‹ Prequel: It's About Love
Status: Completed!

My Heart Belongs Only to You


Mike's P.O.V

I'm currently outside the hospital. The hair is cold and the clouds are hiding the sun, due to an enormous storm.
This past times have been a living hell. Why did this have to happen? To me, to him, to us.
Why did this have to happen?
I take my cigar to my lips once again, giving the last hint on it. I reached for my pocket to grab my pack and opened it. Great it's empty. That's the second pack I buy today. I really should stop smoking this much, or I'll end up getting in a hospital bed like him.
I enter the doors of the hospital and pass the security guard to go to his room. There are nurses there.
My heart starts beating really fast. I wonder if something bad happened... It can't!
As I make my way to him I hear him for the first time in two months.

Tony's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes, my vision is blurry and my head hurts. I try to adjust my vision but it continues blurry. My head turns around trying to comprehend where am I or what happened, but I can't seem to comprehend where I am. I try to get up, but my legs don't want to work properly, and neither do my arms.
Outside my room I can ear what seems like people running and yelling, they enter the place I'm at and I turn my head once again so I can see them. They approach me and start messing with some machines. Wait, machines? I look up and I see a woman dressed in white. She looks like a nurse. Am I at the hospital?
'... Can you hear me, sir?' she says. I try to talk but I can't so I just nod.
'Can you talk?' I nod my head no.
'Can you move your right hand?' In response I lift my right hand.
'Now the left?' I lift it once again.
'Alright, you have to try to talk. Can you do that?' I really want to talk but every time I open my mouth to talk I feel my throat hurting. I made a little more effort and the sound that came out was almost inaudible.
'Yes' I repeated in a whisper tone.
'Alright! Can you tell me your name?'
'Twe-twenty six'
She asked me a few more questions but I wasn't sure what was that for. Then I saw someone enter the room. That's when I saw him. Mike.
I started yelling and telling the nurse to take him out of the room and she gave me a confused look, and so did Mike.
I didn't really care, I didn't want to see him, not after what he did.

Mike's P.O.V

I wasn't expecting Tony's reaction, and I don't know why he reacted that way.
All I could hear was get out, get out and a mix of I hate you's and you're disgusting.
The nurse finally said that it was better if I waited a bit outside, because Tony was getting a bit nervous so I did as she said. I got out of the room and made my way to a little room where there was a TV and a few chairs. I sat on a chair and started crying.
What the hell happened there?
I reached for my phone and dialed my brother's number.
'Hey Mikey, I was living home to go to the hospital. Any news?' he said.
'V-Vic... He woke up' I informed my brother.
'HE DID?! Oh my, but that's wonderful! I'm leaving home with Kellin, we'll be there in 10 max'
'Vic...' I breathed into the phone.
'What's wrong?'
'H-he ss-sa-aid...' I stopped.
'He said what Mike?'
'T-that he hates me!' I said crying.
'Ohh boy! I'll be there, j-just wait 'kay?'
'I will' I hung up, buried my head on my hands and started crying, once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey :)
I'm so sorry for the late update, but I didn't knew how to write what I wanted in the way I wanted.
I know that this is sounding a bit confusing but you'll understand it in the next chapter, I promise :)
Anyway I hope you're enjoying this so far.

Kisses and love <3