Status: will not come everyday

My Tortured Life

The Illegal Slaves

It has been almost 4 years since the quadruplets were born and I love them so much and all but Susanna could get out of Early Intervention but they are still working on her physically since she is behind and it is because of her brain damage from being shaken. They say she is a head in her intelligence and talking abilities but still is behind by a year physically but is close considering she is potty trained can feed herself but hasn’t mastered fork or a spoon and take off clothes herself. She can’t get her receptors to work correctly for the mastery and brushing her teeth though wanting to try to. She also faints a lot. Everyone thinks the reason she is smarter and the brain damage hasn’t affected her mental abilities is because of the angel residing in her.

♪♫Susanna’s POV♫♪

This particular morning I wake up myself sneezing and I really don’t feel well. Dad is sitting on the bed looking at his chip particular his phone part so I put my head on his lap and he moves one arm to my side.

“Have you seen the unicorns or the dancing musical notes yet?” asks dad.

“No not yet,” I reply.

“That's good but you do have a checkup with the pediatrician today since I just got off the phone with him. I don't know if you realize it but your chip went off while you were sleeping warning that you could have a mental problem later in life.”

“And that would be?”

“Schizophrenia, besides you being sick he wants to analyze this warning.”

“When are we going?”

“Around 9 since that was the earliest he could get you in and said if it gets worse before then to take you to the ER and not worry about the appointment. I was just weighing if I needed to go to the ER now if they were back.”

I just nod my head and dad just starts to brush my incredibly curly hair with his fingers. This happens a lot especially when he is trying to calm me down or I'm sick which makes me needy and it is calming to me. I start a coughing and a sneezing fit like last night before I fell asleep. Being sick is hell for me. At that dad does check my temperature to see where it is and he seems to stay quiet about it before starting back up petting my hair. My hairdresser gets mad at dad for this since it isn't healthy for my hair and says to stop even if it rare.

“How do you want your hair?” inquires dad.

“Braids,” I reply. “I just want my hair up and I love the braids.”

“I can do braids, one big one or multiple?”


“Will do and we better get you ready for the day since I don’t hint you’ll fall asleep anytime soon?”


“Yogurt, why are you saying that?”

“Can I just have yogurt and fruit for breakfast?”

“Yes you can. The chef is probably making chicken noodle soup by now so you can have it for lunch and something easy for dinner. You hade dajuk* yesterday so we don’t want you to eat the same thing and get bored and sick of it.”

I nod my head and he gets me ready for the day before braiding my hair in 4 braids before getting me downstairs so he can get my siblings up as well. Well at that time dad’s girlfriend, Margaret, and her children are welcomed in by the butler before going on his normal morning duties. Dad keeps saying I was the one that brought them two together by being friends with Genevieve not to mention they are a family of Nephilim. Anne Marie is older than I am but 3 years therefore haven’t played much together but we do get along as well my other siblings that live with us. Coming up to me, Margaret feels my head and sighs.

“You still sick?” she asks. “You were sick yesterday.”

“Yes, she is still sick,” replies dad finally coming down since it seems the others up with the nanny’s help.

“Have you taken her to see a doctor yet?”

“She will see her doctor at 9 unless it worsens then I will take her to the ER. It was the earliest I could get her in but the good thing she still isn’t hallucinating yet I’m not too worried about it since her temp isn’t that high yet. Compared to the other time she has gotten sick this one is taking it’s time with her so maybe that is a good sign her immunity is getting stronger than trying to fight all the brain damage due to the chip. The doctor said it may turn out that way or this is a slow moving disease.”

“My guess is a slow moving disease. Sorry, but I don’t see how the chip will heal her brain damage by rerouting the immune system to try and fight what damage is there. The only good thing about her is that her High School Diploma, and her many degrees from heaven can be applied on Earth so she can get the best possible look after and won’t miss many school days. And this move is to make it easier on her to get the best care instead of driving around 2 to 2 ½ sometimes 3 hours to see the best doctors in the area.”

“Other than I need to move to LA due to dad retiring to the North West Pacific, I get that but I also need to be closer to the main branch than I am right now. The doctor perks for Susanna is included.”

“I know, what state is he going to?”

“He loves Washington and is planning to go to some town 1 ½ north of Seattle called Ferndale.”

“Leo; I can see Leo again since his parents moved last year to LA?” I ask.

“Yes you can see Leo again,” replies dad. “It will be better than the week once a year when we go out to LA to see family that we did this past June and it is late July right now.”

