Living a Lie


I thought life was going great, you know, that was until my 'dad' decided to drop this massive bomb on me. Metaphorically speaking of course.
I don't particularly want to move, especially to another country or with another family.
For the past fifteen years I've been pretty normal, well looked after and I'd settled in to life in high school. But now everything I've earned and worked towards, everyone I love I'm going to have to leave behind. Friends, family, my boyfriend mostly. I'm not sure how he's going to react when I tell him I'm moving to San Diego to live with my biological parents and older sibling. He's not going to like it that's for sure.
I had only spoken to my real parents on the phone once or twice before it was decided that I was going to live with them.
I don't really know much about them apart from that they're of Mexican origin and their son, my older brother, is in a band and is on tour the majority of the time, although when I get to SD he'll be there to meet me at the airport with his group.
I swear to god if it turns out to be a ember of One Direction or some shitty pop group then I will commit.