Status: will not come everyday

My Tortured Life

Saving the Angel

12 years old, or at least I think I’m 12 meaning 8 years has passed since I was given to Jason, Justin, and Josephina on a silver platter by the judicial system and 4 years have passed since Jason and Justin have become serious on getting me pregnant. These drugs that they give after a month they seemed happy and I got hooked on them. They still hardly feed me but they are certain that if I am up stairs working in their skimpy outfit (Polyvore) that I will do the work and not protest when they want it because of these drugs. While they don’t withhold it, they do threaten me that if I leave when I come off of them it will cost me my life and that I will always crave it. I’m also relieved so far I’m not pregnant and they don’t know why I haven’t conceived yet in the four years of starting the drug. I think it has something to do with what they put me through and my weight making very spacious and crazy menstrual cycles. A 16 week pregnant Azalea comes in the room since I am chained and Beatrix did change her attitude for some reason or another that I don’t know. Azalea, I do know, has intervened on occasions to be their toy to let me rest which is how she became pregnant.

“You didn’t have to,” I start before she gives me a look not to.

“Sue,” she replies. “If I didn’t then you would be in worse shape because you wouldn’t be able to rest and besides I have a plan and I’m hoping it works. I’m getting sick of them as well for this hell hole. No matter how much Beatrix still says they are misunderstood I don’t think they are that misunderstood. Besides what siblings go after their younger sister, a deranged one and while Beatrix is becoming friendly she fails to see for who they truly are.”

Azalea’s white tank top (Polyvore) is tight around her small bump and you can see where she torn holes in her jeans the same with Beatrix’s jeans (Polyvore).

“Either way I’m looking for ways to get us all out since it seems no one is coming for all of us. We all should have followed your advice when we came here to run than maybe things would be different. Even if would have failed you would have had backed up. But I have to get back to work; I was making sure you were alright.”


“You’re welcome”

She leaves and I just hope I can leave but they said they have a few things to do and will decide if I can leave the room today. Not that I think that will happen what might happen actually they decide to rape me all day again and then torture me until I black out. Though, they might be finding out what to do with my chip. It has been acting up for a while so I think something happened with the chip that they can no longer control it and is afraid I am going to call the police on them but they don’t believe me. So I don’t see why they are worried unless they know something that I don’t. Dad is dead and it doesn’t seem like my family is trying to save me so why would I go anywhere other than dead. Whatever Azalea is planning to get us out of here better work and happen soon while landing them in jail before they find out and put a squash on it. The next time it opens it is just Jason and Justin and they woke me up from me sleeping with the door slamming.

“Did we wake you up, murderer?” sneers Justin. “That chip of yours will need to be checked out now to see if we can fix it.”

At that Jason as always gets himself on top of me that he is sitting on me to get the screen up. My breaths become raged and desperate for air since I can hardly hold his weight and it feels like I’m being crushed but he doesn’t lessen up. In fact he rocks more into me as if to get comfortable. Justin is just standing by me as they go through it. All I know they seem to be in parental settings, which does tell legal guardians, and is searching for something like resetting it or turning it off. But I really can’t tell.

“It still says that Aunt Megan and Uncle Aaron as still her legal guardians and they have a tight lock on this to help us,” whispers Justin to Jason thinking I can’t hear.

“I know but something is going on and it doesn’t take long for a name to change on here normally on a designated day if CPS is taking a child away,” replies Jason. “We haven’t had them down our throats for years and I’m wondering if her family was fighting to get her back and now has the law on their side and doesn’t need CPS because of the court ruling when she was transferred to Aunt Megan and Uncle Aaron. Plus it concerns me because it has been going on for years that the chip is acting on its own because of what we do to her and is looking for help.”

“Like it is pinging?”


“That’s not good and even if we take it out or find a way to shut down it will keep pinging unless we can dispose of it far away from here and even for us that will take days. Days we cannot take because we still need to get Susanna pregnant; it has created an interesting situation as to what to do. Should we just kill so they find a corpse or wait until we find out that she is no longer legally ours despite never having children with her? We still have the child that Azalea is carrying, despite she wasn’t to get pregnant and that she was protecting Susanna. I have no other options so what do you think?”

“Either we move with her after we cut out the chip and leave it here or we kill her and go into hiding soon. One will produce a false trail and she will still be in our hands but we lose the ability to check to see if she is pregnant and the other we abandon our hopes on getting her pregnant and the torture of her. We cannot think on this too long before it happens because we might only have hours before they police come down on us if there is a legal change without the CPS. What were you thinking?”

“Death, a slow death, let her bleed out like our mother did on the operating table when she killed mom. It will be a final punishment and by the time she is found they will most likely not even be able to save her. She is nothing but a murderer and a slut and should be treated as such not the way our stepfather saw it as her being the victim when she caused it all. We leave her, Beatrix, and Azalea behind and hope no one believes Beatrix and Azalea and we shall be good. And if Susanna does survive somehow we will be watching in the shadows and manipulating events that won’t point to us. For now, we’ll try again to get her conceive tonight and tomorrow we’ll make the final decision.”

Jason just nods his head and I stay motionless so they don’t think I overheard what they were talking about but with them being right here and my super hearing it is hard not to overhear them. I do know they gave me the medications earlier and it will last me until the effects wear off which is around a day it seems. At that I feel Jason’s hand moving down on my cheek bone but I move my head away not wanting to be touched. He follows quickly with a kiss to my cheek before he makes it so he is laying on top of me.

“I love you and always will but things need to be figured out with you,” he whispers in my ear. “I want your first child to be mine than Justin’s and you know that considering I’ve been down here more than him.”

He kisses my neck while he gets his pants undone while Justin already took his off. Since this drug has been introduced as well they like to get my body revved up if they can get it to because someday it will respond and other days it won’t but today happened to be a day where it responds and quickly. It follows by the kisses ending only to be followed by Jason entering me to rape me again and he starts his own rhythm of thrusting in me. They both have their own ways, but both are hard and fast but that Jason at points will just stop when not releasing in me while Justin will just continue to his release. They rape me for several more hours and only breaks for dinner so apparently they came down in the afternoon and just finished up before Azalea and Beatrix showed up. Beatrix just gets out of her clothes and into bed without saying anything but she does look over at me with a worried look. On the other hand Azalea tries to sit beside me.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“We don’t know,” she replies. “All what we know Jason, Justin, and Josephina aren’t happy and considering they take everything out on you we have a feeling they might actually try to kill you soon.”

“It doesn’t surprise me they were checking my chip earlier to see why it is not fully under their control and they think it is pinging or sending distress signals and who knows for how long now. Something got their attention other than my chip and now they have limited options and I heard them talk that they might kill me. I want to be out of here, I’m sure all of us do but how we get out of here doesn’t depend on us right now but either them by death or an outside source.”