I smile and finally my Almond Yogurt with berries comes. I know that I’m severely lactose intolerant and allergic to soy due to my chip and dad making sure of it if I were to go to a friend’s house. In fact, this is a cherries and mixed berries yogurt with just plain yogurt probably was reserving for a smoothie for me before I wanted just yogurt. Dad gets me to the doctor’s office and really my head is just starting to kill me and the hallucinations are back. Finally get called back the nurse’s takes my temp, height, weight, and blood pressure before the doctor comes in.

“Well, I am going to access her chip to see what is happening but the numbers do line up for the flu that has been going around town and it is a rather slow progressing flu. And you received a warning from the chip about her possibly having schizophrenia, correct?”

“Yes, as much as I am concerned about that the sickness is my main concern right now.”

“As it should be, her immune system due to the rerouting isn’t much there and the slow progressing flu can easily take her life if we aren’t careful. Now unless it has naturally routed back to normal, which I will check, you are doing the right thing since we have compromised her immunity to try and correct her brain damage. Though I wished you called me last night to be on the safe side.”

“She wasn’t as bad last night and I did call the on call doctor and he said to see if it got better. And she hasn’t yet thrown up but just started with the head and hallucinations. It’s mainly been her coughing and sneezing fits.”

“That’s a good thing so she can keep stuff down since for her height her weight is excellent.”
He goes through the chip and gets what is needed on the medical records before starting another thing.

“It is the slow moving flu and her immune system hasn’t worked its way back yet so I say it is probably permanent. I will give you some prescription medicine so it doesn’t take more toll on her body but by tonight be prepared for the worse of this flu with and to last for several days. In fact, be prepared to take her to the ER with the symptoms I gave you when I first saw her. While the others haven’t been hospitalized for this flu but she might.”

“I understand and we will keep a close eye on her. What about the warning?”

“I will need to talk to her neurologist in Pittsburg but most likely he will want to see her soon. It was a definite warning while it may not be able to be diagnosed now by professionals the chip wants therapy to start soon as a preemptive care so it can be caught in the early stages and she gets on medication as soon as she can. But the neurologist wants to know about this and wants the most say on who she sees for psychiatric care and it most likely will not be in Du Bois.”

“Do you know how often she will have to see the psychiatrist?”

“At least once a month not every 6 months so yes this will be more of a drive for you for a while before the doctor will probably allocate a therapist here to help him which could be a few months to 2 years once things are stabilized and so forth. Anything else?”

“I guess I can say this now, in the spring time we are moving to Los Angeles because in summer of next year my dad will be retiring and I need to take over the head. I would love good recommendation for doctors for my children especially Susanna. It will also lessen the travel time from going here to Pittsburg for specialist especially if she will be seeing them a lot. It doesn’t have to be now but sometime in the future.”

“Of course, I know a few doctors that she can go to and this gives us time to compile everything for Susanna and all the children so the doctor office there can have all the medical records that we have. Knowing now will give us time to do what we need to do to help you with the move. But right now I need to contact the neurologist.”

He leaves for a bit and I just lay back on the exam bed wanting to be asleep to relieve my pounding head. It feels like a long time before the doctor comes back in and states that my neurologist wants to see me in a week. Dad signs me out with a medication to help apparently and he gets it filled before going back home. I just stay on the couch for the rest of the day sleeping and having to be fed since as soon as I came home the worse seems to have hit me making me not wanting to move and they actually having to wake me up to eat. For the most part, Margaret helps to take care of me since the nannies don’t particular like me calling me high maintenance and would rather not work with me when they don’t have to. Well that normally means I’m with either dad, Mario, or a babysitter that can vary everyday especially I’m sick and it is normally a maid babysitting me.

Night time comes and I pretty much sleep through my actual bedtime on the couch since my dad is probably letting me reserve my energy by letting my body sleep when it wants and up when I want up which isn’t long unless they want to get food or medicine in me. When I see 10 due to a natural wake up process dad finally comes up to me.

“Do you want to go to bed?” he asks.

“Yes, please” I reply. “I don’t want to sleep down here all night.”

Dad picks me up and carries me to the bed since I do feel dizzy but as of yet I haven’t went to the ER. During him getting my pajamas in the bedroom I don’t pay much attention to anything other than trying not to fall asleep in dad’s arms. I look up when dad is removing the bed covers and there are creatures red eyes and black large bat like wings above the window.

“Dad, are they?” I start.

“Yes,” he replies. “They are demons. Now listen to either me stay under the bed or me since they are after you and I won’t let them hurt you. Do you understand?”


Dad gets me under him before I heard a loud scratch and what seems like forever of trying to get away from them and them hurting both dad and I. The last thing I remember is blacking out to someone knocking and yelling through the door which the demons must have locked if we were all right. I wake up to beeping sounds meaning I’m in the hospital but something doesn’t seem quite right since there is tubes attached to me. Rushing around the nurses starts to remove the tubes, looking at my chip before a doctor comes in, and I can tell he is an angel.

