Status: will not come everyday

My Tortured Life

Vying For Normalcy in Times of Need

A month has passed by and thankfully Susanna’s health seems to be getting better even if by the time she is 6 weeks pregnant she miscarries one of the children. The trial albeit some time away is getting closer and just last week the courts decided to let Azalea stay with my wife and I while Beatrix’s family still have yet to decide what they want. Azalea being 21 weeks has decided to keep her daughter and is going through many names and Susanna being only around 9 weeks pregnant we are waiting to tell the world about her pregnancy for a few more weeks when she reaches 12 weeks. We are figuring out that Sakura is around 32 weeks pregnant since she has been sending texts saying that she wants her child to come know. The Ivanov family came and we were happy to see Charlotte even if she is only 4 weeks old and Leo has told that he waiting for a few more weeks to see if he can come since his ex is close being around 36 weeks pregnant. It is early morning and I am getting breakfast ready since we end up finding a large apartment to rent while we are here.

“Morning, sweetheart” I greet as Margaret comes in.

“Morning,” she replies. “What are you making?”

“I thought French toast would be good. Also I’m going to do some work today instead of being at the hospital all day today since it seems something major happened and needs my attention. You and the children are free to go there if you want but I won’t go today until it is figured out.”

“I thought something went on with the phone call last night and you need to work and some break from the hospital. We’ve been there every day for the past 4 weeks or so, so I’m taking the children out shopping that we can bring home with us. Azalea says she wants to look at baby stuff that she can pack which is a good idea since we started to order online have it shipped to our house. And I might look at stuff for Susanna and the child.”

“Yes, and have fun shopping. It will also give Susanna a break because it seems last few times we were over she was stressed out or something. Maybe it will help her chill and give her time to process things that we keep telling her.”

“Yes that would be helpful since I think your sister and her family are seeing her today and it will keep the number of bodies down there as well. You said she had very sensitive hearing, do you think that could be the culprit the last few times we visited?”

“It could very well be, she doesn’t do well or rather when she was smaller didn’t do well in noisy areas and would shut down especially if people are talking over each other. Her hearing is so acute that when I had her tested could hear beyond what the majority of angels could hear because of her angel. If her siblings were talking over with one another she would zone out especially if we were out and would zone out. Because of that, I have left her in grocery stores on occasion since I had to remove them from the situation. Someone would spot her and bring her up to the front until I came in since I always had her in the seat on the cart. The managers would have her in their office and she would have something from either one of them or a customer. So I wouldn’t past it that she is getting over stimulated with it being noisy without being awake to process everything. Then again Dr. Lagonov said she is still having withdrawal symptoms since there is a trace amount in her but should be out completely soon.”

“True, but I don’t want to stress her out, she doesn’t need it. She needs relaxation to help her heal. Do you know of any ways we could do that even if we aren’t around?”

“Music, we can see if we can get a music player or something in her room. I know you didn’t spend much time with her and when you did it was other activities but she loves music writing it, listening to it, singing, playing, and probably any way she could think of. It also calmed her down if she was frustrated or stressed out. It will be something to look for when you are out to see what you can find to play music but I would think a transportable device would be the best solution.”

“Ok, I know this might be intrusive but do you know what species of demons Hyun Jung had her first children?”

“Not particularly, she never said just that he was a demon but from the description of being handsome and leading her on I wouldn’t put it past that he was an incubus. Cambions is rather a broad term for any offspring of a demon and a human as well Cambions with human. Christina most likely will have a cambion for her child but will have more human DNA than half according to my research this past few weeks. Susanna that’s another thing, it could be a cambion, a nephilim, or she could bear a celestial being that is of neither heaven nor hell more so than she would produce a human especially now. I know we’ve been calling her child an angel but it could be more than that.”

“What celestial being is that?”

“I don’t know they didn’t list a name other than it is so rare that people call them Phantoms, Forsaken, and Spirits. My guess would be an angel or demon that cannot enter heaven or hell. The DNA is similar and would probably take after each parent fairly equally it would just depend what the parents give. It is only a guess though but highly likely to happen and being demons and angels hate each other neither will let the child in unless there were extraneous circumstances to permit it. Which Susanna’s certainly would end up being if I heard Michael right, he has been around more to help.”

“Ok, so another thing, I know we are planning Azalea’s baby shower but what about Susanna’s? It doesn’t feel right to hold her one when she is still in coma. Oh and when will you update Red Dolphin Industries?”

“Probably today sometime after the conflict is resolved. If not I’ll get to it tomorrow the blog isn’t that important right now.”

“Ok, we’ll be back later”

With that they leave and I get to work on this situation from Pittsburgh if it can be fixed. All what I know of the situation is that one of the actors/singers signed under the main label with got into a major fight with her manager and the paparazzi not to mention she is a huge star. It is seeing what we have to do but I have to call the manager and the star to see if this can come to an agreement of some sort fast. Apparently this has been going on for a while and finally has reached me at the top and no one else can get things calmed down. Normally I’m just dealing with meetings and okaying contract now since my dad retired while the rest is delegated and I have been looking at returning to directing and producing once Susanna does come home. I start what the start to see what she wants to do and right now she knows that her contract is on its last thread before we break the contract due to her actions.

“Mr. Rizzo,” she states

“Ms. Vanna Som,” I reply. “I’m not happy with this and it should have been taken care of before it reached me and this isn’t the best time for me to handle this. I know you are aware that if this isn’t taken care your contract with us is over. Is there something we should be doing but aren’t?”

“Well I’m surprised you called and no you have been doing everything just fine. With how great the company is…”

“Save your brown nosing, this has caused a major scandal for you, you do realize that and our company has been on the mend with you that you continue to break. We cannot do damage control if you continue to act like this and your actions are jeopardizing your time with us. No companies any more work with artists who destroy their lives and try to stop it and right now by the way you look and are acting you are destroying your life by drugs.”

“You try to resist temptation, the drugs are so plentiful in the black markets and you don’t need to show ID or anything to get them. Besides I’m an adult at 21 years old. So what if I fought with my manager and the paparazzi they were holding me up from getting my drugs. Break the contract for all I care, I still have the money and can get my drugs.”