“I figured but we should all get some sleep and hope that tomorrow we all live to see another day.”

I nod my head knowing that is what is keeping me alive at this point and until my chip changes I will live hopefully to get out of here. Also for all I know I could actually die that is not related to them but my health which can and has been failing for a while now. I’m only a week out of a major sickness that almost did kill me if they hadn’t used their demonic powers to remove it but it took a month. While I believe it has to deal with the conditions I’m living in, it doesn’t help that my immune system doesn’t seem to be there and I can’t remember why. In fact I have gotten several life threatening infections from them if they didn’t do something they would have lost me. The morning comes way too soon with the door slamming when Jason and Justin come in and I can tell by their faces that they aren’t happy.

“Azalea, Beatrix, get out now!” they demand in harsh and loud voice. “You will be told to come back in after a while but for now leave!”

Azalea and Beatrix get into their clothes fast before they come up to me. Why do I think they will kill me today and will not give a damn about Azalea and Beatrix if they leave them here alone? The come over to me rather quickly and Jason has my neck in his hands quicker than I can blink and I can feel I believe demonic poison dripping from his claws. That’s it I’m dead and you can tell from their eyes.

“Well isn’t that lovely,” smirks Jason. “Finally someone found a way to get you back without the CPS involvement. Who did you call to get you out of this mess? What did you think would happen to you if we found out what you did? Admit it you did this.”

“I didn’t do anything, the chip is malfunctioning so how could I control it if you guys couldn’t control it,” I muster out.

“The pinging is coming from you, you lying slut! We had a techie come and check things out and your chip is searching for safety by pinging on its own meaning you are responsible. He also checked it out earlier today without us being in here, the names have changed, and it gives a time when you will be picked up today. Let’s just say they will get you but not in the way they want and you will be dead instead of their lying arms. We are telling you the truth, murderer, you killed mom and you have to pay but we will now let you join mom so she can punish you some more in the afterlife but one thing first as a parting gift from us.”

The hand leaves my neck only to start raping me again before they kill me. It is very rough from both of them along with digging their claws in me at various places as is to inject me with the poison. After they are finished raping me for the last time they contact Josephina to come down. I’m unchained and before I know Justin grabs me by the neck and slams me against the wall several times. All what I can tell after a while I am bleeding and slipping into unconsciousness and I somehow produce an ear piercing scream that makes them stop for a minute but I don’t remember much more other than slumping to the floor where I went unconscious and hopefully dead.

♪♫Dante’s POV♫♪

It is early morning on June 13, 5001 the 8 year anniversary of the demonic attack on our house and now the day we are to get my daughter back from Justin’s, Jason’s, and Josephina’s abusing hands. The police are to secure the area around 10 when we are in route to get to the house but they will contact us if things have changed to head to the hospital. We have a feeling we will be headed to the hospital and it might not be in this town. We do have small things for Susanna mainly her teddy that she had for a while and I believe it will be good to have, and mainly stuffed animals to give her. Even if they might not help, a lot of my fans sent them to me to help with the impact for her in her recovery. Of course I brought her book that Sousanna had in heaven and Michelangelo gave it to us shortly after her birth. We also have the write up for PARC that our lawyer gave to us to give to the doctors their incase it needs filled out. Margaret and I married only 2 years ago by the justice of peace with what children we do have are there and planning a bigger vowel renewal when Susanna is better. Margaret comes in the room of the room due to the fact we still have the mansion in Du Bois but after this we are planning on selling it and our children are here for now until they have to leave.

“What are we going to do with our children?” she asks. “Does one of us stay here while the other one goes to pick them up or do we leave them here alone and pick them up later? We haven’t talked about this yet since it happened so fast and I don’t feel right coming with you to give Susanna more of a shock that we are married without her there. We have been fighting for years to get her back but I feel weird if I went. I’m not her mother yet.”

“Well if you don’t want to go then you don’t have to and I won’t force you too. It is up to you but I have to go since I am her dad and they will need me,” I reply.

“Would you mind if I don’t go?”

“No, I don’t mind you need to be comfortable about it but I don’t think has to deal with the shock to Susanna though. For all we know, right now she could be dead and 6 foot under and wouldn’t even know about us other than giving her a proper burial. If she is alive, I have my doubts they will keep her awake to receive her knowing them so it may be awhile before she even knows anything. I know you don’t do well with violence and blood and you can be here while I go get Susanna if everything is all right. And Mario said he will join me if you aren’t going.”

“Thank you and please call me if anything changes.”

“I will”

We kiss before Mario knocks to see what is going on.

“Mario, do you mind coming?” I ask before he could.

“No, I don’t mind,” he replies. “Nick said he would take care of Wilfred since he stills a baby. But what is the plan when we get there?”

“It depends on the situation and we could redirect to the hospital on the way there otherwise we may see here and one of us could ride with her to the hospital or we may have to start thinking on her funeral and many more outcomes that we don’t know. But we have to go on the police leads since they have the warrant for them and to search and dig up everything. But we should be leaving soon since it is almost 10 and it will take a while to get to their house considering where it is located.”

“Are we bringing her bear with us?”

“I was planning on it.”

I grab the dark brown 15” teddy bear named Mr. Chocolate that was actually from her mother and we have a lot of pictures with Susanna with him. Well we have all lot of pictures with the younger kids with the teddy bears from their mother but hers let’s just say she grew attached to it. He now has stiches from where it has to be repaired from her sleeping with it and just in general playing with it. The others the children after a while preferred other things but we think hers became a security blanket between her medical issues even at that age and the intermittent abuse from the half siblings then. We get into Mario’s hover car before heading down the road to get Susanna for the most part. It feels like a long ride there in all reality it takes 20-30 minutes from one end to the other of the small city and the fact both houses are on the outskirts in the forest so it takes actually longer drive than if they were in town. Pulling up to the house I realize that the police haven’t called us and I see two ambulances and a helicopter. We get out of the car to see the helicopter closing up and the girl in the helicopter looks exactly like Susanna with her hair sticking out but she is skin and bones and not very tall. They life flighting her to a different hospital than Du Bois meaning something is seriously wrong. While we see two other young females near the ambulances, my only concern is Susanna and how she is holding out.

“Get out of here,” states a person in the helicopter before beeps are sounded off.

“She’s coding!” replies another person starting to preform CPR. “We can only stabilize her so much here before we get to the city.”

At that the helicopter takes off with the other two girls looking up, police officers, and fire fighters coming out of the house. I head up to the officers to see what is going and where I am to be headed next since obviously we came too early but not in enough time for one of us to go with Susanna. They are talking amongst themselves before they even see me.

“Where is Susanna going?” I ask.