“I’m Dr. Damarys, I’ve been assigned as your pediatric intensive care doctor,” he greets. “You need to answer my questions as truthfully as you can. What is your name?”

“Susanna Young Mi Rizzo,” I reply stretching because I can finally move and stuttering a little.

“When are your birthday and the year you were born?”

“October 26, 4988”

“What year is it?”


“Who is your father?”

“Dante Augusto Rizzo, why am I stuttering and when can I see dad?”

“Because you were out in a 3 week coma which is why you are stuttering and it is normal. As for your father is in the adult intensive care unit from the demonic attack, this means the police will like to get your statement when I contact them. Also for their records, do you know if your maternal half siblings helped these demons in any way? I heard about the stories when you were younger and I would rather I pass that on to them before they get to you.”

“No, at least I don’t think so because their wings weren’t as big as these demons not to mention I was sick so I could have hallucinated several things.”

“Your temperature was high and frankly if the attack didn’t happen your dad probably would have brought you here when he figured that out. Are you feeling alright now?”


“Good, your family will be here shortly as well.”

“When can I see dad?”

“After you talk to the policemen and as long as his doctors Okays you two.”

He smiles at me before leaving to contact authorities and family members who I have yet to find out who I am going with. Seeing no one before the police come besides the nurses is very boring but then again my family may need to go through a process of them finding out who will be taking care of me before dad wakes up. The policemen come within a few minutes of them being called and ask me a lot of questions that I try to answer truthfully or at least what I could remember due to being sick. And they are much different than the normal policemen that talk to dad about the abuse and they actual make me feel safe. They leave but not before going to the small get well store in the hospital and getting my teddy bear. After that my older brother Mario comes in following with Il Sung-Imobu (Uncle)`, and Sun Hee-Imo (Aunt)` and they all hug me. It is then I see Aunt Megan, and Uncle Aaron and I get a very bad feeling because Draco, father to Jason, Josephina, and Justin, signed his rights over to Aunt Megan and Uncle Aaron and they have papers.

“Mario, am I coming home to you until dad wakes up? Or am I going with Samchon and Imo? I don’t want to go with them,” I ask hopefully.

“As if,” scoffs Aunt Megan, “Uncle Aaron and I have custody over you until your dad gets out of his coma if he ever does. So what if you are coming home with us, it will be better for you anyways than with anyone else especially if your dad dies. You are a sickly child and I’m surprised the state has let you with your dad for this long because you are also easily neglected with how many children he had with your mom and ex-fiancée before both of them died.”

I glare at her and Mario growls, “Megan, behave yourself! You are nothing more than an enabler of the abuse towards Susanna. Also don’t belittle my mother or Hyun Jung even if they are dead especially Hyun Jung. She died wanting the doctors to focus on Sara, Sofia, Stefano, and Susanna not her and for my own mother she was way too overwhelmed and told no one. I will not have you talk like that about Hyun Jung especially in the presence of her kids that idolize her and she wouldn’t have put up with the abuse that they inflict on Susanna. I don’t even know how you won custody over her.”

“You guys are just over protective of Susanna. You have to admit that she shouldn’t be in her dad’s care considering how much…”

“He did not neglect her, Rich, Ray, Rachele, Sara, and Sofia always fights for dad’s attention and Stefano to a degree Susanna cannot fight like they do for dad attention and she shuts down when it happens. Also, Stefano normally has to fight to make sure Susanna gets attention that is not the butler, him, or me since the nannies refuses to look after Susanna because of her health issues. Not to mention, no one wants a call that Susanna is dead or pregnant by his or her hands. She can’t defend herself and she shouldn’t go through that, no one should. I understand that happens but it is not right when it does.”

“You do nothing to protect your niece and yet you see it happen and how many times her dad had to take to the hospital just to get the police to talk to him and her,” adds Sun Hee-Imo (Aunt)* as Il Sung-Samchon just glares at Aunt Megan before they leave.

“Your halmeoni (Grandma)` and grandfather will call you later today since they had to stay in England,” inputs Il Sung-Samchon to me before finally sitting fully back.

“Sorry about this, and we did try our best to fight so you would be with us, but the town doesn’t seem to care too much about you or this family other than what a high vampire official wants,” informs Mario. “Draco doesn’t even live there and he would be the best to keep them in line but then he might join in. The last we heard about him was him getting into trouble with angels causing him to sign his rights over to Aaron and Megan.”

“I think angels killed him,” I state.

“Most likely, how did you get the bear?”

“The police officers gave him to me as they were leaving.”

“That’s nice of them.”