“You need counselling that you are refusing, you are a childhood star I get that but you don’t need to destroy your life for it and you have been signed on to us for a long time and have many fans. I will talk to your manager and then we will contact you soon about a decision.”

“Counselling, drug rehab, I heard it all.”

She hangs up at that and I call her manager to see what exactly has been taken place with her and if it is time to break the contract. He was more than willing to share what he knows she has bought and more actions. We do discuss if it is has come to breaking the contract so we don’t enable herself to kill herself. Big companies now days if the artist/idol dies from overdose or while recovering they are held responsible and can be charged hefty fines. He agrees that it has become that time since all the options she has been given was shot back at us or did them but was a joke. We both contact her together to let her know and she doesn’t care and after that I start the process of getting her documents back to her that she needs and what neither of us need long gone and takes 2 hours before I get a call for a meeting that is happening today. In fact the rest of the day is meeting for either new recruits, people pitching ideas for another subsidiary of the company, or the scandal with Ms. Vanna Som. I’m just glad these meetings don’t include my daughter but some stuff that Vanna indorses wanted meeting with her manager and me and to clear things with them. The whole meetings take up the entire day and by the time the family comes home I’m tired of all these calls.

“So how was the situation?” inquires Margaret when she gets back.

“It has been handled,” I reply. “How it went on so long that it got to me baffles me and I have been in meetings discussing that and people propositioning new subsidiaries. I’m just glad a decision was reached on the situation but I still need to think on the subsidiaries and to me only a few seem promising. Most of the time it leads to know where but two companies seem to know what they are doing.”

“That’s good, so I take it that took your whole day?”

“Yes, how was your day shopping?”

“Good, Azalea found some baby clothes and things she would need that could be packed and a car seat for her child. We also found her better maternity clothes and the others found stuff they wanted but just looked around. I know I might be jumping the gun a little bit with Susanna but I got her a car seat and started to look at furniture for both her and the angel.”

“Its fine and we need to get Susanna items not only for herself but for the child as well. Even if it will feel slow time will go by faster than we think it will. We will need a carseat here so we can transport the child and it will be the only big item she needs here I believe.”

“Ok, so if this does goes south what are our naming options for the child? Are we keeping it Italian inspired 1st name and a Korean middle name? Let alone are we going to make a list for Susanna to help her concentrate if she has a short time?”

“We might as well start that but we will need major help with the Korean name which is what the middle name is with the exception of Susanna she went by Soo Zee then the intended Young Mi because of the nickname Suzie. Hannah always picked out the Korean name because she knew Korean and has always said it is the Hanja that creates the meaning in Korean and what would flow best together while giving the best meaning. Young Mi means prosperity or eternal and beautiful depending on the Hanja being used. The one we used ironically means eternal and beautiful oddly enough Susanna if you put the middle name first means eternal and beautiful lily because of her angel.”

“So who would help us?”

“Hyun Jung’s mother Hee Young and we can take it online to help.”

“Ok, so are we looking at this child inheriting the lactose intolerant and being allergic to soy?”

“I don’t know, neither one of them were lactose intolerant or allergic to soy so it will be mainly from Susanna. Susanna was on special formula until she was 3 and then we gave her almond milk or lactaid even if she preferred almond milk since her formula was had almond in it and Hyun Jung drank almond milk as well.”

“Hyun Jung had the same problem?”

“Yes, and she has joked while she was alive that no one got her allergies or intolerances even if they were two. If she would be alive with Susanna I think she would provide better understand what could go into her body and so forth. I tried to teach her but I don’t know how effective it is since it is a lot going off of doctors. You know firsthand experience?”

“Yes, that would be beneficial especially from a relative. I know we agree to foster and adopt but if we do have a biological child together, would you be oppose to it?”

“No, I wouldn’t be but are you…”

“No, I’m not, I was just asking in case something did happen and we had a biological child together. I was wondering if we could stop using condoms and me stopping my ovulation which is why I was asking in case something happened. Obviously we wouldn’t be actively trying, I just feel like all this protection is wearing me down. Nephilim aren’t actual angels stopping ovulation premenopausal can cause harm to some female Nephilim. I just don’t want condoms between us.”

“If you think it will be better for your health let’s do it. I do appreciate that you talked to me about this before doing it and I'm sure your ob-gyn will be behind this. Have you talked to him?”

“I called the office and said if I feel weird that we need to either find something else or let nature take its course. Right now I just don't feel like any birth control and see what happens.”

“Do what you need to, to get yourself better or feeling better. But why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I don't know. Anyways if you need my help let me know.”

My wife kisses my cheek and I go to the Red Dolphin Industries website to update since it has been ignored since Susanna was returned. I do get the press release linked to the post and start to write.

Sorry for the delay for the update on RDI other than the press release from Rizzo Entertainment, these past few week have been busy and hectic. I am happy to announce that Susanna is back in our arms for these past few weeks albeit in a coma from all what she has been through. We are grateful for all your prayers thus far and ask you continue to pray for her and the family. I know a lot in the angelic community are waiting for this website to be updated to continue with their programming. I am planning on go on into more details soon but bear in mind that we are still in a wait and see what is going on. There are still factors in play that we are unsure if.
First off this update is not about Susanna but one of her ‘roommates’ if you would call it that. Azalea was also kidnapped by JJJ and all of her family is dead. We have taken her in to give her a good life. We are unsure what is going on with Beatrix the other one since we haven't heard what is going on other than she is still in state custody. We are praying she gets good news and how we are giving Azalea a new life she will be given the same chance. With that being said it is up to Azalea to announce what she wants and has only given me the ok that we have taken her in and healthy. For being in the situation she was healthy and was in a better state than Susanna was. It will still be a long road for her and we are helping her in this journey.

Susanna, as you can tell from the is bad and at the time of the release we had no clue which way she was headed and was life flighted to Angelic Woman’s and Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh and is currently in the ICU. We are happy to report instead of going downhill she is getting better but is still connected to breathing tubes, feeding tubes, and monitors. The breathing tube is being cut back on and they are hoping in a couple of weeks she will only need the nasal breathing instead of full on breathing support. In her system, she had demonic poison from JJJ with the intent on killing her when they found out about her removal. They also found black market addictive fertility drugs called Dyna Gem and Gyroev or commonly known as the childhood stealers and most likely had them for four years. She has went through withdrawals and still somewhat to this day she has withdrawal symptoms but we hope that soon it is out of her system completely. What we are willing to share at this point regarding Dyna Gem and Gyroev is that they were trying to get her pregnant and while she was in their care she did not have a child. We will update you further on Susanna as she progresses but at this time we do not feel like giving certain information in this required right now. Just continue to pray for Susanna that she will come through this fine.

