way to get out because they do need human blood to feed but it is done at night since the sun will kill them. I only know from conversations I overheard in several rooms across and how most demons and they can create portals to go to earth and wreak havoc on humans or feed in Chad and Delilah’s case. I can’t see much so it has to be way past sundown before they took me because my eyes are still adjusting from the very bright hot room to the cool and dark night or we are in a cave since I am set back down but this time on something rather soft.

“What time is it?” I ask.

“I’m unsure but we found this cave a few days ago and been setting up,” states Delilah. “Killed a bear to make your bed and put some feathers underneath of it. Dad nor the other demons know about the cave so we should be good here for a while since we found this when we needed to feed a while ago and have been setting it up. One of us will be with you always until you have to find whatever to make yourself strength and we won’t be far away from you. Dad certainly did a number on you. But Chad will go out soon if it is night to get food.”

“Actually it is still night out, I just checked. I’ll be back soon with some type of animal. Delilah can you start to make the fire so the meat can cook?” adds Chad.

“Yes, I can”

I smile a bit even if it is weak since I do not have to be in Lucifer’s cruel hands. Within sometime Chad does get back with what looks like a deer of some sort. For some time we do not stray far from that cave and thankfully no demons finds the cave although they do cause havoc nearby. The deer lasted for a good few days. After a while I would go out of the cave during day light when people were not near with either Chad or Delilah at the opening getting edible plants and fungi to increase the nutritional content I’m getting. It does get to the day that I have to find a host to keep me safe even if I was within the range of still being alive in my angelic form before taking a host according to Angelic law.

♪♫October 26, 4988♫♪

That is how I ended up in Susanna Young Mi Rizzo today. And from what I gather she is to be my last host which I hope she is.

♪♫Dante’s POV♫♪

Over the course of a few months I have to take in Draco and therefore Josephina, Jason, and Justin because he got kicked out of his apartment complex for some reason. They are only to be here for a short period of time which is until March 8 when I will go to South Korea to direct and produce a movie there. Sara and Stefano came home on December 22, 4988 so a few days before Christmas and Susanna came home on the due date of January 4, 4989. They're coming home outfits (polyvore) are what I think are cute on them. Sara came home in a bright pink onsie, matching pants with a white polka doted cardigan, and sparkly pink and black hearts printed shoes. On the other hand Stefano came home in a blue onsie that had a monkey on it, grey pants with monkeys on the feet, brown cardigan, and a baby silver converse. Susanna could fit in a white onsie that has princess on it, black polka dotted pants, pink cardigan with a cupcake, and red baby converse. Of course I would have wanted them all to come home at once but Suzie wasn't ready and probably safer for her to stay that extra week. Jason, Justin, and Josephina really threw a fit when she came saying she should have died in the hospital. I am keeping the 100 day celebration (Baek Il) going on the due date so they will be home for around a 100 days despite having to Korea soon afterwards.

It’s been a week since Susanna has been home and things are quiet way to quiet as I’m trying to get ready for this trip to Korea. But normally there is noise from Jason and Justin complaining that they can’t touch her and Draco is talking to some cut off relative of Hyun Jung on her father’s side so he isn’t here to keep his eye on him because he heard them they have an apartment that he could rent. For a demon he is a caring father and has stated several times that he wished he was an angel than a demon and that he was an outcast from other demons which made him come to Earth so he would have some protection from what he told me and I’ve seen. Because of it being quiet and possibly hurting Susanna because of something Josephina said, I go and find them, it leads me to their room for now, and I hear them talking and what sounds to be a muffled cry.

“She isn’t being quiet,” states Jason.

“I know but this is probably our only chance to really violate her,” adds Justin. “Just keep the broom stick in her and move it. She needs to feel the pain and I have my hand on her mouth so she will be quiet but it helps lessen the sound of her crying.”

I barge into their rooms to see what is happening which is Justin with his hand over Susanna's mouth and Jason holding a small baseball bat so the handle is in Susanna! Not only that but moving in her as well.

“Get away from your sister!” I yell scaring them. “Now! She not your play thing nor is she to be abused by her family in any way possible. Also your father is going to hear about this!”

They thankfully back away from Sue and you can hear an ear piercing cry from her once the hand over her mouth was gone.

“We were curious how the sex thing worked?” Jason tries to explain.

“Then you should have asked your father or me about that not abuse your sister! And don't play innocent I heard you guys through the door and frankly I think this was premeditated. And don't think I won't try to press charges against you 2 for child abuse.”

At that I take Susanna, with the sane diaper get her in my arms, and start calling the police to get things started and to let them know I'm on my way to the hospital now. I don't know what has gotten into them with this last pregnancy and childbirth other than the loss of their mother and 2 angels using my babies as hosts. The doctors do what they need to get evidence until the police came and I told them only to be told that they cannot press charges on them because who did it was children and hardly any evidence. Draco comes in within a half an hour and I don’t know how to exactly say this.