I smile and snuggle into the teddy bear. The nurse makes them leave, my now temporary legal guardians come in, and I keep quiet in front of them. I wish that I wasn’t going to them to the abuse that will start back up. I vaguely remember abuse from when I was two and Aunt Megan and Uncle Aaron just got custody of them and would force their way on dad so they could see us meaning I would be abused. After the final police call after the hundredth time, they got a hint and never forced anything again since they would be there for only minutes but enough to do damage with me. Sometimes when dad wasn’t home the nannies would allow it and would even have them take me to the house. Dad wasn’t too happy about that and has gone through many nannies that way after a warning and they would do it again. I’m afraid of all of them and frankly don’t want to see them. While most in my point of view seems picking but what dad sees is abuse. Something with my brain damaged I don’t have good short term memory and some long term memory.

Finally a few nurses take me to see my dad and I break down crying at the sight of him. I don’t want him to die so I can be taken away from them when he wakes up since this seems like a temporary situation until he does. Other than that the weeks goes fine and it seems everyone including me is mentally preparing for what me going to them means since they spend as much time with me as they can. You can tell by Mario that he doesn’t like this and has a lot of legal stuff with him in case he needs to fight for my safety. I only stay a week in the hospital due to me being a host to an angel and my legal guardians refusing rehabilitation for me against medical advice. Uncle Aaron is the one to take me with him when we are to be leaving. Once at the house the triplets get to me and show me my room in the basement that has three beds and a lot of chains to them and the wall and I’m very afraid what will happen.

“Listen here you, slut,” starts Josephina. “We make the rules and you will do well to abide by them. You are our slave now and anything we want we will have meaning you will do our chores. Your father will not come back for you and we will make sure the others will not take you but if you tell anyone, what happens here you will die. You got that, murderer. Remember you killed mom so you deserve what happens to you.”

“Yes,” I reply solemnly.

“Good and you won’t be eating much, fatso.”

Josephina smirks and leaves but before I know it, Jason and Justin picks me up and throws me hard on one of the beds that I presume is mine. Their smirks are scary as they start to strip and chain me to the freaking bed and they hit me when I struggle to try and get free from them. Next thing they do is putting a duct tape gag on me before starting to rape me for hours on end before leaving me laughing. That night I cry myself to sleep with the gag still in place and the chains still on. The morning comes with the door slamming shut and a crying girl from the outside, it is Josephina, she removes the duct tape, and chains before making me kneel on the cement floor.

“Bring the slave in,” states Josephina opening the door and there is probably a 6 year old in Jason’s hands.

“Susanna this is Azalea Duncan, Azalea this is Susanna Rizzo get to know each other since you both will be slaves and you both will get chores later but you need to stay put as we get the other girl,” greets Jason. “Be nice to each other since we will know due to hidden cameras and don’t try to think of getting out the door locks by itself and can only be opened with a key that you two do not have.”
They leave and it seems Azalea is taken back.

“How old are you?” she asks.

“4,” I reply. “You?”

“6, may I ask why are you naked?”

“Them, the boys raped me.”

It is all I could say before I end up crying again. No kid should go through this and why are they adding more to the mix, what is going on? This doesn’t seem like this will end well for anyone of us. After calming down we don’t talk much other than Azalea sitting beside me probably not knowing what to say to me. Thanks to no window and them leaving the overhead light on we have no clue what time is and apparently they blocked everything on our chips to even tell us the time. Finally after a while Josephina shows up but with a small plate of food but places on the floor before leaving. It thankfully has nothing I cannot eat for now so we split the small plate and it isn’t much. In fact we probably only each got two things to eat. It is much later when all of them finally return but with another young girl probably not even a year older than I do.

“Well, I guess we don’t have to punish you two,” states Justin. “Susanna, Azalea, this is Beatrix; Beatrix, these are Susanna and Azalea. But since it is night we can't give you guy your work list. Well for at least two of you, Susanna, why aren’t you on the bed like a good girl waiting for us? I know you were made to kneel earlier but you should have had some common sense to get back on the bed.”
I remain silent and don’t move hoping they would just leave and not rape me tonight as well.

“If you defy us, murderer, then you will be punished. Now get back on the bed and say yes master!” yells Jason.

“No,” I retort. “I want to live with Mario or other family members while I wait for dad to wake up. Not with people who hurt me and kidnap other children.”

With that a fist hits my stomach making me groan out in pain. If this causes me to die quicker than so is it, I would rather be dead than deal what they have in mind for all the abuse on everyone. Though, I would prefer to be away from this place living with my family that loves me. The next thing that happens is a fist hitting my back hard making me fall to the floor with a load thump and breaking my nose in the process and I think a few chipped teeth. Then I am pulled up by my hair to see a smirking Justin.