I have more news, JJJ has been found and are waiting trail which is in a few weeks. I cannot go into a lot of the legal issues but what I can talk about is already determined and I feel comfortable releasing. This is an angelic trial due to them being Cambions and she is a host to an angel, which is why the trial is in a few weeks. We don’t know much about angelic trials but they said it would be faster than a human trial and it is shaping up that way.

All and all continue to pray for Susanna and the whole situation as whole from Beatrix trying to find a home to a fair and speedy trial. I will try my hardest to update but I may not be able to get to it.

I look it over and make sure the links are where they are supposed to be posting it. It took me 5 tries before this was decided on and I hope it help with all the questions people have been posting on the website. I then take time to just relax and talk to my wife and children. It is wonderful that as a large blended family that we are living in harmony than a lot of bickering but I think it has to deal with how we are raising them. The next morning comes with my phone coming off and it is Beatrix’s number so I don’t know if everything is all right.

“Hello,” I state. “Beatrix is something the matter?”

“The police will contact you shortly but none of my family wants me and considers me a traitor for not marrying one of the brothers that kidnapped your daughter, Azalea, and me. I have nowhere else to go and I hear you are starting to adopt Azalea. I want to be with her. She has been my rock throughout this and I don’t want to go to strangers. You have opened yourself up to us and it seems better to be with Azalea,” she replies.

“Ok, I’m sorry about your family. You are not a traitor to them and it is their loss if they don’t want to take you in. When they get here I’ll let them know you contacted me and I’ll get my application in. Are you pregnant as well?”

“No, they never raped and I never stepped in for Susanna. She and I butted heads a lot so I didn’t see the reason to especially early on when she would try to run away causing more pain to herself. If it wasn’t one thing with her it was another it seemed like or they were just particularly mean to her I don’t know anymore.”

“Ok, I was just asking. I take it your mom and dad were the same way as your family?”

“Yes, demons and Cambions are highly misunderstood creatures and not matter what we have to help them instead of ostracize or fight them. It seemed that Susanna was fighting them then helping them and I was more than willing to help infect it seemed I was the most prized. I wish this didn’t go this way so I could help them more understand that they…”

“Some demons and Cambions might need just understanding but they seem to be the exception especially with demons. Susanna knows more than normal humans do even with her being their little sister because she is a host to an angel. Also in with this Susanna was scared of them even if she doesn’t know why but before this happened she was deathly scared of them because of reasons that happened to her that she cannot remember. Knowing she tried to escape is a good sign she didn’t want to be there but physically she couldn’t even if they weren’t Cambions and should have known better physically to stay put and find another way. They knew of her physical disabilities and probably used it to their advantage and to scare you guys into shape. With Susanna there is more than meets the eye.”

“So she wasn’t there for years before us and they beat her so much that she was physically behind?”

“No, she was a premier and didn’t breath for 10 minutes or so causing some brain damage we don’t know how much and a few months later when I was in Korea shooting a movie a former nanny shook her violently and she had her head hit against the wall causing more damage. Because of that she was physically behind even compared to the other quadruplets she was born with, in other words she was a target knowing she couldn’t be as mobile as she desired. If anything she came there at least a week before you guys did if not the day before by my calculations from what Azalea said. I most likely believe she was there the day before you guys were.”

“Then why didn’t she tell me that? Would she told Azalea?”

“She might not have told her or tried to tell you both but you wouldn’t let her and Azalea actually listened to her. I don’t know, we can’t ask Susanna until she wakes up from her coma.”

“I see anyways I’ll let you go.”

“Ok, but if you are adopted and Susanna does wake up I expect both of you to be civil with each other no matter what beef you guys have with each other. If you think this will be a problem then I might have to rethink.”

“It won’t be a problem on my end and it seems I have some apologizing on my end. While I may not agree with it but it seems some of it wasn’t her fault. I’ll talk to you later”


We hang up and Margaret looks at me before saying, “Who was that?”

“Beatrix,” I reply. “She informed me that her family doesn’t her and she wants to be close to Azalea. So we should expect the police to show up later today sometime with that information.”

“That’s terrible, if they don’t want her we will provide a loving home for her to heal and it might be better than her home life.”

“It sounds like it will be, her family sounds like they are the extremist that support demons being on Earth saying they are misunderstood all of them and don’t mean to harm anyone. She was indoctrinated with those ideas and butted with Susanna a lot from what she told me. It won’t surprise me if the therapist will also have to work on her home life to get her seeing straight.”

“The she is better off that she doesn’t go back to her family since it doesn’t sound like she’ll be able to heal properly with them and she needs to be in a loving environment and I can only assume since they don’t want her they don’t love her. Did she say why?”

“That they view her as a traitor to their family.”

“Then they aren’t loving and don’t deserve to have her.”

I give her a look and she stops but she can get on rants about anything and everything that will take a very long time to get her out of it. She did it several times when we were fighting to get Susanna back and they lasted days sometimes weeks especially if we lost a fight. If anything she is annoyed how many unloved and abused kids out there and would adopt every one of them. Her heart is in the right place but sometimes can get so heated up that she loses focus. Getting up myself I get into some jeans and a top wanting to see Susanna today and I can see Margaret turning her attention to rooms particularly Azalea’s as they go over the color and what she wants in it along with her daughter’s nursery. There is a knock at the door and I answer it to see the CPS instead of police.

“How can I help you?” I ask not sure if they are delivering the news or something else going on.

“Yes, we come in behalf of Beatrix Jaskolski, since the trial we have taken over with her care unlike when you got Azalea. She did mention she would like to be close to Azalea and knowing you are now her legal guardian you have the first say right now before we start an official search since she did request.”

“I don’t have to put in an application?”

“No, your application is the same as Azalea due to the short time frame we keep it on file for 3 months before you need to send in another application. Sorry for the confusion since it does differ state to state PA we keep it for 3 months while I know in CA you have to apply every time. If you need time to think about it then let us know in a week.”