“Are you pressing charges on my children?” he asks and almost yells. “I just talked to them and they said they did nothing wrong to Susanna so there has to be a reason for this.”

“I would have but the police say there was not enough evidence for some reason or another and said to a nurse to destroy a rape kit. They were abusing Susanna when I was trying to work and you were out so they probably said something to my nanny that they could watch her and now Sue has at least been violated by them with a small baseball bat,” I reply.

“Where is the bat?”

“I gave it to the nurse to give to the police but I don’t know if they took it along with her bloody diaper and many splinters that she got from the bat. We both have to protect our children but I don’t think Hannah would want yours and her sons abusing hers and my youngest daughter if she was alive. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine.”

“Good because that isn’t going to happen and to accuse them of any false crimes we will leave tonight!” he yells. “If I can’t see the proof and the police believe there isn’t enough evidence then there isn’t and you overreacted.”

“Draco, I’m not trying to start a fight here but if you want to move now go ahead I won’t stop you. But I know what I saw; and I would rather have them evaluated for mental problems or if this is normal for them being a cambion. I want them to get help but if they aren’t getting then I will be afraid for my children’s safety.”

Draco storms out and by the time I could get back home with Susanna they have left which as a good thing so I don’t go ballistic on Jason and Justin’s asses. The next months are fine here since I don’t see them and I really think they went with the cutoff relatives. The Baek Il goes well and as much as all of the siblings are here you can feel the tension in the air but it is only for a short time frame that it can be tolerated even if I am watching them like a hawk they don’t hurt Susanna more and the other children. I can’t be sure if it was a freak thing or not.

Two days after the party it is 8th of March, so we leave to go to Korea to start filming and so the children can see maternal relatives more often even if they came to the Baek Il. Our life returns back to normal with me working on movies as either a director, producer, or both before I take over the Rizzo Entertainment that dad is CEO and owner of. Or at least I thought it returned to normal because there has been no inclination that the nanny has snapped and I’ve been chalking up the talk with Michael something he didn’t fully hear or might have understand. That will come to haunt me a week after being there when a Korean assistant comes in with a phone and has a worried look.

“You have an urgent phone call, Mr. Rizzo,” she states in Korean.

“Thank you, Ms. Ryuk,” I reply. “I can take it from here.”

She transfers the call over the chip to me thinking it is either my dad or an investor on the project not Mario calling.

“Dad,” comes over a worried Mario in English and I think something is wrong at the house.

“Is everything alright? You should be working on your school work since you are homeschooled until I’m done and can go back to America. And you hardly call when I’m at work,” I reply.

“It’s Susanna! She’s in the hospital being checked by doctors right now but I couldn’t contact you until now I’ve been talking to the police after I called them to protect Susanna. You have to come to the hospital now, they won’t say how she is doing and I don’t know if she is alive or dead.”

“Mario, calm down. Tell me in a clear voice what happened to Susanna and why is she in the hospital?”

“I was getting water so I was on a small break from my online schooling to get water before I continued and when I was going to the kitchen I passed the nanny shaking Susanna violently. Susanna’s head hit the wall several times before I could get the nanny away from Susanna. I contacted emergency since Susanna wasn’t responding as if she should have and told them what I saw. Dad you have to come soon, Susanna’s health isn’t good she needs you.”

My heart drops as soon as I hear this but I remain calm to continue talking to Mario, “Mario, I’ll be there as soon as I can but they can’t tell you because you aren’t her legal guardian. Thank you for calling me as soon as you could but what hospital is you at?”

“We are at Bundang Jesaeng Hospital.”

“Ok, I’ll be there shortly.”

I hang up, get everyone together, and close down for the rest of the day until I can talk to people and see Susanna. Going to the hospital is a haze but I finally get there to be greeted by Korean cops and they take me to a secluded area so they will question me but I am worried for Susanna and wanting to kill the nanny. They ask series of questions in Korean before they sigh and I look at them.

“She did confess to shaking her another time,” the male cops states in Korean. “And to this shaking her time so you shouldn’t be charged but we weren’t sure if you were adding to it.”

“I’m not and don’t worry she will be fired as soon as I can see her but that won’t be until after I get an update on Susanna and her condition,” I reply.

“She is in the American Embassy right now and you can easily talk to her there. But we don’t know if America will have legal aspects for you since you do need to talk to the Ambassador. We are just reporting what is happening but if you could sign for us then we can be going to get this typed up and headed over the Embassy right away.”

I give them my electronic signature since they were doing it by the chip and a doctor comes in as they leave. Coming up to me he sighs.

“How is my daughter?” I ask in Korean.