“Want to try it again?” he smirks. “Because you won’t win, slut, and we’ll keep you alive so we can punish you for killing mom. Not, that we wouldn’t mind you dead; but you need to learn your place and if that means beatings and no food then so be it. The food you got earlier is it for a while besides water and our dicks not that anyone would want you anyways, fatso. Who would want a fat and ugly girl like you to go out with? We’ll make you pretty but if you don’t cooperate it will take more time than anticipated.”

“I won’t serve you. I would rather be dead than be here,” I respond.

“You’ll regret that.”

I’m thrown hard on the floor before they start to beat me. I feel like there are probably a couple bones broken after this beating which most likely they are since when I try to lift myself I can’t and fall back to the floor. They laugh at it and like last night Josephina leaves before I’m picked up and thrown on the bed but the boys seems satisfied with the damaged the caused.

“And that you guys will be in store for if you defy us,” states Jason while Justin gets chains on me. “Now, defiant little slut, more times you defy us the worse it will be and you cannot tell anyone what is happening because if you do, we will kill you.”

They also place the duct tape gag over my mouth before raping me for another few hour like last night before they leave and turn out the night. I’m in pain throughout the night and could hardly sleep with the added stress of the chains. The morning comes and Azalea and Beatrix are given chores to do while I’m left in there but they come up to me and I move my head before they could even touch me.

“Will you cooperate? Do you plan not to run away?” asks Jason. “We can heal you easily with our powers but we need to comply with us and if you won’t you have to be in pain and with broken bones. Otherwise we will let them heal on their own not set and possibly giving you trouble later on. This is your choice but choose it wisely. So will you cooperate?”

I shake my head no but I know it is probably to no avail since they will either beat me again or put me on chain. They start to beat me up again but this time I can’t try to move away from them. Well then they remove the gag only to have me give them blow jobs.

“You are to swallow as much as you can since this is your only food until you cooperate,” teases Justin.

One by one they would stick themselves in my mouth that I would end up gagging but they didn’t care in fact just loved it while encouraging to suck. They leave me still chained up once they are done and it is a lonely day in here since it doesn’t open again until they come back with Beatrix and Azalea I presume late since they raped me at that again. If we don’t get out here soon, it will be very long months or even years before we either are rescued or die. For days I refuse anything and I hope dad will come back to save me and everyone that my bastard half siblings kidnapped.

♪♫Dante’s POV♫♪

I woke up sometime after the demonic attack at the house and I know I have to get my children when I am released from here and possibly rehab the doctors asks me a few questions before the police question me about that night and I have a few questions of my own about my children especially about Susanna.

“Well that is all for us, do you have any questions for us?” asks the police officer.

“Yes, first off are my children together?” I reply. “And when will be the be the first time they can be in my care again?”

“Mario is taking care of Rachele, Raimondo, Riccardo, Sara, Sofia, and Stefano as you requested and will go back in your care when you get the ok from the doctors upon release of rehabilitation from the coma. As for your youngest, Susanna, she went to Megan and Aaron Boivin for the week but you will need a judge’s ok to get her back as long as they see you fit. You can get the court orders from the courts but that is all what we can tell you.”

“Susanna has awaken from her coma?”

“Yes, a week ago but that is all on her health anyone can give. You are not her legal guardian.”

“I see, well then I think I should contact a lawyer to see what I can do to get her back.”

“You may try.”

They leave and any time I try to ask a nurse or a doctor about my daughter they will not say anything whatsoever in fact ignore me. Mario comes in probably within 2 hours of me waking up and I really hope I can get Susanna back.

“Do you know Susanna’s condition?” I ask as he closes the door.

“No,” he replies. “I just know she was fine after waking up a little shaken especially with the news. I have the court order here and I have already been discussing items with a lawyer to see what we can do to remove her from the home as soon as possible with minimal court battles. She believes as long as we can get it out of Du Bois that we have a good chance on getting Susanna back since she knows how biased this town can be to demons and cambions than angels and nephilim. There is a reason this town was never attacked by demons, it is because the government here is secretly run by them and the angels have been looking for a way to get them out of here. She did say this will be a major battle either way but if I can get a judge in Pittsburgh or another town you will have the best chance to get them back. The only thing she wants is you complete rehabilitation and does what you think will enhance your chances of getting Susanna back.”

“I want to see the court order.”

Mario hands me the court order as I let my very dark brown eyes read it over to see terms and conditions that was gain while I was in a coma that made me lose Susanna. I will reverse it all that it says I didn’t do and anything I can see that there are loopholes in it. What does speak to me is that they found me incapable of caring for a special needs child and possible neglect. So this means while I don’t have Susanna to take as many classes I can find on special needs children and raising them and possible get registered as a foster parent. I will probably take classes as new info comes out for that but at least my transition from full time producer to the head of Rizzo Entertainment means I won’t be moving a lot and can establish a good stable living environment even if I have to be in Los Angeles. There is also one loophole I can try as soon as I get out of rehab to petition to remove this court order which I want to try first.