“My wife and I do agree and talked about this before it even came into play but we would love to adopt her or become her legal guardian whichever one she prefers. When do we need to be up there to release her from the hospital? What does she need?”

“You need to be up there today if that is your decision and we do know she needs better clothes than what she has on. Medically from what we can tell she doesn’t need much.”

“Ok, we’ll be up there as soon as we can.”

“That’s fine the service worker will be expecting you then as soon as we tell her.”

They leave and Margaret just nods her head and quickly finishes the breakfast so we can get to Du Bois to finish everything. For this one Azalea is probably the most excited one out of the bunch and I think it is because of the bond they share. I don’t blame her and she has said many times that she is worried Beatrix wouldn’t be taken in by her family members. Once in Du Bois, Azalea hangs out with Beatrix as I finish out the paper work with the social service representative and she is very kind.

“Before I see Beatrix, is there anything I should know?” I ask not wanting to be blindsided.

“Physically she is healthy small but healthy,” she replies. “The only thing that was being worked on is with a therapist, she has a very severe case of Stockholm syndrome and we believe it extends also from her family. We have reasons to believe that her family was threatened to aid the demons and it went to the whole family that after so many generations it seemed real than trying to fight it. This needs to be treated and we have started to treat it but we want her to continue with the treatment.”

“I will make sure it continues but is there home things I can do to help as well?”

“I’m not sure, you’ll have to ask the therapist but after the adjustment phase since at that point she will be getting back into her normal self.”

“I understand.”

I head back to Beatrix’s room, she is in ratted clothes, and I hug her.

“Beatrix, I’m sorry,” I state. “You will get better mentally and the whole world isn’t what you grew up with and during the 8 years with them.”

“Thanks, for that and actually fostering me,” she replies.

“Its fine, do you want to get food before you leave Du Bois? I have an apartment in Pittsburgh right now and we are staying there for a while.”

“Yes, that’s fine since I am kind of hungry hospital meals aren’t the best.”

“Anywhere special?”

“I know this may sound weird by I would like to try Cosmos my parents banned it and I’ve been dying to try it.”

“That’s fine perfectly fine if you want to go there. I have no qualms of going to a place you love or want to try.”

“Thank you, my parents didn’t like fast food places but from what I’ve heard they have good burgers and fries and I love burgers.”

“You’re welcome”

At that, I get the whole family to Cosmos, they get what they want, and Beatrix seems to be loving this since I guess this was banned for her. I never banned this but with Susanna I was careful and I do know she got more chicken since it didn’t have cheese on it. During lunch I get a text from a number I’m not sure of but I have a feeling it is Jason or Justin if not both posing under a different number than their chip and Azalea gets one as well so I’m speculating one was sent to Susanna.

Susanna or Azalea is naming their children after us correct. The father’s has to be honored even if it is a girl and we get the final say not the women who carry the child. If they do not honor us we will cause more pain to them and the decision will haunt them for the rest of their lives. ~JandJ

Azalea texts back before I could reply but I get to the point

I am not naming my daughter after you guys and sorry you don’t get the final say. Leave us alone! ~Pissed off

First off I am giving this to the police to track and if an accomplice can be added to the crimes. As for the names, sorry under federal law once you are even accused of raping a girl you lose all right including naming rights. Azalea and Susanna have right to name their children as they see fit and for your information the father doesn’t get the ultimate right to name the child it is either a joint decision between the couple or the mothers ultimate decision. Text either one of us again and this number will be blocked. ~Dante Rizzo

I also forward the text and responses to the police to see that that will help and continue but I didn’t tell them that Susanna is in a coma as not to fuel any more fire from them. Thankfully the police called back saying they are on it and while they didn’t want us to reply but it was already done. We head back to Pittsburgh after lunch since that is what Beatrix wanted and she did want to see Susanna shortly afterwards. Azalea does something though that I wasn’t expecting considering it looks like they have a strong bond as they talked everything under the sun at lunch and during the car ride here.

“Do you see her?” states Azalea. “She didn’t deserve this, they did this to her because she was a target and a way that they could keep us in line by using her as a punching bag and making us scared of them. They did this to her for no apparent reason, do you not see that. Put your difference aside with Susanna and actually empathize with her since we all went through it together even if she was the punching bag. Right now she is alive but she could have died and may die. I don’t care if you two become friends but I do want you to apologize to her when she does wake up. Even if she defied them she didn’t need it to where she almost died. We didn’t deserve what we got either but she got the brunt of it and would have died if we weren’t found when we were.”

“I see her, Azalea, but what does this have to deal us now? I cannot apologize right now to her she won’t respond. As I stated to Dante I will apologize to her and be civil around her since I know we butted heads and most of that was due to my upbringing. I’m a traitor to my family for not marrying the demons that caused me harm and they see me as refusing to help them. We didn’t have a close bond nor do I think we ever will even if I admit my short comings,” replies Beatrix.

“I don’t ask for a close bond all I ask is that you two makeup and more so you. She didn’t cause the fights between you two; you did because of your beliefs. Beatrix, they got what they wanted from her they got her pregnant. That is why the beat her so much because she wasn’t getting pregnant failing to realize they were making it so she couldn’t conceive including beatings which would cause miscarriages if she ever did get pregnant. So you are saying she should have conceived earlier and her life would have been spared. That child if born there would have been used to hurt her more.”

“How do you know that? She could have been taking those drugs willingly.”

“She didn’t,” I input. “If she did the reading levels would have been lower due to a non-regular schedule. She had high levels indicating it was a part of the abuse and they injected her not her injecting herself. While she cannot talk right now it is unlikely that she will contradict what I was told by a drug rehab specialist. They were trying and were giving the drug to her twice a day and it wasn’t Susanna who bought it, we monitored the black market for illegal fertilization drugs being sold and the abuses bought it so they used it. She detoxed on not only the illegal drugs but from the demonic poison at the same time. She miscarried one child but still has the other one. Also before you ask, I have tried in any way from to make a decision for Susanna in her pregnancy but my hands are tied. She will have no recollection of the pregnancy or at least the majority. The earliest we can hope she can wake up is around the time she is to give birth not enough time for her to decide due to the laws.”

