Status: will not come everyday

My Tortured Life

Despair Is Set

It’s been 4 years since the demonic attack and dad died and I’m weak from lack of food and you can see my bones. This is the only reason I do not try to runaway anymore since they keep me physically unable to do much and leave me for the most part chained to my bed or the fence post outside. Today is a rare day when I’m up in the house cleaning though it hurts. I drop the head of the broom from the pain shooting up my arms and getting very tired. My black and red curly hair is in a matted mess with it not being cared for all these years and they will not cut saying they like it better long and will pull on many times either to get my attention, for my abuse, or raping me. In fact Azalea’s and Beatrix’s hair is matted as well but they do get some care for their hair as well so it isn’t as matted and they have different texture than my hair. I drop it again before being pounced on and I feel cold hands on me so I move as much as I can to see the newest vampire, Bambi that Aaron transformed probably not even 2 months ago and is having a hard time controlling her hunger.

“Get off of her,” yells Jason. “You cannot feed off of her and you have to wait until night.”

“I cannot wait and I’ve already been chased away from the other two so please let me have one,” she pleads.

“Well the one you are on won’t provide enough nutrients with this one and frankly I think angels will prosecute you to death. She is a host to an angel and she is doing her chores but she cannot keep food down and has become weak. So I think you made the wrong choice with her if you want a person in the house but we don’t want our younger biological or foster sisters to die.”

“Right, they are here because they have nowhere to turn so they came here. Sorry, but you know the sun will kill me and I need blood now.”

“Well when I get back, you can have some of my blood to tie you over but I need to tend to Susanna.”

She nods her strawberry blond curly head before getting off of me knocking over the bucket of soapy water and I could be in despair.

“Well, I was going to stop you anyway,” smirks Jason. “Justin is waiting for us down stairs and you aren’t coming back up. We have plans for the rest of the day and someone will get the kitchen.”

“No,” I reply weakly knowing what is going to happen.

“No, you have no choice and every day you are getting close to puberty and besides we have Beatrix covering the kitchen for you. And you’ll get punished for defying us, remember, murderer? Now come.”

I try to stand up before falling down from the pain in my legs and being hungry. So Jason grabs me and throws me over the shoulder to get me down but only says that me being weak is reassuring that I cannot do anything much. Once back in the cell I’m put on the bed and chained up and I know what is happening they need me to relieve their needs. They have graduated from the duct tape to this gag that is tied around my head and a wiffle ball is places in my mouth that they call a wiffle ball gag. Sometimes they have this gag that lets them putt stuff in my mouth like these toys they sometimes use on me.

“Did she give you trouble?” asks Justin after chaining me and getting me out of my clothes.

“No,” replies Jason. “Or at least not much, she did say no but in her weak state she couldn’t do much. Hell he couldn’t get back up on her feet to walk then again Bambi did pounce on her before looking for blood.”

“She still needs punished, brother, because she verbally defied us and having sex with her is not punishment. No might seem simple enough and she knows better than to say to know when it is going to happen anyways.”

“We can let it slide once, besides she needs her strength to do what we need her to do and to bear children.”

“Growing soft, brother? If you grow soft, then she will walk all over you and will finally be away from us that she cannot pay for our mother’s death.”

“I’m not growing soft, but she was even laboring trying to do her chores today if you checked on your chip meaning she needs more strength to even give us a better result. I love her, and if she does die, there better be a good reason to kill her and not because she said no or for no reason. Not that I wouldn’t mind beating her but I feel like I’m the one monitoring the health of the slaves.”

“Because you are medically minded than Josephina and me but sometimes that makes you soft. Now if you didn’t monitor it you would say punish her, right?”


“Then we are punishing her.”

“Fine, but we need to keep her in health if we want a child.”

“She hasn’t had her period yet so she is yet too young to have a child.”

“And she won’t if we keep her like this, even if she still has a few more years before it should actually start. Plus, if they come again they will certainly take her to a better house and I don’t want the government to do that.”

“You think too much on what ifs they won’t come back to the house and the angel will certainly tell the body to start rather than relying on weight.”