“How soon can I see this lawyer because she forgot one crucial part? I can contest this order as soon as I get out of rehabilitation to get her back. I know this will be here but it makes it so we don’t have to move evidence around from different court systems. I don’t want to rest on my laurels when I can do that first hand and show I’m serious getting Susanna back. If I let it go too far more of their claws will get into Susanna and who knows if we will even see her alive at that point.”

“I’ll contact her but I don’t know when you will be able to see her.”

I nod my head and just hope the doctors won’t say it will be a long while before I can return to normal. Knowing I was only in a coma for 5 weeks and Susanna in 3 weeks, 2 weeks is long enough and however much I have to spend getting better which shouldn’t be more than a month max. Surprisingly I didn’t have major brain damage, how I sent into a coma was the demonic poison in my system shutting down, and they just needed to remove it. When the person awakes from that coma it takes a month max to get back to fully functioning because an angelic doctor is taking care of you. Within that day the lawyer comes to my room during visiting hours.

“I’m Ms. Vidya Narang, I take it you are Dante Rizzo?” she greets upon sitting down.

“Yes, I am,” I reply. “Did you see the loophole about contesting this court order as soon as I’m released from rehabilitation?”

“As much as I saw it, it means you are in Du Bois and I think it would be foolish to try that. Unless you want to try it there is no way I cannot guarantee you will get her back in Du Bois.”

“I want to try, at least it means I’m taking it seriously, if you will not do that I will get my own lawyer in Los Angeles to do it and I’m sure he would advise me to try and get the court order changed first before trying before. If you do not want to do that, then consider yourself fired and I can get him here to go over my options. Or would rather you have him work with you?”

“How would you…”

“When you’ve been in the entertainment business you need a lawyer to protect yourself and your family in case a lawsuit comes up. Now he isn’t in family events such as this let alone criminal offenses but my daughter mentioned in this court ordered has been abused by people she now has been forced to live with and has advised me to take legal actions every time it happens and do it quickly as possible. Not only does the town has the evidence but he has the evidence as well.”

“I can see if I can work with him since you have deferred to him on many occasions regarding this and I will plan on proceeding contesting the court order. I will just need a time and date when are to be fully released so it doesn’t get pushed back much further. Do have his number and name that I can contact him and we can start collaborating on things that need to be done?”

“Yes, right on my chip.”

I transfer the data for Rowan Zimmerman so she can start working on this case with him and I can focus on getting better so I can get Susanna back. Knowing two heads are better than one but I’m hoping that in some city we’ll be able to get a district attorney to help since this does have legal matters but that might not come for a long while. Right now things need to change before that can be considered and I’m sure Zimmerman will advise to even sue the town to get changes not only for my daughter but also for the victims before her and any that might come after her.

♪♫Susanna’s POV♫♪

It’s been a week since they got me and kidnapped Azalea and Beatrix and it is late at night but the 3 of us aren’t sleeping. I’m not sleeping from hunger, receiving no food this week due to defiance other than water, and making me give them oral. As for Azalea and Beatrix I have no clue why they aren’t sleeping unless but I know we aren’t talking.

“Why are we their slaves?” asks Azalea finally. “And what are they?”

“I don’t know but they are misguided like my parents said and need help. So if we must suffer until we can get them help so be it,” replies Beatrix.

“Susanna? What do you think?” inquires Azalea to me and I don’t have my gag on tonight.

“First off what they are, are cambions they hide their wings well but make no mistake they are part demon,” I answer. “As for why you two are here all we can do is make guesses to that, now for me they don’t like me considering I’m host to an angel and see me more as a threat than anything else. Not to mention they believe I killed mom when she was giving birth to me.”

“But aren’t they misunderstood?” adds Beatrix.

“I didn’t say they were but they weren’t raised by the demonic parent but rather by the human parent which can cause major trouble with cambions and even nephilim. Now that isn’t all the case but it can lead to mental instability with them. Either way demons will indoctrinate their offspring even cambions hate for humans, angels, and nephilim so while this may not have happened if they were with the demonic parent they would still be wanting to kill or enslave humans and angels alike.”

“Why would you kill your mother upon birth? You were just a baby?” observes Azalea.

“I don’t know, but I wonder if I did at least help kill her.”

“That’s crazy talk.”

“Let’s just go to bed before they try to find some way that we are defying them and decide to punish us for it.”