“We got her stable,” she replies in English. “You can talk to me in English since I am fluent in it. Anyways, she wasn’t good when she came and if her brother hadn’t called when he did she may be dead right now. Her health deteriorated as soon as she got in the ambulance and she is stable and responding even with the trauma.”

“Will she live?”

“She has a 50/50 chance as of right now if she makes it through the night she will with no slipping backwards. We think the night will increase of her surviving to 70/30 chance because we can see what needs to be done with her. We are doing everything possible to save your daughter's life.”

“I understand? Can I see my daughter before I talk to the embassy?”

“Yes, we haven't heard why you couldn't see her.”

The doctor shows me Susanna and she is in a position that I never wanted her you go through again with being hooked up to oxygen and monitors again. She was to be getting better after being born and not being forced back even if I was given a warning that I didn’t head. At that I head to Embassy and I am met with a few more people which it is just the ambassador and his staff but I have most likely talk to the ambassador first before I could fire the nanny.

“Before you send this over to the government and the CPS I need to tell you what my plans are,” I start. “I am firing the nanny something I should have done at the youngest birth. I take that as my fault and understand if she isn’t to be with me.”

“Did she show signs to make you think you had to fire her? Not that we aren’t pleased at your decision but from what you said if she was showing signs then we don’t understand why you didn’t fire her then and wait for your child to be hurt,” replies the Ambassador.

“No, at least not outwardly signs that would make me fire her on the spot or try to get her help. An angel named Michelangelo common known as Michael came to earth on the day of the youngest birth and warned me to either fire her and get a new nanny or get her help from something that Uriel saw. He just said that the number of children would get to her. Not to mention everyone has been stressed since my wife died since she really helped take care of the children just the nanny was to make sure everyone had attention.”

“I see, but if the signs did show up would you fired her?”

“Not before trying to get her help if she hadn’t hurt any children or was thinking of it. If she was contemplating it I would fire her before even doing it or even an inclination that she might hurt the children. And Michael never said how she would snap and if anyone would get hurt just that she’ll snap. The only definite thing I knew fully was my stepchildren and I have done what I can to keep them away from her. Is there any way that I can talk to my nanny and reliever her the news myself? Not that she can't guess she has been fired but I want to confirm it to her.”

“Sure, we can show you to her after we are done here which shouldn't take much longer considering what you have told us. As for what Uriel said and you were warned about we won’t take into effect since sometimes what he sees are very vague and it seems to be very vague in this area where the other you had more of a warning and made sure she was safe.”

I just nod my head and they precede on to three more question on the situation if I ever hurt her or any of my children and if I am willing to take a lie detector test. Telling them that I have never hurt Susanna or the rest and just tell me the time and place to take the lie detector test, I am finally able to see the nanny. She has her head down in shame and I go up to her.

“Ms. Lee,” I start and she looks at me.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt her especially not Susanna since she is rather a not that needy or cries a lot. I shouldn’t have snapped with her in my arms. I’m sorry,” she replies.

“Thank you for apologizing but that won’t save your job. For hurting Susanna like that you are fired from your job and as soon as I get the clear, I will make sure there are charges brought against you. Also do not expect a good recommendation letter following this. You’ve been good with the children up until this point and I should have got you help because of the number and the loss of their mother but that doesn’t mean you can hurt any one of my children. As of right now if you ever do look for another job especially with children again my letter of recommendation will not be the best.”

“I understand, and being stressed is not an excuse for what I did as much as I was under stress but I thought I could handle it. I am very, very sorry.”

“Stop saying you are sorry right now, it won’t make Susanna magically get better and me less angry at you right now. I an angry with you because I trusted you and my late wife trusted you even before I meet her. Do you think she would be happy that her handpicked nanny would hurt her youngest child?”

She just shakes her head and at that I leave and hope things go smoothly for however long it will take. It doesn’t take long to clear me of any charges maybe within an hour after the embassy and firing the nanny but Susanna still had to stay several weeks in the hospital. Taking much time there as I can with work, I try to encourage her to get better with how much she has increased health wise but I know this may come at a major cost to her. After a month of being in the hospital she is released and I really don’t leave Susanna but babywear her on set to make sure she is doing fine. So yes I have become paranoid about Susanna’s safety.


Life Quote 1: When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say ‘I used everything you gave me’. ~Erma Bombeck
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AN: All quotes found on just different sections. This is based on similar stories I have on Mibba that are in the category Angels like If You Cold Defy 1 Thing, What it Will Be? but more so on the newer stories (anything less than a year when this is 1st posted). All translations will be done on Google translator on the computer or my phone but there will be a few that I will do sans translator because of schooling unless otherwise noted. Most will be in English and just noted the text following the initiated person. Assume if no notes with it between to people that it will be in English.

Cover: edited from[term]=chainsandfilters[primary]=imagesandsort=1ando=166