Jason just nods his head and the next thing I know whips hitting me as if so many times I have defied them with something small since they reserve their fists for major offences and even then it is right at the sight of the offence. I don’t know how many times the whip hits me but I do know they do it for several minutes with only short breaks and there is always blood afterwards only to be followed by cutting my thighs and upper arms to get more blood out as I plead for mercy as long as I’m not gagged. They always reopen the wounds so it even hurts worse even when they are healing. I scream out in pain when the knives start to cut the scars of the other times. They smirk and finally start to rape me again that they always do and they are never gentle on while I end up passing out from the blood loss. I will not stand for this but with my state health wise I don’t know how to get out without them getting to me and actually killing me.

♪♫Dante’s POV♫♪

Four years have passed with all the court battles so far been leading to dead ends people are frustrated but there has been some good things on it. We made new contacts through this who are more than willing to help mainly detectives or police officers who have been a part of towns like that and are infiltrating Du Bois to get evidence. With that though, they are going under cover and posing as paparazzi so the Boivin family doesn’t get suspicious. And 3 actual paparazzi are joining in as well which we didn’t see coming. Also the battles may lead to a dead end but always end up further than the last one before. Right now I'm at my desk and there is a picture of Susanna when she was three with a cat's head peeking out of the top. The only area we had trouble with her was trying to take I'm stray animals especially cats and dogs. If nothing else worked she would have a frog, a bird, or some other small animal I'm her hands and pleading to take that animal home to care for. How or why the animals let her interact with them is beyond most people not knowing her being a host to an angel. My family and I think it may have to deal with the angel’s gift causing her interactions with these animals. It is surely missed along with her voice and presence. One day she will be back to us either physically or spiritually. The picture was taken by Mario's partner then friend upon seeing her with this kitten as an amateur photographer and Susanna just let him take the picture saying he would give her the picture when he was done with the film. When any camera was on Sue she would either ham it up, put on a show, or end up singing.

I work on a few things to help the care hoping that things will end up in a better situation soon the sooner we get her the less of a chance I will have to hear Susanna is pregnant from them. If I’m not working or with my family, I’m finding a way to get Susanna back or taking classes so I can be equipped to handle problems Susanna may face once she is back. There is a knock at my door and I look up since I have it open to see my personal lawyer and the lawyer originally hired to help.

“Is there news?” I ask.

“About your daughter, no,” replies Vidya. “We have some news on something different and something that could help you as we fight the war to get your daughter back.”

“And that would be?” I add.

“There is this group that has fought or is fighting the system you are doing right now and they meet up once a week and talk to each other,” informs Rowan. “The group is called Fighting for the Child and it does help to bring back children who have been who have been taken away by extraneous situations and have a lot of plenty info. There are some in there that have lost their children to the fight but we think it will be worth for you and your fiancée, Margaret, to look into. It may not bring Susanna back faster but they will help mentally and to get things off.”

“When do they normally meet?”

“They meet up at the fire hall across town to talk as their children get to know each other and play around for the younger ones. The teens will eventually end up listening to music. Sometimes they do meet up for food but that is a rarity due to things going on in their own lives. They will also tell you what to expect when she does come home and if PARC is involved?”

“What is PARC?” I ask since this is the 1st time I’ve heard of it.

“It is Persons of Abuse Rejoining Civilization and is a part of DAS, Disability Assistant System, if the person is rendered disabled of any kind during the time they are abused. It is a part of the healing but the time you are on it varies if DAS is involved in it and with what you say Susanna already has and a warning of mental disability DAS will certainly be a part of Susanna’s PARC for a while if not her entire life.”

“I know haven’t asked this before but are there more than her in the house?”

“We can’t be sure, we think there are 2 girls around her age in there as well but like with Susanna we hardly see them. If they are in there then you are fighting them with you and so is their family to find them.”

“We need to hurry to win otherwise all 3 girls will most likely go down the drain if we draw this out too much.”

“And we are but the courts take a very long time. Susanna will hang on and we don’t think she will fall to them no matter how hard they try to make her dependent on them. You know earlier that we said we have evidence that she tried to run away a couple times, well they may have physically been able to control her but they cannot control her spirit. You will be reunited with Susanna when it is time.”

“I know but still I don’t want her hurting for one more day.”

“Of course but there is nothing right now you can do to help her with the pain.”