“Goddamn,” one states. “You got here before we could contact you to head to the hospital to tell you before you left. She is being life flighted to the Angelic Woman’s and Children’s Hospital in Pittsburg right now for further evaluations. Du Bois nor the surrounding area has a hospital that will be able to help her. She was nearly dead when we got here but all what we know is her chip is responding and she was lightly breathing. The doctors there will be able to asses her and do what they need to but before we go into any more details go to our office in town and it needs to be private.”

I blink a few times before nodding my head even if I want to book a hotel now and start to head down to see Susanna with my family to see her and know what is going on with her health. Right now though the police think it is better for them to talk to us in private here before we leave and it may deal with legal issues on our end. Mario and I get in the car and head for the police department in Du Bois with one other police car as the others remain there probably to search more. Once there we are lead to a private area and it does look like an interrogation room but I have no clue what is going on other than the lawyers are present before a police officer or detective shows up with coffee in hand.

“Do you guys drink coffee?” she asks and I recognize her from my interview when I woke up from the demonic attack.

“Yes,” Mario replies.

“Same here,” I input. “Didn’t you get my statement after the Demonic attack?”

“Yes I did, Mr. Rizzo, sorry for the interrogation room but we didn’t know where else to go here considering the high stakes of the case,” she notes. “With your paper trail to get Susanna back and all the firings you did to keep her safe you guys aren’t suspect to her abuse but this is more for your information. After the ruling through federal courts we have made major changes around here removing the police officers that did not believe Susanna’s abuse when you would bring her in. The town completely changed with the last election and a lot of the government employees that were demons or demon supporters have been removed and are awaiting their own trail. Your suits brought a search through it and not only with your case but also with others have brought out how corrupt Du Bois has become. If it wasn’t for you being relentless in getting your daughter back the changes wouldn’t have happened. In that the as the chief of police for the town, we thank you.”

“You’re welcome, is there more?”

“For the changes no but we do have some questions requiring the case. I assume you want to charge them with the crimes?”

“Yes and anyone in the house that helped the abuse along in any way you can. I know Jason, Justin, and Josephina Jenkins will get the harsher of the charges but I want Megan and Aaron Boivin to have some charges brought against them since Susanna was put under their care. As for their “foster” child Elijah I don’t know if he can be charged with anything or any other vampire children they brought in after Susanna was there. I want justice to be done for Susanna.”

“Ok, will there be angelic rulings for the case? I know the rumors Susanna being a host to angel but I don’t know if it is true.”

“Yes she is a host to an angel named Sousanna the daughter of archangel Michael, and Jason, Justin, and Josephina are cambions. Both have a play if this is pure human or angelic. The Boivin’s were vampires so I don’t know where that falls.”

“With Susanna being a host to an angel even if was human it would go directly to the angelic courts which admittedly much faster than the human courts and if it was human on vampires case it would go to the reigning vampire heads. In this case, the angels will have to deal with them. But it will be an even bigger case than being your daughter but the daughter of the right hand to God. Now, did you know where they could have gone? There was no one at the house to arrest.”

“No, I just know they go into hiding if they don’t want to be found. I know none of the hiding places but I do know when they think it is safe they will head back to the house as they have always done and I don’t think the leave Pennsylvania but I could be wrong in that. We aren’t that close and just go by what Hyun Jung said when she was alive and why they were cut off from her. They did that when they tried to hurt my late wife when she was young probably around Susanna’s age but her parents cut them off and she hasn’t talked to them since but they have kept track of her without her being aware. I don’t know what all happened though in the case or if they still have warrants out.”

“That actually helps this case a lot even if you don’t know where they are at it gives us a sense in what they do and what we need to search. Another thing, do you have any speculations on how they abused Susanna? And why would they single her out from your other children? They shouldn’t have discriminated against your other children.”

“While I don’t think they discriminated against the others but being cambions I don’t think they were fed good ideas from their biological father about the angel Sousanna. The angel was captured from heaven by Lucifer and was his captive for several thousands of years before her children got her out. Also it didn’t help much she was physically behind her same age siblings making her an easier target as long as she didn’t do an ear piercing scream. She has brain damage from a nanny shaking her when she was a few months old and we believe she had some brain damage at birth when she wouldn’t breathe for 10 minutes or so. While she was ahead mentally in ways and academically she was way behind in physical abilities. As for how they abused her, probably anyway they could imagine. I do know that when I’ve brought her in it was for a lot of physical and sexual abuse because they were caught either in the act or in when the nanny’s took her to them before I fired those left visual marks. Also I have a sneaking suspicion that they mentally and emotionally abused her due to the fact that they think Susanna killed their mother from her being up in the ribs, to her length, and just surviving from not breathing for 10 minutes. They would have preferred Susanna died than their mother.”

“She was an easy target then and they saw her as that she took their mother way from them, correct?”


“I will fax what to look for down to the Angelic Woman’s and Children’s Hospital in Pittsburg so they can do what they need but it looks like what they are doing will be what needs done. Also this gives us the charges which will be tacked on to the 2 kidnaping charges and the attempted murder charges. We cannot charge them with kidnapping Susanna because of the situation that lead to Susanna being in their charge. We might have more charges in the case but we need to get the two girl’s testimony.”

“They kidnapped the two girls there?”

“Yes, do you have questions? I am done with my items that need done.”

“You say attempted murder with Susanna, and she is being taken to Pittsburg, how did you find her?”

“Covered in blood and just barely hanging on, the charge might change depending what we here from the hospital but from our prospective it was attempt on her life that didn’t take as they thought it would. Being a host to angel does change it, and why should be hanging on because of the resiliency transferring to the host to a degree. So much though the host will die unless the angel…”

“Steps in and fills in what is needed to the host. Susanna should have died several time but Sousanna keeps her alive and I wouldn’t be surprised she is more angel than human at this point especially if she survives this. Also how fast are we talking about the court system?”

“From when they find them it will only be months until the judgment is done and sentence is given, it could take up to a couple of years for us especially if we are finding them. The angels will now be searching for them and their hiding places won’t work as they did against the vampire heads and human cops. Susanna could very well be still in the hospital at that point if the angel does take over like you said.”

“Also how will the childhood stealing drugs be worked in this case?”

“As they would with any case but you brought that evidence with you that the purchasing it and they are searching for it in her system. Those drugs are rarely taken willingly and it is rare that they do. Most of it has to do with sexual abuse cases and it is mostly to make the abuser look worse than they want to and will be a key player in the case no matter what.”

“I know this isn’t a part of the case, but do you know the names of the 2 girls that were kidnapped? Also if their family is dead or don’t want them, do I need to go through more hopes to be their foster parent other than obtaining a foster license?”

“No, or at least not with you, you did more than you needed to get Susanna back but it has also helped you a lot so you can care for her. You are qualified to foster them considering your license is for the country not just the state. You will just need to submit an application for them and I’m sure you’d be at the top of the list with your classes you’ve taken and the fact the 3 grew up together for the past 8 years and have some sort of bond with them. We do have names for them since they told us and their chips agreed. They are Azalea Duncan and Beatrix Jaskloski but their families will come before any foster families outside of them. We will let you know about it though if you are willing.”