“And if she doesn’t wake up in time for the birth?” inquires Beatrix

“She will be given time to wake up but after that is up the child will be put up for adoption if she doesn’t wake up. Margaret and I are planning to adopt the child if that were to happen and will be seen as a brother to Susanna when she does wake up. Signs are pointing that she will wake up as long as she doesn’t take a turn for the worse. As I said before I just want civility between everyone even if there are differences.”

“And she does wake up before she gives up?”

“She has one of two choice either raise the child or abandon the child when she leaves. I don’t want her to abandon the child but I also don’t want to force the child on her as well. Knowing she does have an angel in her I don’t she will abandon it and we aren’t positive if she will fully come to terms until she gives birth. We do not even know how much she comprehends now other than she can hear.”

“Does she have friends?”

“Yes, Ginny, but she doesn’t realize yet that they are now siblings and a boy named Leo. Leo is hoping to be here to see her sometime but he is in a situation himself and he wants to pay for it himself without his parents or my help. Other than that most of her friends didn’t seem to stay like they did and reasonably so they were children as well and didn’t realize something was up other than probably moving. Ginny being Margaret’s daughter before was brought into it and as for Leo he wanted to be a part of it; he is the host to the angel that was engaged to Susanna’s angel in heaven. Not to mention his family is close personal friend of mine as well.”

Beatrix nods her head and looks at Susanna before asking to leave saying she is uncomfortable right now in here. We let her because this is the first time for her to actually see Susanna and all the questions she had not to mention Azalea pointing things out. I don’t blame her everything has to be too much for her. So with that we just headed back to the apartment so she can relax and unpack what she does have. Margaret when we are back looks through our combine email and she comes up to me.

“My sister and her husband sent an email to approve for their blog,” she states. “Didn’t we tell them they can post what they want but let the major reveals come by us and your blog?”

“Yes, but let’s see what it is,” I reply.

“As you may have noticed for about 9 weeks we haven’t posted any videos along with a lot of the Angelic community,” starts Stefanie Finley. “While this is for relatively the same thing Susanna Rizzo, the supposed host to angel Sousanna, has been found and as of right now still in a coma. We stopped a before this hit the news though, as you may now my sister, Margaret, is married to Dante Rizzo her father. We haven’t posted out of respect to the family and unsure what to post especially regarding her. We have taken these weeks to communicate with them and actually waiting for him to blog before we started back up so we can figure out how to word everything and kind of grieve ourselves.”

“We don’t know the full details but more than the general public as what is going on some of which out of respect we will not say,” adds Alastair.

"We have met them and Sue before Margaret and Dante got married. They were a nice sweet family and never in a million years would we believe this would happen to them. Susanna at that time has a very good voice, wrote songs, and heavily into music. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up not only does she want to be a singer she wants to produce and compose music as well. In other words she wants to do everything in music other than teach."

“Actually neither of them were too far away, she already wrote her own music that she sold on Red Dolphin Industries, sang them and covers she wanted, and also wrote some composed music on commission for films even if it was 1 or 2 songs. The only thing she didn’t do is produce music since she was too young and didn’t have a certificate. Most of the songs were under the pseudonym Red Dolphin because of her age which by then everyone realized it was Dante’s youngest, Susanna, writing them due to the videos. Now how this started over 8 years ago Margaret called late 1 night saying demons attacked Dante and Susanna and bother were in critical condition and in comas. We do know that the family lost legal custody to a maternal Aunt and Uncle that were legal guardians to her abusers. As you may have noticed on our blog, we helped get her back. We did videos on the topics to help bring awareness of what is going on behind closed doors throughout the world. You wouldn’t believe how common it is. A male family member or stranger takes a female family member or stranger and vice versa that supposedly ends in marriage. Only the wealthy families seem to can fight this. These are referred to as hidden statistics but are available to everyone. Within these statistics are different levels ranging from low, Level A, to high, Level Z, anything that doesn’t fit in the lines are outliers. The outliers have the level in which they are close to for some guidance. These statistics are meant as a rough estimate on how well they will recover and integrate back into the community.”

“Stats are fine but no family wants this and normally the family doesn’t want to hear that their child or family member is a statistic. As for the family on this they may find that Susanna is an outlier and could go either way. That is if she ever wakes up. When she was found she was left to bleed to death and was in a coma. She is getting better but no one knows the severity of the abuse since she is still in a coma. What we do know is was severe enough that she is bone thin, has scars covering her body, potential to become pregnant at only 12 years old, addicted to illegal drugs called childhood stealers, and that maybe her development has stalled or stopped. And this is just from conversation with Margaret and Dante. Now Sue was highly behind in physical development when we last saw her at 3. We do know this is a form of getting victims and her abusers could very well control her movement but she was highly advanced in mental abilities. No one in this family believes she took the abuse lying down but fought until she physically couldn’t and still defied them by words.”

“In a way she was a good victim being easily targeted but in a bad choice. She has a mighty scream that pierces ears and goes for miles; and very determined. So this was a hard period even for Susanna and we do know that there were two other young girls with her and that this was hard on them as well. They have a long road to face, as does Susanna when she wakes up. We will go into more details in our blog post down below. Also please note not all rumors going around Susanna are true and until you hear official word either from the RDI or Rizzo Entertainment PR team take it as a grain of salt.”

Margaret and I look at it and approve of it since we think it is fine with a reminder that they don’t need our approval for their videos. At that point there is a drop in the kitchen and I see Azalea trying to cook but a plate dropped and broke.

“Sorry,” she starts. “I’ll clean up, just…”

“It is fine, Azalea, are you alright? Do you want my help?” I reply.

“Yes, I’m fine and I don’t need help.”

“Ok and you aren’t in trouble things get broken all the time. Are you feeling alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine it is just hard to adjust from being punished for the smallest accidents. And if you are wondering about scolding Beatrix earlier, I had to do that because she was the one to criticize Susanna for everything when she was beat up. I wanted her to see it wasn’t her fault that it happened but was also a victim like we were.”

“I understand that everything, but you seemed harsh on Beatrix.”

“I know but she can be very hard headed and it is the only way I know I can get in her head that Susanna is also innocent is to be harsh on her. During the 8 years I had to be scold her for being too harsh on Susanna when she was taken when she was supposedly helping or being beat when she wanted to leave.”