I just nod my head. For once I wish Du Bois wasn’t this fucked up and I could have my singing daughter back and her smiling face. Everyone misses her and even though we have a plan of fighting the government, calling CPS as many times it takes, and using detectives to play paparazzi along with some paparazzi turned for us so we can get more evidence. The court battle just takes the longest since as if I said gets to a dead end. In reality I just want the torture to end since no one wants her to be in pain any longer and we are prepared if she comes back to us brain dead to pull the plugs and let her go in peace. It isn’t worth to extend her life and be in more pain than what her body can endure and what the angel inside of her will be willing to do. But we’ll cross that road when it comes.

“How much longer before I hear news on the trial going on now?” I ask.

“Probably another week, the judge said it will take him awhile to decide on everything that was presented and a summons will be sent out when he reached the decision which we haven’t got yet,” replies Vidya. “It takes time and we have so much evidence that the judge just can’t make a decision the day off. What we have in motion right now is working but no court system is willing to against the town which is why we can continue it. There is something with Du Bois that no town wants to go against them other than being a demonic town. We just have to be patient since what we are doing is suing and it can be done more than once but we need the right timing to get it done. So far it hasn’t been the time. The time will come.”

“But how much time do we have left before she is dead?”

“That we don’t know and hope she is still alive and hope they have a reason to keep her around for a while. You know we have pictures of one if not both of them at a local black market looking for something so I believe they have something planned. We have it bugged when they get the item we will be notified and it will be more evidence against them no matter what they buy but some drugs will be worth more to us than some.”

“Like what?”

“Poisons, illegal fertility drugs, black market weapons, and anything they can inflict pain with will be more fire for us than anything than animal pelts and illegal pets; illegal drugs will be a middle ground. What they buy will also tell us what their intentions are.”

It is then that Vidya’s and Rowan’s chips go off and I don’t know if it is the court or something else. There is an awkward silence between us all as they read this info. For the longest time in these four years to get my daughter back, the chips haven’t gone off during the meetings so this can’t be good. It makes me more scarred for Susanna and what she has to go through. After 5 minutes, Vidya finally says something.

“Well this is interesting,” she states.

“What?” I reply. “Can someone pass it along to me?”

“Yes, and I will make a copies of it so everyone involved has a copy of it. But they have bought 2 black market drugs one an illegal fertility drug, Dyna Gem, and a drug to hurry up puberty called, Gyroev. Both are highly lethal if given too much and addictive. Even going off of them can result in death, and it is only given in abuse situations of young children and to those who want children soon. Dyna Gem and Gyroev are sold in a pack since they help each other and make it so you don’t go over the limit that will kill the person until they wean the person normally close to childbirth so it would look like they died in childbirth. This is commonly referred to in law as the childhood stealer even if the child gets a hold of it itself. They certainly keeping Susanna live just enough to have a child if not more. We will get her back and hopefully she isn’t pregnant or has a child by then.”

“She can’t have a child by them, she just can’t. She’s too young.”

“Which why it is called the childhood stealer, the adults know what they are doing and the child who is normally groomed takes it without much thought thinking they need this medicine and getting them addicted. Susanna will most likely be forced to take it since they so far seem not to have her under their full control. But if she is she will need all the help while she recovers to care for the child. They already took her childhood from her, this is the next step for them, and when she comes back she won’t know the difference than taking care of the child with little regard to her own age. That however will not go for the same for her child since she will want that child to have a childhood she never had.”

“Leave,” I demand. “I want to be with my thoughts on this right now.”

“Of course”

They leave and I just slump in my chair after they transfer the email to me but this is just getting worse. Susanna is just a child herself and should know what a childhood is before having a child. Are they planning to replicate the pregnancy Hyun Jung had when she died? I can’t imagine the pain and agony Susanna has to be going through this moment and how she is holding but the faster I can get her back the better so she won’t have a child or die. Timing or not, she shouldn’t be going through whatever abuse they are putting her through. I want to console her and wipe away her tears. The more time she is with them the more time to create fears.

♪♫Susanna’s POV♫♪

I come too when I hear humming that they do to wake me up after healing my wounds and wanting more play time. My dark eyes open to see Jason sitting on my stomach smirking as he removes the finger from the last wound as I always wake up then.

“Have a good sleep,” mocks Jason as he moves more into my stomach. “Justin and I went shopping and got a few things that were requested by your doctor. To keep you healthy we need to give you two medications at the same time each day but not to worry they won’t pose any harm for you.”