“Yes, please, and if Susanna is pregnant who will that be handled? Do I need to notify you or someone else?”

“The doctor’s will notify us and it will help in the case and the father’s right is immediately revoked front hat child. We already have one possible pregnancy in the case with Azalea but we would like to confirm it and her gestational age. While it seems she might be pregnant she could also be suffering from malnourishment but not as severe as Susanna making her has a bigger belly. So we aren’t jumping to conclusion with Azalea yet.”

“How did know that?”

“She says she’s pregnant which a good indicator is but we want to make sure.”

“Would it be beneficial to me to go down to Pittsburgh now to see my daughter or should I wait a little bit?”

“That we cannot determine but if you leave now you might have to wait there until the tests are done but the doctor may want to talk to you beforehand as well. You’ll have to weigh that out.”

“I’m worried for her and I don’t know her full status and you guys wouldn’t be as well.”

“No, we wouldn’t be just go and we’ll be in contact about the case and if you can apply to be foster parents for Azalea and Beatrix.”

“Thank you”

“You’re welcome and here is my card if you want to call to see where things are headed if we haven’t contacted you or have more questions for us.”

I just nod my head taking the contact card before getting in the car to call Margaret. She has the right to know and considering she won’t see the damage she will be more apt to go to the doctor’s office. It doesn’t take her long to pick up.

“How did things go?” she asks. “Are you with her at the hospital?”

“Things went well and I have a few questions answered that I’ll inform you of when we see each other and can have private time. She was life flighted to Pittsburg’s Angelic Woman’s and Children’s Hospital and I’m just getting out of the Du Bois police headquarters. I am heading down there now to see Susanna and get information on how she is doing medically. The police said that Du Bois does not have the equipment to take care of Susanna. We will need a hotel in Pittsburg for some time and we might have to split up for a bit one being here and another one in Pittsburg but that is what I want to tell you in private than the paparazzi listening in.”

“I’ll book the hotel and we’ll meet you there. If it is possible we can do a switch at the hospital while Mario and Nick get the hotel room and what not. See you there.”

“Ok, love you”

“Love you too”

We both hang up so I head down while she gets a room at last moment though I’m sure it will be just the kids in there for a couple of days until we know what is going on with Susanna. Like the ride to the house going to the hospital can’t seem to end fast enough especially knowing Susanna is hanging on barely and could go either way. The 2 hour and some odd minutes’ drive finally ends and I know the hospital has her considering how fast helicopters are. From what I could tell the paparazzi hasn’t found out where my daughter is but then again no statements have been released and locations. For all they know she could still be with them. Mario and I get in to the main reception area and Mario won’t be here for long.

“May I help you?” asks a male nurse.

“Yes, I’m Dante Rizzo,” I reply. “My daughter Susanna Rizzo was life flighted here from Du Bois, PA. Where would the doctors like me to wait to hear news?”

“She’s in our pediatric ICU unit right now but they are unsure of her actual level right now and they are determining that. The best bet would be the main pediatric ICU family area on the 3rd floor west wing but can I see both of your chips? I just need to sign you guys in and if any more family comes in they need to get the chip sign in.”

“Do we need to do this every time?”

“No, just initially here and the rest will be in the designated waiting room.”

“Thank you”

We head up and I send my wife and Nicholas what is to happen when they get here and where we are located at in the hospital. Within a half an hour my wife shows up and just hugs me before Mario takes off with Nick so the initial news will be just to us, Susanna’s parents. The other parents and family members here seem to come in and only wait for a bit before a nurse lets them see their child or actually preferring to be outside in the waiting room right now. It seems that we are the only ones that are waiting to talk to the doctor’s to see what is going on with our child, then again we aren’t talking to the other people just staying to ourselves. Once a doctor comes out, he scans the room before coming up to us.

“Are you Susanna Rizzo’s parents?” he inquires.

“Yes, we are,” I reply. “Do you have news about her?”

“Yes, but first let’s go to my office close by then you can see her. I need to explain a few things to you guys and how she is. What I will say right now, she isn’t as bad as she could be at this moment.”
We get up and follow him to a small office near the pediatric ICU, he seems to be very stressed over things, and I hope we aren’t helping the stress along. Whether this has to do with Susanna’s situation but looking over his office he has pictures of his family over his room so he might be hit more emotionally with our family or just how the situation differs from the normal he is used to. I have to say that he seems to love his family.

“I’m Dr. Damarys and in Du Bois I was Susanna’s doctor after the demonic attack when she was four but I was offered a job here a couple years later and I wasn’t expecting to see her again thinking she went with you after you woke up and they gave her back. Apparently that didn’t happen and now I’m her doctor again. So let’s just say this took me for a surprise to see her here and again under my care,” he starts.

“Then thank you for taking care of my daughter in Du Bois,” I reply. “Now you said she could be worse, is Susanna alright?”

“She’s not dead or brain dead yet but there is a possibility that she could die. Right now she is in a coma from the trauma, the demonic poison in her body, and two black market drugs Dyna Gem and Gyroev more commonly known as the childhood stealer. Between these factors she is at risk for her health detraining than actually improving but seeing, as she is a host to an angel she might improve but even for any angel this young it is hard to overcome. I will not put a time line when she will be in the clear because she could be in a coma for years due to this before anything is finally put to rest be it in the death or the person waking up which is rare. The earliest she might wake is in 9 months’ time but I have seen many not only here but also in Du Bois. We have started giving her antibiotics to get rid of the demonic poison and looking out for any withdrawals from the illegal drugs which will have major impacts on her and it could start soon because of how high it is in her system. Any drugs we are giving her is by IV besides that she has a feeding tube in her belly button to help get nutrients to her and she is severely malnourished. By the looks of her they starved her but gave her just enough so she can live but she cannot gain the pounds back until she can eat by mouth. And she has help breathing, she is barely breathing as it is and therefore needs an air tube to help. Is there anything you are against that we are doing?”

“While we aren’t against this and she isn’t brain dead we have a lot to think about. Could she survive without all the interventions?”

“At this point in time, most likely no, but she might improve to the point where she won’t need a lot of interventions. There isn’t complete studies on this but if anything please discuss what you want to do unless you are dead set for one. Do you have something in mind?”

“Not if she was in a coma but we did decide if she was brain dead was to pull the plug and let her go. We didn’t want her to be in more pain by being in a place that she shouldn’t be in because of our selfish actions to keep her here. We want this decision the best thing for her than for us at this point and what we need to prepare for.”