Beatrix came in at that point and asks if she can asks us a few questions in private so we head to her room.

“Azalea, why didn’t you choose something else than keeping the child?” inquires Beatrix. “I would have either aborted or choose adoption.”

“Because I looked at abortion and I was too far along for an abortion according to state laws and as for adoption I don’t think I would be able to. I’m already bonding with my daughter and it would probably hurt me more giving her up not know if she will go through the same thing we all did,” replies Azalea.

“Dante, I know this is personal, but why haven’t you decided…” Beatrix starts.

I interrupt, “I tried, I seriously did and due to her health both physically and mentally I would have aborted the child. Legally though I cannot make the decision even if I’m her medical advocate, the government even in her condition believes it her choice thereby she has little to no choices if she wakes up before she gives birth. I can choose anything else for her other than ending the child’s life and right now hers since she is pregnant. She is not as developed as a grown woman let alone Azalea so there may be more risk to her but it is hard to find research on that. The only thing we can do for the pregnancy right now is try to make her comfortable and prepare for the child. I’m just afraid this will harm her more since she has no choice and she is so young.”

“So you weren’t lying in the hospital? I thought you were and forcing it on Susanna to raise.”

“No, and I wouldn’t anyways. Government has put their noses where they don’t belong and if the mother cannot make the choice for herself due medical reasons the person that is the medical advocate needs to make that decision. What decisions can be made when she is in a coma and I’m legally bound to let her decide? There is no decision and with the prognosis what choices seems like no choice to me for either of us especially if she does wake up before or while giving birth. But this isn’t right now a battle I want to do with the battle to even get my daughter back I would rather take this time and be with her as much as I can.”

“Ok, another question does the fathers have rights to the children?”

“No, they do not because they raped them. Federal laws state if the rapist get their victim pregnant convicted or not they lose all rights to the child. The only thing I feel sorry for if the mother decides to keep it and they aren’t convicted or released from jail, which is rare, they get no child support. Most rapists look at a life time sentence and with Susanna they are looking at the death penalty.”

“I understand. It sucks though that you cannot make a decision.”

“It does and I wasn’t happy about it. While I’m glad she is safe and I’m going to be a grandfather but I cannot help but be made at the whole situation with Susanna and Azalea that led them to become pregnant. While Azalea has made her decision and will support her with it, I just wish either Susanna of I have some choice with her with her pregnancy.”

Beatrix out of nowhere hugs me and Azalea joins in with her belly. It is sweat and for the next 7 weeks I do what I can with work, getting them back into society, helping Azalea with her pregnancy and just being with Susanna. Right now Susanna is having her 16 week appointment and they are doing an ultrasound on her. Also Azalea at 28 weeks is here to see Susanna and the baby grow. This ultrasound is to get DNA to help with the case that is going on and is progressing fast but just need this DNA to get the father restricted of his rights. We do know Justin is the father for Azalea’s girl but for Susanna it is still to be determined.

“Well I can’t determine if it is a girl or a boy yet the anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks will determine that but we don’t need DNA for nephilim or cambion for the child. She or he is a nephilim; you can tell by that the bones you see in the wings resemble a bird not a bat. The feathers will create the bulk of it since the skin is not as stretched out as if it were a bat. The bones are different as well,” she states
“Did you get what you needed?” I ask. “It is good it is a nephilim but I don’t want to hinder your progress.”

“Yes, and we will print out pictures for you. Phoenix here has something to wake up for, and all nephilim survive amniocentesis. Do you want me to have them look for the sex with the DNA or do you want me to see if I can find?”

“See if you can find it but if not, we’ll find out at the next ultrasound.”

“Alright, any questions?”

“Is it because of her weight that she has a rather large bump for her weeks in pregnancy?”

“Yes, also having little not muscle and her short torso doesn’t help with her not showing. Now for the sex”

The baby is sleeping but at the last ultrasound the baby was moving around but I do know they have been checking to see when he would be cooperative but at least there is a heartbeat. But he is laying probably not in a good position to find the sex. With some prodding the baby does move slightly and uncrosses the legs showing a private area but not the best position. She tries some more but he is fast asleep

“Well it looks like a boy, but he didn’t move enough to cooperate with finding out so I’m not going to say for certain. He seems to be stubborn so I will say boy but wait for confirmation when he is being more cooperative for this. He isn’t for this one. If your daughter was not in a coma I could do more tricks but I’m limited in that area with her.”

“That’s fine; if the baby is not cooperating then I don’t want to force it.”

“If you don’t have any more questions, I can get the pictures on your chips. But we got what we needed and it should only take a few days for the results to come back. Also the baby is healthy nephilim.”

“Just one more question, we know this child is appears to be healthy but when the child is born could it change?”

“With nephilim, no, or at least not from what I’ve seen from outside factors. The doctor would know more about it but from what I see if he can be healthy following her detox then I have my doubts that he will be impacted a whole lot health wise.”

“Ok, that is all questions we have.”

At that she gets the pictures on the chips and leaves before Margaret looks at me.

“How much longer?” she asks and I know it is about Susanna’s pregnancy.

“Not too much longer, the tabloids are speculating she is pregnant or dead which we already denied her being dead,” I reply. “At the latest I’ll get to it tomorrow but I’m hoping tonight.”

“Ok I just feel like they are making things up or family members are blabbing about Susanna.”

“Someone who probably claims to be a friend of family member is talking to the press. Carlo might if I pissed him off enough. I don’t think I have though.”

“You and he don’t seem to have the best of relationship.”

“We don’t but we try not to fight, we just have different opinions and as long as we keep it to the weather and nothing to serious all is fine.”

“Do you think he could have gone because you took away his daughters spot light with her pregnancy with Susanna being found and is now using her pregnancy to get back at us?”

“If he looked at the situation like that but that is on him if he did and is viewing Susanna being back as a direct threat against his family. While yes I wouldn’t put it past him but I don’t think he would with the situation and normally the tabloids will have his name in print they never did this time. So I have my doubts he did. I’m just afraid for when he sees Susanna next along with Azalea.”


“He has told Sakura and Anastasia that they have to do it and no one will help them. It is something I don’t want them to hear since they need to know we are here to help them if they need it. So I’m afraid one if not both will take that personally. Anastasia hasn’t taken it personally but it is mostly to Sakura. She parties a lot.”