Doctor? I haven’t seen no doctor in the time they had me yet they are claiming that they have medication to help me. I have a feeling that they are going to give me poison so I try to squirm but the weight of Jason is enough to make it not happen. Also knowing them this poison won’t kill me but rather torture me in some way.

“Now, now, don’t squirm otherwise we'll take it as protesting and you will be punished for it. You’ll be injected first then you’ll have oral medicine which will help in your problem. Now you may feel a little sting as the needle goes through but in the end it will be enjoyable for everyone involved. And with the oral don’t spit it out not like you can anyways with the gag.”

Jason finally gets off of me before filling up the needle and sterilizing an area near my hip before the needle goes through but instead of a muffled scream that the ball would produce it is rather loud and I can feel they changed to a gag to keep my mouth open. As soon as I feel his finger go over the spot Justin just pores a very sweet liquid down my throat before they just leave for a bit. It isn't long before they return with Beatrix and Azalea and smirk at us.

“We’ll be gone for a few days,” states Farah. “You 3 will be left down here for a while Aaron and Megan will be attending to you guys’ needs. The only think that needs to be done is to Susanna before we leave since the boys will not get their fill for a couple days.”

Farah at that point leaves and Justin and Jason have their final round of fun with me before leaving me still tied to the bed but the gag finally removed for now. Beatrix glares at me before she comes over and slaps my face. I seriously think my bastards of half siblings are getting to her and what she has been taught wasn’t the best for her to hear.

“What did you do this time?” she asks. “You have to do something for them to take you in the middle of your chores and to be down here the rest of the day let alone both Azalea and I had to do your jobs afterwards. Don’t lie to me and say they just wanted to have sex with you to conceive a child.”

“Beatrix, stop, she doesn’t need punishment from us as well when her half siblings give it to her all the time and for no apparent reason. Besides it is probably better for her here than doing the jobs right now in the state they keep her in. We don’t know her list but we need to find a way to get all of us out of this mess especially with your thoughts. Sorry but I don’t they are misunderstood as you think they are but misunderstood in power and when they are obsessed with someone. They are very obsessed with Susanna and are singling her out more often than not and I do believe they want her to have a child to continue the abuse towards her,” replies Azalea.

“I don’t know other then they have needs and wanted me to fulfill them and wanting me to suffer for mom’s death,” I reply. “Let’s not talk about this anymore just…”

“Fine but don't say I didn’t warn you about this. The more you defy them the more you will be punished by them.”

“Beatrix, can’t you see her!” yells Azalea. “She is skin and a bone because of their actions and not all of it is because they are punishing her for her actions and because of this she can hardly do her chores anyways without it hurting her. Wake up; they want Susanna to suffer for their own gain and in the process to get pregnant on how little they feed her. Even if she works she may not get food for the day and if she does it is a piece of toast for breakfast and something small for dinner that is a side not a full meal. If you cannot be nice to anyone of us not matter what we do at least be respectful. We are right now peers in the same situation and we all need to help each other any way we can. Susanna cannot help but we can we can get out of this if we try hard enough. I have had enough with your attitude that you know better than us. Frankly Susanna knows her siblings better than we do from the beginning and knows more than the two of us.”

“Stop arguing,” I try to yell. “It will get us nowhere fast. I would rather talk about something else than my bastards of siblings right now and possibly get some rest.”

They just look at me shocked that I would do this but I’m tired of all of us bickering on what happened and not being supportive enough. For once I want either the topic on something else or some peace and quiet so maybe I can actually rest with them in here when they aren’t sleeping. The next 3 days the talking is not on who’s right or wrong but on rather things that we did before this all happened. Let’s just say they were surprised that even before being sent to them I had physical delays that they thought everything from the abuse was taking a toll on me not that it was also a part of my past. Megan and Aaron also give me my medications.

♪♫Hee Young’s POV♫♪

It is night time and I should be sleeping but the dream I’ve been having is bothering me. I haven’t had this dream in a long time with my late 1st husband Min Ho before he got cancer and couldn’t beat it. This time it I see one of my granddaughters and it is the one that was legally taken from us, Susanna. We know she won’t have an easy road but how she gets here will be like Min Ho but I don’t know if she will be strong enough to beat it. According to Dante’s sources she is looking for the way out and tried to make on herself before doing something to her that made her stop. My now husband, Alexander, comes and finds me in the dining room with my head in my hands.