“For that let’s give her a month to see what’s going on because from what I can tell in this situation things will slowly improve or deteriorate within the 1st month before you make that decision. I understand that this situation is hard on you and your family and I do like that your decision if she was brain dead was to let her go. Too many parents don’t think what they child would want in that situation and this situation is vastly different from being brain dead. You do need to think about what she wants in this situation but she won’t go as fast as if she was brain dead.”

“Our next question would be requiring the childhood steelers since our lawyers were monitoring the situation and knew they had purchased them for use so that isn’t new to us. Is she pregnant or does she have a chance to be pregnant?”

“We haven’t check for pregnancy yet while yes the rape kit did reveal sperm and the childhood steelers are an indicator she could be pregnant at this point but this early even the chip could be wrong. We will be waiting a week to get the report. What we can say because we did check for earlier pregnancies, if she is pregnant this will be her first pregnancy that it has recorded and her periods have been regular than late making indication she could have been pregnant. With this we can only take it for what it is but I will say if she does show to be pregnant that you cannot make any decisions for your daughter and the child she is carrying. The government will step in and we will have to at least keep her alive so the child can be born. Also I don’t think she will wake up in time to make any decisions for her child and if she does wake up it will be near labor or after she has given birth. Both will make the decision, if she wakes up near labor she has two options one more preferable than the other. She will have either to raise the child or abandon the child at the hospital. If she remains in the coma if she doesn’t wake up a week afterwards the child will be put up for adoption by the government.”

“So our hands are tied for making a choice that would be beneficial for everyone?”

“Yes, not that I think it is fair but if she isn’t pregnant then you have nothing to worry about.”

He goes into more details on our questions and explaining on how these antibiotics are helping her and how they now differ from 8 years ago that I received. He also said if we want a second opinion then he has no qualms but we need to get the doctor here if he doesn’t work here. We don’t believe a second opinion is necessary because it seems he knows what he is doing and seems to be an expert in the area. In this area we don’t know any other doctors who are experts so it would be hard for us to even get a doctor for a second opinion that wouldn’t be worse already. After getting things out we finally see Susanna who is in level 3 due to everything and we weren’t prepared to see what she is now. Her hair is in natural dreads from not being taken care of, you can see every bone in her from exposed skin, there is several items hooked to her that are either antibiotics or monitors, and I can’t help but think she still has to be in pain from the poison and drugs no matter how peaceful she looks. I get her bear on the window seal and Dr. Damarys is still with us.

“Why does my daughter have a private room?” I ask. “I thought she’d be with a few other patients.”

“It is how pediatric ICU is set up, all patients have a private room and for you it would have been a security reason so no details were released if we had them shared. All of our Pediatric and Adult ICU rooms are set up like this and to a lesser degree the NICU. The NICU we tend not to separate siblings much unless needed so they end up being family rooms but some babies do share rooms that aren’t related to them for ease as well because of crying children. Also all of the rooms are monitored by sensors and cameras. If a patient is coding they will get help pronto. Now if she was having some problems but they weren’t serious and a more serious one was going she would be put to the side until we get that patient stable. Though for a while we do thing Susanna will be more serious problems at first if they were to arrive. You can also talk to her while you are here and in fact I encourage it and while there is no significant results it seems to help in recovery. All what we do know they can hear even if they cannot process anything. In her case it might make her more at ease knowing she is away from the abuse in hands that will protect her. If you have any more questions please let me know or one of the nurses. I’m sure you want alone time with your daughter.”

“Thank you,” finally states Margaret. “For doing what you can for her.”

“You’re quite welcome,” replies Dr. Damarys before leaving.

I bend down and kiss Susanna’s forehead away from the wires connected to her.

“Susanna, you’re safe,” I inform. “They can’t get to you anymore; they can no longer harm you. We have fought long and hard to get you back in our arms so you wouldn’t be hurting any longer. Whether you live or die every one of us loves you and wants you to have a better life than what you have had before. You are our top priority right now be it you getting better or just making you comfortable in your last moments. You have brought nothing but joy to us, and you will always be remembered. Leo will also be happy you are back and he hopefully won’t be depressed anymore.”

“Dante, we should start calling people to let them know Susanna is with us and her condition before you start thinking of a statement,” states Margaret. “The immediate family should be first.”

“Yes but the Di Mercurio family needs to know especially Leonardo. He and Susanna are friends, I do know Leo’s angel and Susanna’s angel they were engaged in heaven, and her being in the situation didn’t help Leo. We all know he is depressed and hasn’t made the best of choices during this time. While I don’t think he should see her if he continues to do what he has done but it seems he is at least not making the same choices that got him in trouble but still depressed. Whatever his parents are doing to help him with his ex and his depression seems to be working,” I reply

“It helps he finally got rid of her, she was the main problem with him when they first met 2 years ago. Without her in his life he would still be depressed but I don’t think he would go from a good kid to a troubled kid. She manipulated the situation and I wouldn’t be surprised she took advantage of him and her actions will bite her in the butt like them who hurt Susanna. And I agree with your actions for having him around Susanna. We don’t need a bad influence while Susanna is healing from the 8 years of abuse that she had no way to get out of.”

We call Mario first and the children so they can all hear and we tell them the news what is going and so forth before calling family members. They are very understanding and Mario said that he and Nick will start calling the extended family as I complete the close family and friends meaning the grandparents will be next. It is good that they are helping to help on the calling time. The grandparents break down crying when they heard the news saying that while they are happy that is back but sad that she still has more to go through. They also will be here as soon as they could make arrangements but will let me know when that happens. We follow through with the Aunts and Uncles and it does take some time considering the amount and how we have it set up Mario and Nick calls the family outside of USA while we call within the states. For the most part the rest of the family is happy she is back but didn’t want her to come back as if this because of the decision isn’t so clear cut. We also learn that Sakura is 26 weeks and Anastasia just had her daughter, Charlotte. I knew about Anastasia considering she came to me to help her tell her parents but with Sakura I wasn’t aware then again Carlo and I aren’t close. I am close to Gianna and her whole family but I’m glad Anastasia had a good birth despite being 14 years old. Sakura maybe 16 years old but it feels like she is jealous or got pregnant from one of the parties she goes to and is less mature than Gabriella. Charlotte is very much a cutie and I’m sure very spoiled.

“Zio Dante, I have gotten a job too,” states Anastasia. “I’m working at Kaku’s Café after school and the weekends. I can pay for things for Charlotte but right now I’m on maternity leave.”

“That’s good, Ana; I know you were worried about supporting her. Has the father come around at all?” I reply.

“No, at least not yet, we have filled for child support but the courts said he needs to petition for visitation. My mom and dad are spoiling her a lot and hopefully Charlotte’s father does come along. Also when Susanna wakes up tell her that Kaku’s Café does live shows on Fridays and Saturdays in case she wants to perform at clubs and he do serve stuff with almond milk as well.”

“Will do, and it will probably help her to get her release out. Anyway I have 2 more phone calls to do and I better get to them.”