My stomach grumbles at that while they fall asleep and I try to go to sleep but I sleep throughout the day that sometimes it is hard but the lack of food seems to make it easier. The morning comes with the door slamming shut waking us all of us making Azalea and Beatrix scramble to get clothes on to work. They leave when they are handed the chore lists, they focus on me, and if I want food I have to cave into their wants and desires.

“So, will you cooperate with us?” asks Jason. “Your food is waiting and if you don’t cooperate you won’t receive news we have for you.”

“What news?” I reply.

“About your father, the doctors just called with the news and well it isn’t good news. So will you cooperate?”

“Yes, I will cooperate.”

“Good, now here are your clothes and we’ll go to the kitchen for your food.”

I’m given a white tank top that looks like the bottom half has been cut off and a very short denim skirt along with black flats that are dress shoes compared to the sneakers that Beatrix and Azalea have. After getting those on I follow weakly behind them to the kitchen where a small plate is there with a piece of bread with what looks like peanut butter and jam on it. They know I’m lactose intolerant and it is severe that I need a lot of lactaid so I’m hoping this bread is made with alternative milk that isn’t soy products and has no butter on it. Sitting down I start to eat it out of major hunger even if this won’t help much but it is still some.

“Hungry, fatso?” asks Josephina. “That is all you get before dinner that is if you get dinner for not defying us again then that is all you get.”

“You said you had news on papá?” I reply ignoring Josephina’s comment.

“Oh yes, the doctor just called and we thought we’d break the news to you before the other slaves find out,” inputs Justin. “Your father didn’t make it, and the family is preparing for his funeral which will be in 3 days. He died early this morning.”

“Did they say how he died?”

“The wounds were very extensive as you saw and got away too much poison in his system to fully beat it. We’ll go to the viewing since we will not be allowed to attend the actual funeral but we aren’t sure if it is a closed or open casket as of right now.”

“Where do I go now since he’s dead?”

“You’ll stay here with us the court order said if he were to die that Uncle Aaron and Aunt Megan were to be your legal guardians.”

Tears start to roll down my eyes and they leave not before leaving a small audible list on what I am to do after eating.

  • Things to do:
  • Clean the bathrooms and weekly deep clean
  • Clean the Kitchen and weekly deep clean
  • Make lunch and supper of our request later in the day (we will tell you)
  • Make the beds including the slaves beds
  • As usual any “needs” Justin and Jason that comes up during the day
  • Conceive a child
This is your daily list as long as you are not chained to the bed then they will be delegated to either Beatrix or Azalea. Obviously a child will not come for a long time but that will stay along with needs no matter where you are located. As soon as your period comes they will begin aggressively trying. Be cooperative and don’t runaway otherwise you will be punished. Also unlike Azalea and Beatrix you will not get food everyday especially if you are bad and if we see you stealing scraps or while make it equals no food for a week. ~Josephina

Great and I’m probably going have to do the deep cleaning today since I don’t know when they were deep cleaned. First though I start to make the beds and in the slave quarters 1st before moving up to the other rooms. It isn’t much but frankly I am having a little bit of trouble doing them one because I am four and was already behind in development and it seems I’m even more behind now with no help to gain a normal life back. When done I head to the first bathroom, it makes my chip beep bringing up the cleaning schedule for all the bathrooms with a voice, and they have already been deep cleaned yesterday and states that all are deep cleaned by everyone that day. Well then it is simple enough to clean up since it said they all needed to the counters cleaned off and things put away. So that’s what I did when I get to the kitchen it says it doesn’t need done until tomorrow but that dishes need started and make a list for groceries until they go grocery shopping. Ok, I’m surprised they don’t have me do daily deep cleans but I really don’t mind and I have no clue what they need so I end up writing down what seems low and things I notice that doesn’t accommodate me. Knowing that they will most likely ignore it, I’m doing the dishes when Justin and Jason come in so they have lunch for me to make or they want it.

“Have you wrote down what we need for groceries?” asks Justin.

“Yes, I have but it doesn’t look like you need much right now,” I reply. “But I see nothing that would accommodate me with me being lactose intolerant and allergic to soy.”

“We don’t have to accommodate you much because remember you won’t be eating much and we have those food approved. You have to lose weight anyways since you are fat.”

“So what am I…?”

“You aren’t getting the lunch order yet,” inputs Jason. “We are taking you back down to your room to have some ‘fun’ then you will receive the order.”