“I see so that is why he is telling the girls thinking they are like her?”

“Yes, at least I believe so.”

I look at Susanna and I know as days, weeks, and months pass she will have no knowledge truly what is going around and no matter how many times I repeat things to her I don’t think she fully understands. We know she hears but we don’t know to what extent she cans no process thing. Knowing that will probably is when she does come out of her coma. I want to tell her one more time before I give the head to the PR team and work on the blog post.

“Suzie, you’re safe from the abuse you’ve been through,” I start. “Everything will be fine; it may not seem like it right now with you being in a coma and pregnant but everything will be fine. Margaret and I will help you any way we can to get you better and to raise your child.”

I grab her hand and quietly pray for guidance as I’ve done before but I know with both of these there will be some backlash from the community where I had no choice. Sending out to the PR to release the news about Susanna’s pregnancy helps to relieve some stress off my shoulders and keeps the public informed as to what is going on. I just hope this doesn’t start a wave of fan mail for Susanna to get her prepared for the child. It is during that time I get an email from Mario and Nicholas so I open it up to see their picture they took with just her hand and teddy bear that was taken the day we got her back with something that says insert photo and add text.

Hi nonno, I just got this finished I know you didn’t say anything about making a frame with this picture and I already sent the others from finishes works. This picture looks to me that it could be a frame for anything and was thinking this could be a good way to keep rotating pictures of Susanna’s pregnancy. You can do with it what you want but I have it set up when you click to add pictures to do a gallery and you can add more going on and add text. You can make as many copies as you want in case you want it for the Red Dolphin Industries blog. I just hope it helps. ~Nicholas

I smile and I think this will be perfect for many things but it will defiantly due for the update on RDI.

Nicholas, thank you for this and yes this will get many uses including for RDI for the blog post I’m going to make soon. This was more than I was hoping for and thank you for what you and Mario have done so far to help us in this time of need. Tell Will I said hi and miss him.
Love you,

I then start to work on the picture by getting all of the ultrasounds we had done so far in the gallery and in the text box saying:

Please pray for my mamma, she needs it bad. Due 2-5002

I work on it but it is hard since I want it to be clear that this decision to keep the child is not in our hands but right now the governments. They know she is in a coma, they know she cannot make this decision, what they don’t know is that the government tied my hands fully so I couldn’t make the best decision for Susanna, the baby, and the family. In reality this is hard to come out this way and had to restart the blog several times already before going to bed in hopes that I can get this together. Waiting for me in the morning, are two things one the press release of Susanna’s pregnancy and a message on the pregnancy website, My Little Baby. I read the press release 1st.

Miss Susanna Rizzo, while still in her coma, is pregnant from the abuse she has suffered. She is 16 weeks pregnant today and medically she is doing better with no trace of the drugs or poison in her system. While some indications of how severe her injuries are we still have no true knowledge other than the pregnancy how extensive they are. Mr. Dante Rizzo and his family are doing their best to make decisions for her but cannot make any decisions regarding the pregnancy due to government laws. We remind you that the Rizzo family is going through a hard time right now and it is wished that their privacy is respected. Please keep the Rizzo family in your thoughts and prayers.

I think this is better that so far what I have come up with and I just hope I can elaborate more in my blog post as to what is going on but I would like to see the message. It is from a friend on here that goes by BlancaRose.

Hey, I was wondering how you and your daughter are doing? I know you are going through a rough time right now with your daughter and legal aspect. If there is anything I can do just let me know. You don’t update much on here about her and understandably she can’t right now. I’m just curious as to what is going on. TTYL

I smile and Steve knocks before I could reply. The rest are in school in their prospective places, Sara and Sofia in South Korea with k-pop training, Rachele, Rich, Ray, Ginny, and Anne are in school here and should be getting ready. Steve and Susanna are the exceptions with being angels and holding at least a high school degree and a college diploma and by law are not required to actually go to school. Azalea and Beatrix right now we have in homeschooling.

“Dad,” starts Steve.

“Yes,” I reply. “Do you need something?”

“Are you coming down for breakfast? Everything is ready.”

“I’ll be down their shortly.”

“Oh and Rachele, Ray, and Rick has something to show you over breakfast and wanted me to get you down there.”

“What is this about?”

“I don’t know I saw a fashion school and culinary schools for teens left out.”

“Ok, I’ll be down as soon as possible. I take it they both found schools?”

“It seems like it.”

“What about you, do you want to get something more to add?”

“I’m good, dad. It’s not like I need any more I have my angelic high school diploma and degrees in Music Theory and Performance in Violin.”

I nod my head and Steve leaves for the dining room. Schools, this one thing will get them to the career they desire and will do their best at them no matter what. I get down there as well and immediately bombarded with pamphlets to different schools. One I can see in France, another one here in Pittsburgh, but I cannot make out which is for which.

“Dad,” starts Rachele. “L’école De Design De Mode De Couture is the best fashion school in France.”

“Steel City Culinary School, dad, is the same school Zio Enzo went to correct? Rick and I would love to go there,” adds Raimondo.

They continue for a few minutes on why the think this school is the best but it is over one another and I cannot make anything out let alone decipher which goes to what. I do take in a few things that seem to be important before I discuss this with them and stop this madness: one, they researched this to great degree where to go; two, location were important to both of them; and three, these schools have high career status. Admittedly they have done an excellent job in researching everything and the one in Pittsburgh seems to be thinking we will be here for a longer time here than we all are hoping for.

“Ok, one at a time,” I state. “Everyone here wants normalcy back but going at me with wild abandon doesn’t help. Rachele you can start.”

“As I was saying I want to go to the premier fashion school in the whole world, L’école De Design De Mode De Couture, in Paris, France. It is a boarding school so you don’t need to worry about me finding accommodations when I go there. It will help me be the fashion designer I want to be. The school has an excellent program, focuses on solely fashion design, and will prepare me for a career before I graduate by getting my high school diploma and bachelors in the same place. I know it is selective in who they take and I’m willing to make the risk,” she starts.

“Why so far though? There are good schools here in the States, have you not searched them out as well?” I inquire.