“Bye” they all state together before we all end the conversation.

We then call Margaret’s family and they just seem sympathetic but do say that they don’t know how to help and because when we married they have never seen Susanna other than knowing I was trying to get her back. It is great they are supportive and want updates which we told them we will let them know and her sister and brother-in-law said to let them know when they can post this news to their blog. All what I told them is to wait for our statement to be released and you could only release what is related in the statement and if we tell them legal stuff they aren’t to broadcast it. They can broadcast their feelings for all we like but we would like things private especially if we don’t want the world to know for a while. Once we are done with that we do call the Di Mercurio’s first since they are the closest family friend we have and are fully aware what is going on in the situation and has helped. Leo is one of the first ones to pick up and while I only expect Leo, Maria, Elisabetta, and Maurizio I will be more than thrilled if Antonio and Timoteo do pick up. In fact all but Tim actually picks up which I think is a good thing.

“How is everything going?” asks Maurizio.

“Well not as bad as we expected,” I reply. “But it still could get a lot worse. Right now she is in a coma and they said to wait a month to see where things go before making a final decision. From what we were told that she may get better but could also head for the worse at this point but if she gets better she will not wake up until the 9th month mark. They have found demonic poison on her body along with two drugs called childhood stealers that are Dyna Gem and Gyroev. It is reasonable to say they were trying to get her pregnant.”

“Is she pregnant?” asks Leo.

“As of right now, we don’t know they said they will test next week in case they get a false negative. It will change the ball game if she is and what we can decide for her though. But what we do know pregnancy wise that this will be her first pregnancy if she is.”

“What is your plan for us when she does wake?” adds Elisabetta. “We would love to see her and we don’t want to impose too much in this since it isn’t are business but we understand why you are calling because of Leo and his angel. It is like how we kept you in touch with what we could in Leo’s life but not enough that would make you more stressed out trying to get her back.”

“We do want you guys to see her but for Leo right now we do have a condition. We know he has been depressed and have done some questionable things,” I inform. “In order for Leo to see her he needs to be in a place that he is better what we especially don’t want around her is the actions he has done to get him in trouble before and while it seems they have ended to us we don’t know the whole truth. If he is still doing these actions we don’t want him around her until it stops only for the fact we don’t want a negative influence around her during this time and after wards. This is in an effort to make sure Susanna heals properly herself and not more harmed in the healing process because of the action. If he is still depressed by not making the action we will allow him to see her but once he slips up he will need to step away until it is gone. Is this ex or whatever she is still in your life, Leo? If she is we will be less lenient and until she is out for it seems she caused most of the actions.”

“We are not seeing each other, after my parents forced me to see a therapist for my depression I found out she was just using me and I have stopped partying and the last I heard from her is that she is in jail from selling and doing drugs for 5-6 years,” Leo notifies us. “What I have kept from you only because I didn’t know how it will affect you but my parents know. She is 32 weeks pregnant with a child and we think it might be mine but until a DNA test is done we won’t know for sure since she was cheating on me and she is refusing to do a DNA test while the child is in the womb. I have taken the parenting test in case the child is mine and it is only for this child if it is mine.”

“That’s good to hear especially that she isn’t in your life and you are getting help. We are sorry that she cheated on you and used you,” adds Margaret.

“Thank you, I just know the father of the child will get custody as long as he wants it and I want it so I’m not really trying to change to see Susanna but for my daughter. All what I know for the name she likes Fawn which I will put as a middle name but I think Gabriella would be a more suitable first name. She is around 32 weeks right now so it will only be a few more weeks before she is here and we will know for sure.”

“That’s is a good thing you want to be better for your daughter than to just appease us. She is the one that needs you more and it is better that she comes into a stable home since it doesn’t sound like her mother is.”

“Is there any way I can see Susanna right now? If you aren’t in the room I understand.”

“We are still in her room and the setup is that they have their private rooms so we can show her if that is alright with the others.”

They all nod their head and I turn my arm so Susanna is in the picture and I can hear a few gasps but other than that it was really nothing of sound wise to it. I turn them back around, I can see Leo just fuming, and most likely his angel took over him so it will be awhile for him to calm down.

“We’ll call later but we need to get Leo to calm down and I know you guys aren’t happy about this as well,” informs Maurizio.

“We aren’t but we are happy she is back. Anyways, talk to you later,” I reply.

The call ends and we call the other close friends we have which don’t take long at all compared to the other phone calls that we have done. Once all of it is done, I call the PR team in Rizzo Entertainment to inform them and to get an official press document from us. Within an hour Mario comes with Nicholas and the children when all the calls are done. Nicholas is a professional photographer and asks if he could take some pictures and time lapse in pictures himself which we do allow. He takes probably only 3 pictures most of which is directed away from the face but focused on a hand that somehow came up during the time we were talking to people. It is the arm nearest to the window where I put the bear and he only does the body when I request him to. Within a day the PR team gives me the statement and I approve of it before it is released.

The Rizzo family is going through a hard time right now and it is wished that their privacy is respected. Susanna Young Mi Rizzo has recently been brought back into loving hands but not without a price. She has received major injuries and illegal drugs throughout the years that she was with her maternal half siblings. It is unknown how far reaching the injuries are nor do the doctors know if she will even recover from them, all what is known at this time she is in a coma. They are working hard to get to a decision that would be beneficial for Susanna without her being in more pain. It is also to note while Susanna was their at least 2 other girls were with her and we wish them and their families a fast recovery from their ailments and send our condolences for what the others have been put through. Please keep the Rizzo family and the 2 other families in your thoughts and prayers. This is a trying time for all.

For a week there isn’t much noticeable difference but enough time for us to discuss and getting to know the staff. It is peculiar though, they don’t saw Susanna’s name unless they are in the room with us or talking to us but by a nickname when we didn’t say that we wanted her name private. We haven’t questioned them about it thinking that they may have done it on their own. Right now the nurse is getting the blood to go through the chip and it is taking some time so we have time to ask the nurse.

“We’ve noticed you talking about the other patients with each other as their names or last names but with my daughter you are calling her phoenix,” I inquire. “We haven’t said anything to you about using code names with her. Did you guys come up with this nickname on your own?”

“Yes, since everyone in this building knows the story even when she was young but also as soon as the PR Statement was released and the police statements they have tried to come in here to see her and in Du Bois. It is away to through them off their trails if we call her it so they don’t know if she is another hospital or what. In a way we created a code name for her,” she replies.

“It certainly is fitting for her,” replies Margaret. “We didn’t know they tried to come and see her, is there a way we can help you with these efforts that true paparazzi don’t come in? There is no way that these pictures will be released to the public and Nicholas will never do that without our permission.”

“I don’t think so since they already spotted you which stopped Du Bois completely but also with the code name and the whole hospital doing it they will not know which department and the front receptionist will not allow them at all. Is there anything else I can help you with?” she replies.