They smirk and get me back on my bed to rape me some more and make me preform oral on them before yelling me to go make chicken sandwiches with mayo, lettuce, and tomato from the left over chicken last night they had to eat also to nuke the chicken before making it. Well I make it and to their satisfaction and that I am to give the rest to Beatrix and Azalea before continuing on my chores. They seemed worried that I’m not having lunch but what can I do when they will not let me have my lunch but rather try to starve me. The toast isn’t holding out and the sperm don’t count as a meal. Then I finish what I need to do but I’m left wondering what else to do and probably stay in the cell crying before Josephina orders me to make dinner of cheeseburgers and coleslaw and they’ll see what I can have after they eat. I make it with Aunt Megan’s supervision or rather lack of supervision other than to turn them over before they got burnt or to remove them. That night, my supper ended up being a bowl of kimchi which I do love and down while the others get smaller cheeseburgers.

The next 3 days are at least bearable because of being able to do something but being hungry and getting little food for my body doesn’t help much. The day of the viewing Jason gets me up early and just puts on a black draping dress that is big on me, the same flats I wear, and a veil very long that covers my face and I can hardly see out of it. When we leave Azalea and Beatrix are locked up in the cell and I just hope I can at least talk to my siblings and say goodbye to them even if I cannot be comforted by them during this time. When we get there the room has no people and I really want to see dad.

“Why aren’t there people here?” I inquire. “And why can’t I see dad?”

Seriously I forgot they said it could be closed casket.

“We can’t be here with the regular people,” reminds Uncle Aaron. “And it was decided to be a closed casket as not to upset his fans by the wounds he has sustained. They felt it was better and we will be leaving after a while we give our condolences to him but first I need to talk to the director. So stay here all of you and not move a muscle.”

He finds him but I can hear some fading in the back about the situation and they probably know to go far enough away from my hearing range if this is a set up. They come back and the director gets in front of us and gives a little sermon about dad’s life before we can go up to the casket and I fall on my knees to it crying.

“Papá, I love you,” I cry. “Don’t leave me, come back for me!”

“Come, we need to get going before the others come so we aren’t kicked out,” states Justin grabbing my shoulder.

We then leave and I will runaway to get out of this and I will find Mario who will take me in. If dad will not be able to get me then I will leave this and hopefully take Azalea and Beatrix with me. We get back home and I’m shoved into the cell while they get cleaned up and thankfully Azalea and Beatrix are up. Hopefully they want to breakout just as I do.

“I’m running away,” I state quietly so my half siblings don’t hear. “I don’t want to be their slave, their punching bag, or sex toy so I’m breaking out the next time I’m out of the cell. Do you two want to go with me?”

“I’d rather not risk their wrath let alone I have nowhere to go,” replies Azalea.

Beatrix looks mad and retorts, “No, I will not since we need to help them with being misunderstood. If you leave then you risk everything to help them and certainly they will punish us if we runaway for no reason. Even if your dad is dead, accept them to be your legal guardians and get over it. It’s not bad if you obey what they tell you. You are looking for trouble.”

“I’d thought I extend the invitation but I am running away, Mario is still alive and will take care of me. These aren’t the only people that can look after me.”

With that the room quiets down and within an hour we are brought our clothes that we get into. As soon as I know I am in the clear I dash for the door and just start to run down the drive way to the rode and hope to get a police officer’s attention even if they beat me up. At least that way they will have the evidence they say they don’t have and actually get me out of here as well as Azalea and Beatrix. Well that doesn’t happened they pounce on me as soon as I’m half way down the very long drive way in the woods.

“Well, well, looks like being out has given you a taste of freedom if you want to run away,” smirks Justin. “You will be punished severely for this and you will be back in your bedroom until you are so broken down that you will no longer be defiant. Apparently crushing your spirit isn’t enough. Remember you killed mother.”

With that a foot kicks me in the stomach before picking me up and carrying me back to the house. I was so close but they had to find out but then again they probably heard me do it without anyone telling them. If they did tell them, then they are probably getting brownie points while seeing me being punished. Once in my room they don’t just beat me but cut me with knives that when I’m finally left I’m lying in a big pool of blood unconscious and I vaguely remember them saying that I won’t be leaving here for a very long time and food will be scarce. I do think I was raped when the boys were done beating me up and that Azalea and Beatrix saw me when they were done since I don’t apparently wake up the next day to make Beatrix yell at me to try and runaway when she said it was a bad idea.

The next four years spent in and out of the room with me trying to defy them whenever I can and have the energy to do so. I also lose a lot of weight that you can see my bones and I’m not allowed outside like Azalea and Beatrix even if they are in disguises. Their beatings and mental abuse are daily events even if I don’t defy them so this isn’t the best time for me. All what I want desperately is to be with my family that loves me even if dad is dead.


Childhood Quote 1: I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. ~Sigmund Freud
♠ ♠ ♠
*Korean Chicken and Rice Porridge ( (Chinese history:


AN: There is a couple small sections of dialog that is directly copied and pasted from my story If You Could Defy 1 Thing, What Will It Be and is edited to fit this story