“Yes, I have and I will apply to them as well, there is one in NYC that I’m interested in NYC Fashion Design Institute but they still don’t have the baring that L’école De Design De Mode De Couture has. If I don’t try I will never get in.”

“Ok, start applying though if you want to go next fall. L’école De Design De Mode De Couture and NYC Fashion Design Institute has applications and needs a few samples in what you can make.”

“I already have those planned.”

“You thought this through. Ok, Rick, Ray, who wants to tell me because it seems you both want to go to the same place,” I redirect to my boys.

“I’ll do it, since Ray botched his chance,” inputs Rick. “We want to be close and we still don’t know how soon Susanna will be waking up and how long we will stay here. Every city has a good culinary tech school and if we are to be staying here for a while we feel that for here Steel City Culinary School would be the best fit. We do know Zio Enzo went here and endorses it so we know it is a respectable school. While there may be better schools farther away we don’t want to go too far. Even if we get in here and you guys move back to Los Angeles this will be the farthest we will go. The rest of the culinary schools here though seem to be more college oriented and don’t offer a high school diploma and technical vocation or degree alongside it while this does.”

“Zio Enzo did go here, and you are correct it is rare for this program to be offered for culinary here while prevalent in other cities and countries. What were you look at in Los Angeles they have several there?” I question.

“Newton’s Academy is the main one but we don’t know if we could get in,” adds Ray. “The others were small private ones but with Susanna like she is we don’t want to leave the family any time soon so we don’t feel like going back to Los Angeles at this point will be a good idea.”

“So you are looking at mostly the schools where the family is located?” I observe.

“Yes, and right now our choices are limited. If we do stay here we will get their dorms but we aren’t decided yet,” inputs Rick. “If we have to we will go to public school and go to college for culinary arts.”

“Limited selection and it is a good school, apply and go for what you want. While I applauded for wanting to stay close to family, you have to love where you learn. Zio Enzo he loved the school and it has many factions, so it should suit both of you.”

Rachele, Riccardo, and Raimondo nod their heads and hug me and we have breakfast together. After that I get back to my friend BlancaRose and the blog.

Hi Blanca, sorry for the lack of updates on my end here, I’ve been mostly concerned with the blog and updating their for Susanna’s condition. Susanna is doing much better and is not in detox mode even though she is still in a coma. Legally speaking we are waiting to see who fathered the child she is carrying before the trial continues so his rights can be removed. The DNA sample was taken by amino yesterday. She is 16 weeks pregnant and it is just hard to watch her knowing she is pregnant and she doesn’t know nor has much say in the matters due to the government. My hands are tied in that area as well. Grr, I really wish I could make the best decision for everyone since she is in a coma but I can’t. I’m not going to fight that but I’m not happy about that law since it puts more families in bind as well. Hopefully once things calms down I can fight that stupid law but that could take a while. She is supposedly having a boy but it wasn’t clear we are hoping that at 20 weeks they can confirm it since that is when her anatomy scan is and we do know for fact that she is carrying a nephilim.

Anyways, thank you for contacting me and I’ll try to update here but it maybe sporadic on the debate and talking section. I’ll probably be on the name board after the gender is cleared up in 2 weeks to help make a list and hopefully get it to Susanna if she wakes up beforehand.


I then go back to my blog with a clear mind and it seems to be easier this time around then last night. With the picture up and what I’m saying it seems to be very clear that everything is beyond our control as to what is happening with the pregnancy.

Well as you can tell by the picture, Susanna is pregnant with her first child from the abuse and this will be technically my 3rd grandchild. As you know, Mario and Nick has a 1 year old named Wilfred and I’m not a foster parent to Azalea who is also pregnant with her first and planning on keeping her child. Unfortunately Susanna’s pregnancy is different from them majorly that she is in a coma and we don’t know how much she understands what we tell her. We do tell her she is pregnant but we don’t know if she comprehends what we are telling her. I love my children but I hate to see them suffer and knowing Susanna was suffering when she conceived this child breaks my heart but not as much as she has no say nor does she know. I just hope and pray if she wakes up before she gives birth; she understands that she is pregnant to some extent. We are aware that she may wake up while giving birth or even after she has given birth.

Now please don’t accuse me of keeping Susanna pregnant at 12 years old and will be a mother at 13 years old. I tried, but the government says that only the female can decided even if they are in a coma like my daughter. The doctors think the earliest she will wake up is with the week of her due date February 18th, 5002 making it so she has only 2 choices, abandon the child at the hospital or raise the child. Early on when we first found out I tried to make a decision for her as her medical attorney and father for this time but that still doesn’t give me the rights to decide for this child and for my daughter. If I did, just the thought of having the child even go through detox of demon poison and the illegal drugs known as Childhood Steelers and Susanna being way too young, I would have aborted the child to make things easier. But I couldn’t, now it is up to God when Susanna does wake up and what choices can be made. If she doesn’t wake up within a few weeks of giving birth then this child will be put up for adoption. If she wakes up before hand, I have my doubts she will abandon this child and we will help her raise this child so she doesn’t get too overwhelmed.

This child appears healthy and the detox didn’t affect him whatsoever and one did not survive, initially she was pregnant with twins but during detox she miscarried one but not both. The child is a nephilim meaning human DNA was given by the father and Susanna supplied angelic DNA and appears to be a boy during amniocentesis to determine the father while she is still pregnant. The tech didn’t get a good shot but hopefully at the anatomy scan in 4 weeks the child will be cooperative and we can confirm this child is a boy. So in reality right now we are getting prepared for 2 children, Azaleas which will be born soon in November and Susanna’s who has a little ways to go yet.

So yes what rumors going around that Susanna is pregnant in the tabloids are true. This is not what we had planned initially but something we had to be aware what might have happened. How this story got out we don’t know other than them claiming to be a family member or friend but we are now confirming this rumor. I will keep you guys updated on this as much as I can.

Within seconds of this being posted the post get thousands of replies most wanting to know where they could send something or giving their own displeasure to the situation. It wasn’t seem to be on the pregnancy itself but how government is still controlling us and how her abusers seem to be back with Susanna. Other than that it is very supportive and I do have to say that it is unnecessary to send stuff but if wanted to see contact page for fan mail.


Normalcy Quote 1: America’s present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy, not revolution but restoration.