“Not at this moment before knowing the blood results.”

“Ok, but so far everything is looking better than last week which is a good thing meaning the poison and the drug levels are going down in her body and she is getting better. It might not be significant to see any improvement in her physically but her blood levels are down.”

“How soon do you think the withdrawals will come?”

“I don’t know but I would think when the body realizes the levels aren’t being maintained. The other nurses or the doctor will have more a timeline going on since I’m relatively new to drug related coma considering I was only hired couple months ago. I do know in school they said it could take 1-3 weeks for the withdrawal symptoms to show so I’m thinking she will be the slower ones for the withdrawal symptoms. Sorry, I don’t have many hands on experience, and I’m still doing the nurses residency.”

“It’s fine, we were just wondering. As long as she is progressing it is a good sign.”
At that the chip beeps and my chip reacts as well since we had the chip synchronized once the HCG levels were finished. I don’t have the results on mine but on I do know Susanna’s would have it. The nurse looks at it before paging a doctor on her chip without saying a word and Dr. Damarys comes in within minutes.

“Irena, is everything alright?” he asks.

“Do you want me to run the HCG test again?” she asks. “This can’t be right, can it?”
Dr. Damarys looks at the chip before he comes back up.

“Just get me an ultrasound machine so I can confirm it, calls the maternity ward if you have to,” he states.

“Is something going on?” I ask as the nurse goes out of the room.

“Well, I need to confirm the date with the chip but Susanna is pregnant but without her awake to confirm everything especially her last date of her period we need to see if the chip is accurate how far along she is and if it is really twins as it is saying. While the chip is accurate for the most part sometimes it can be off and everything in her system i wouldn’t be surprised it was off,” replies Dr. Damarys. “Unless there is a family history of multiple births, she should be only expecting one child.”
“Her mother was prone to natural multiple births the majority of it being fraternal but she did have identical ones as well. She normally was pregnant with triplets that started as fraternal twins and one of them would split becoming triplets. With Susanna though she is a quadruplet, there was only 1 set that was identical. Also on my side the females are genetically driven to fraternal twins but were rare that they would have a higher order than just twins.”

“Well then she is likely to have a multiple pregnancy then since she has the genes for it. But what the chip is saying she is around 5 weeks pregnant, due February 18, and is pregnant with twins. It does go off the last menstrual cycle but her chip has pointed out that her cycle has been nonexistence even when it started. It has to deal with her weight, despite the drugs and the angel; I need to at least confirm that it is 5 weeks.”

Within minutes an ultrasound machine comes in and Dr. Damarys gets to confirms thing with a transvaginal ultrasound. There isn’t much to see but a couple of dots which I don’t know what that means in terms of pregnancy other than it is early.

“Well, the chip was right, she is only 5 weeks along and her due date I will keep at February 18th,” inputs Dr. Damarys. “I will get an ob/gyn in here to help as well but from my limited knowledge you can see the yolk and the gestational sack and there is two of them.”

“Is there a way that she won’t have to go through the pregnancy?”

“Only if she wakes up in time to make that choice which given the circumstances is highly unlikely unless she naturally miscarries both of them. At this point, the only choices you make will be the only choices that have to deal with your daughter herself not the children she is carrying and certainly not all 3 of them. She has the utmost say even if she is in a coma and cannot say what she wants for the children. The government will not allow you stepping for that decision even if you are her parent and have medical attorney rights for her. When we predict she will wake up, she won’t have many choices either considering she needs to know a full month while pregnant to decide what she wants to do and she won’t have that.”

“So you are saying we cannot make a single decision for her if it impacts the child as well? And why the time line?” I ask and almost yell.

“Yes, meaning any life support will have to be kept on that she needs to the end of the pregnancy. You also cannot make her have an abortion in a coma state. As for the timeline if it was early in the pregnancy so they can get an abortion it is only a week but once in 2nd trimester it becomes a month because of how an abortion is done then. It is more ethical to get an abortion done in 1st trimester than 2nd and not many do abortions after the beginning of the 2nd trimester or around the 14 week mark. Susanna will be beyond that point at that most likely very close to her due date or past her due date.”

“What would happen if she would pass her due date and the birth?” inquires Margaret.

“For 2 weeks we will wait to see if she does wake up and you will be granted temporary guardianship and after the 2 weeks the child will be adopted to a family be it you guys or another family. But it will go through the state and our hospital, and having temporary guardianship will not help your odds that you will be chosen for the child,” informs Dr. Damarys. “You will be able to name the child and if she were to pass on right after the birth the adoption process will begin then.”

“How do we tell her she is pregnant if she does wake up while pregnant or had a child? You said she could hear us but would that actually register with her?”

“I don’t know how you can tell her but this is a reversed situation where you have to be the ones telling the mother she is pregnant when she should be telling you even if she is worried or anxious to tell you. Just be prepared that even when she wakes up that it might take her awhile for it to register as well. I do think continuing to tell her during the coma might help.”

“We need to call the family before her chip wants to publish something of the forum that we won’t be able stop or could we?”

“No, since it will be her own account though it is under Dante’s account for right now and he can control privacy settings until she wakes up. I’ll leave you guys alone now.”

He leaves and we start the calling process with Mario and the children being the 1st to know and to have them help in the hour time frame. No one is happy about the news but we need to get through this one way or the other. Even out of courtesy with the searching for Boivin family and Azalea’s and Beatrix’s family members, we call Azalea and Beatrix so they can be informed as well. It takes almost an hour to call everyone and inform them before her chip acts on it’s own to post it in the respective forums. Thankfully I can adjust the settings on the post to keep it private to the only the members on the site and as long they aren’t verified themselves as paparazzi on the site. I can see it is going on two section the February birth board and the teen pregnancy board. I know there will be hate because it is the generic message but I cannot make changed to the wording and I know Gianna is an admin on the teen pregnancy board so she will help a lot on it.

Hi, this is Susanna Rizzo. I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant and only 12 years old. I look forward to enjoying this journey with all of you.

Quickly I get my reply to hers hoping to stop conflict before it even starts when she cannot stand up for herself.

This is SYMRizzo father, RE_D.A.Rizzo, and please hears this out before you start and bash this post. She is in a coma and I cannot change her post because as a father and her medical attorney even if I can change her privacy on her post. We are doing what we can for her in this pregnancy but it seems what we want to do we can’t because of laws. This isn’t a post on how to tell us when she cannot know right now and most likely cannot make out much right now. We are in the position when she wakes up to tell her that she is pregnant from what she has went through. The Rizzo Entertainment on my behalf has released a press release earlier on this situation without knowing the pregnancy. For all that has fallen my daughter she still has a long road ahead but she needs to get better first before any journey can be started. I wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months.