“You alright, Hee Young?” asks Alex.

“It’s just a dream,” I reply. “A dream before Min Ho died. I just hope this doesn’t mean Susanna will die before comes back to us.”

“That would throw me off to if the same dream happened again and to a person we know that is fighting something that is bigger than themselves be it a terminal illness or abuse. We have to continue to hope and pray that Susanna makes it through and they will be in jail. She hasn’t decided to die now so I don’t think this will make her die. She is a fighter and the angel won’t give up that easily.”

“It is just haunting since for me it associates with death is coming near to that person.”

My husband sighs and just comforts me knowing what this is doing to the whole family abroad than just the family in America. The family that resides in both Italy and Korea has taken their own vigils to help any way possible and here in England we are doing our best to send info that we have to my son-in-law. This situation isn’t easy and we do think they are manipulating the law to have her to be their slave and may even have others with them for the same purpose.

♪♫Susanna’s POV♫♪

It is the 3rd day and the door slamming shut wakes me up to see Jason and Justin coming in with smirks on their faces. God, I hope they aren’t planning to chain me up to the fence tonight especially if it is supposed to be a lighting storm coming. They like that and it seems I always get sick afterwards from it for a while. They get Beatrix and Azalea out to do some chores that they want done before coming up to me. Cupping my chin between his two hands, Jason smiles as he gives me a very rough kiss.

“You need to go back out again,” he states. “A storm is coming and we will only have limited time with you before you go to the fence. But thank you for being a good girl for us while we were away even if you couldn’t do much anyways.”

He moves his hands before I am raped again by them but it doesn’t last long and they make sure to give me the drugs before picking up my limp body over Justin’s shoulders after putting an over baggy t-shirt on me that goes to my thighs. Once at the chain you can definitely see the clouds starting and due to my excellent hearing I hear thunder in the distance meaning this will be one horrific time I’m on here as it always is. It is one of their means to torture me is chaining me on the fence while there is a storm. Once the familiar clinks of the restraints around my wrists and ankles are done they leave to back in the house. I don’t know how long I will be out here for but it is always for some time passed when the storm is over. I also hear in the distance the sounds of a helicopter that always seem to be there. Not know what they are doing but it seems strange that they are here and hanging out for years so I secretly pray they are trying to help but I have my doubts. Over the course of sometime the rain finally comes to drench me. The storms I’ve been through I’m lucky enough that the lightning hasn’t killed me yet but I have been knocked on unconscious for some time. Come to think of it I think they may do their healing trick on me to make sure I don’t die after putting me out in a storm and would rather this be even more torture for me than me leaving them with a corpse. The thunder gets louder and I can see lightning in the distance so I know it will be soon that I will be subjected to the possible lightning strikes. My matted, damaged hair clings to my skin as the lightning finally comes and for hours I stay out here in it and several after the storm as if they have forgotten me. I do not know what goes in the house during these storms but I wish I would be inside at least somewhat safe. After a while as I’m passing out they come out and get me back in the house. I wake up to them in the room and I’m back chained to my bed. This cycle never ends.

“You were very good outside,” states Jason. “Not one screams during the storm that we forgot you were out there but then again you might not have had the strength to. Then again we lucked out and no lightning stuck you which are a bummer but we cannot control the weather.”

“And don’t worry we saved the next part until you woke up as always.”

They smirk before starting to rape me again that continues throughout the rest of the night and day I presume considering it is a very long time before I see Azalea and Beatrix. Leaving this house will be a miracle and I don’t know if my family is even trying to get me back. All what I know is after wards my chip acts up and it goes to the news but only in bits and pieces.

“In recent news…They believe this girl is…While we don’t know for sure if this is her… Back to you Géza. Well that was our breaking news update we will continue the coverage as more details unfolds,” states the speaker.

Is there a search going on to find me? Will we finally get out soon? I hope so I don’t live in this hell for too much longer but I’m sure Jason and Justin will correct this glitch when they soon realize what has happened with my chip.


Abuse Quote 1: I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy. They deserve our devoted attention, not our divided attention. ~Kenny Guinn
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AN: The drugs name are created on and maybe modified from