I get it posted but I wasn’t quite quick enough Giana was the only one before me on the teen pregnancy board telling them to play nice and with this being a family member she will not hesitate to lock it the first sign it get out of hand. On the other hand the birth board seems to be taken aback, has started to get answers, and could be seen as an attack. Soon afterwards I take one of Susanna’s hands between mine as if I was comforting her.

“Everything will be alright; we’ll help you as much as possible. You can cry, yell, or whatever to help you cope and I am sorry to tell you this but you need to know even if you can’t realize it right now. You are pregnant they got their wish with you to have a child even if you aren’t in their hands. We’ll help you anyway we can, this isn’t the end of the world,” I state. “This angel will be the light of everyone’s world that sees him or her.”

I kiss the hand ignoring everything for a long time just wanting to have more say in the pregnancy than I do because of laws with my daughter being in a coma. Hell I want change these past years for her and the girls she lived with. I am hardly aware of another doctor coming in even if we were expecting him to get more info on the addiction to drugs she was forced on.

“Excuse me but is this Susanna Rizzo’s room?” asks a female.

“Yes this is,” I reply. “Who are you?”

“I’m Dr. Natalya Lagunov and I work for the local addiction center in Pittsburgh. Dr. Damarys asked me to talk to you. Are you her father?”

“Yes, so you are an addiction specialist?”

“Yes and in this situation to help you understand what is going on. Here I get the initial and 1st weeks results which I received. She has what is normal readings in abused situations and they are very high, if a person did it to themselves it is lower due to inconsistency and when a person is abused it is consistent to the point it is once or twice a day. Her levels indicate she may have towards the end got twice a day and once a day in the beginning when they weren’t getting results. I have also received notes that she is pregnant and with her going into detox this early in the pregnancy will be better for your daughter’s health in the long run but she has a high chance of miscarrying and 12 weeks will be the mark to tell if she stays pregnant. Now I did hear she is a host to an angel and the ones who abused her were cambions, is that true?”

“Yes, she is host to an angel named Sousanna and her maternal half siblings are cambions. Does this play a factor?”

“Yes, in the pregnancy any child with celestial blood will be able survive the withdrawal symptoms and detox without any repercussions like a normal human would. The withdrawals symptoms will be sever and can have lasting effects even if she did not have major brain damage prior to this. She will have seizures, difficulty breathing, tremors, and a mired more physical aspects in her state since mentally right now we don’t know what she will be experiencing and we can’t judge her. If she was awake she would be having to some degree of hallucination only because she is at risk for schizophrenia and PTSD along with not being able to sleep, anxiety, not wanting people around, and being rather moody*. It will also depend on how her body is going to react. Unlike the others she has come in with major medical issues herself other than the coma and it may aggravate her exciting condition as well. We cannot go based of stats with her and how it will affect her, she is not normally seen.”

“How soon will start to withdrawal?”

“My guess she has already started it but is not giving physical symptoms which will be coming soon but she would have started the mental withdrawals if she was awake the 1st day she wasn’t getting any. With the childhood stealers with consistent dose, she starts to withdrawal when she misses a dose so the captures had to be careful not skip too much. You should see the physical start to come any day though. Even with what seems to be a minimal drop it is big enough to do physical because at that time it will drop fast and could be out of her system in a week. It will not be like the poison where it will linger on. Anything else I can help you with?”

We ask her question about her life afterwards that would affect her health, future, and any children. She states that normally afterwards it has no effect on the health after it is out of the symptoms but would be hard to tell with her along with it has no true effect on her future or other children. The most interesting fact was the drug has blocked any hear she would develop that she hasn’t already would stop it from showing and said with Susanna she was young enough that would be her eyebrows and the hair on her head that she would have. After that she leaves and the police show up and have some news for us. They have found them hiding in the woods near Du Bois and the angels are starting due process. Along with that they have found family members for all so they are waiting for family members to take Beatrix and they found Azalea’s whole family to be dead so she is in care of the state and applications to raise Azalea is going on. They leave and I contact Azalea to see if she wants to stay with Susanna and my family before I put in my application to foster.

“Hello,” she states. “Who is this? And why are you calling?”

“Azalea, this is Dante Rizzo, we just talked earlier about Susanna and her pregnancy. I was wondering how you were holding up? I know I’m not your family but you and Beatrix were close to my daughter for 8 years and I received some news that I didn’t know how you would react to,” I input
“Oh, hi, Mr. Rizzo, I wasn’t expecting a second call today. But they found out my family is dead and now I’m in foster care with my child. They all died by a demonic attack 2 years after I was kidnapped and my parents were killed and already had their funeral. It wasn’t something I wanted to hear but at least the others are in prison.”

“I’m sorry about that, is there anything I could do?”

“I don’t know, you are in Pittsburgh with Susanna and I’m just wait release from the Du Bois hospital to a temporary foster family for now until a permanent one is here.”

“Ok, just let me know.”

“It that why you called me?”

“In a way yes, I don’t want to go against what you wish but I was wondering if you wanted to stay with Susanna until you are of legal age when you can go out and be on your own. Is this something that would interest you?”

“How are you even a foster family?”

“I took classes while I was fighting to get Susanna back to be a federal foster family meaning I can take any child from different states with specialization in special needs and abuse cases in order to help my chances of getting Susanna back. We also took it as, if we don’t get Susanna back we can have a way to help someone that was in her position. We are extending this to you and might with Beatrix depending on what her family members decide on. You don’t have to give me the answer now but I don’t want to put in the application if you don’t want me to.”

“Thank you for the offer, where do you live? I don’t want to live around here.”

“Los Angeles, CA, we do have a large blended family to warn you though. Between my wife and me we have a total of 10 children, 1 who is 25 and is living on his own and is starting his family, and the others are around your age but are pursuing their dreams but I still support them.”

“What are they doing?”

“One is studying to be a fashion designer and is looking at boarding schools, 2 are looking to go into cooking and running a restaurant. Also 2 after much corrosion are going to Korea after trying to be a K-pop idol to be trainees to a record company there, 1 is just pursuing music in Los Angeles. Then the eldest is running the NYC branch of the company with his husband and son. As I said I’m not interested in an answer right away but I don’t want to do anything you might consider offensive.”

“No, I would rather be close to Susanna right now and Beatrix but it may not work out that way. Susanna and I do have a bond and if I could I would like to be in your family.”

“Ok, I’ll get the application in but I can’t tell you if I will get you that will be up to the courts.”

“Thank you, especially for asking me. I wish Susanna’s pregnancy goes well.”

“You’re welcome and we are hoping that as well.”

We hang up and I get the application sent in. Healing for everyone has started for everyone in some way it seems and now we just have to hope the rest will go our way. The next months I know I won’t be easy but we all need to take one day at a time.


Health Quote 1: Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. ~Hippocrates
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*Used this a reference