
A Life Long Wait for a Hospital Stay

Kara watched in horror as Frank fell from the window, onto the pavement below. Even from the third floor, she could hear the sound of his wrists snapping as they instinctively tried to break his fall. His knees hit the ground next, shattering upon impact.

And then finally, his head smashed against the pavement with a sickening crack. His face hit first, shattering his nose and tearing at his lip ring as blood pooled around the deep gash in his head.

"No, no, no..." Kara whispered as she shoved herself from the window and to the stairs. Taking two steps at a time, she raced down the three flights of stairs and burst through the door where people were crowding around Franks unmoving body.

"Oh no, please no!" Kara sobbed as she collapsed by her boyfriends side, flipping him over so he was laying on his back. His eyes were open and blood was pouring like a waterfall from his nose and mouth.

Franks eyes focused on Kara as she pulled his head into her lap and prayed to all the gods she knew of to save Franks life. A small, weak smile crept its way onto Franks face as tears flowed from the raven haired girls eyes and dropped onto her bloodied shirt.

"Please hang in there Frank. Please don't die!" Kara sobbed and a tear slipped from Franks eye, which she hastily tried wiping away, resulting in only more blood getting smeared on his face.

But Frank wasn't focused on the blood or the pain or the fact that the sirens were coming closer and the crowd of people were starting to part so the paramedics could get through. No, he was focusing on the gorgeous, crying girl in front of him who was clutching onto Frank for dear life.

His unsteady hand reached up and barely touched the heart locket hanging from her neck. "I think I love you too..."

Franks arm dropped to his side and his hazel eyes glazed over. Kara's jaw slacked as she wildly shook her head, making black waves shake back and forth. "No. No, no, no, oh no. Please no, no,no!"

Kara kept repeating the words over and over as the medics pried Frank from her arms and ripped open his shirt. Someone had pulled out the defibrillator and was holding the two charged panels over Frank.

"Clear!" Zap! Franks motionless body seized up before dropping to the pavement again. "Again, Clear!"

Zap! The man checked his pulse and shook his head. "Clear!" Zap!

Three men had to hold the crying Kara back as she watched as the paramedics steady hands pressed two fingers to Franks neck.

"I found a pulse!" the doctor announced and everyone sprang into action. Within a minute, Frank was loaded into the ambulance and Kara climbed in after. She didn't bother asking for permission and nobody bothered to kick her out. She was staying with Frank.

"This is all my fault." Kara cried as she clutched Franks hand. His eyes were closed now and someone was helping with Franks breathing because during his resurrection, his broken ribs had punctured one of his lungs.

"This is all my fault!"


Franks eyes fluttered open but he quickly squeezed them shut again to shut out the bright light. Very slowly, he tried again, getting used to the light this time.

He was in a hospital bed. The constant beeping was the only proof that he was indeed alive and the drip, drip, drip of IV fluids getting put into his stiff body. Gerard was by his bed, holding his head with his hands as he stared in pain at his friend.

Ray was on the other side, staring at his hands that sat on his lap and Mikey and Bob were sitting stiffly on the small couch at the end of the bed. Everyone's hair was greasy and uncombed and the room smelled of bleach and grime. Not a delicious smell.

When Gerard saw that Frank was awake, a small, forced smile reached his lips. "You're awake." he stated.

My Chemical Romance's eyes shot up to Frank and he immediately felt guilt wash over his body. Their eyes were red and dark bags hung just below. All because of Frank.

"Frank-" Ray choked out. "-We thought you were going to die."

Frank didn't say anything. He couldn't. He didn't want to disappoint his friends more than he already had. He had caused them so much pain.

"We thought you were doing better." Bob whispered, "you met that girl and you seemed so... Happy."

Kara. He was talking about Kara, the hallucination. She wasn't there anymore. She wasn't by Franks side; she was just a dream. But the confirmation that Frank was right didn't make him feel any better. He just felt hollow.

"Frankie..." Tears started falling from Gerard's eyes, "please say something."

Frank remained silent, squeezing his fists slightly. Confusion crossed his face as he realized that he was holding something in his hand. Slowly, he brought his casted hand to his face and opened his fist so he could see whatever was laying in his palm.

It was a locket. In the shape of a heart. The chain was tangled up in a small slip of paper with thick, black writing on it.

Best Friends Forever?

Seeing the words on the slip of paper made Frank squeeze his hazel eyes shut as thick, hot tears slipped from them. Nobody else could understand how a simple not was making him cry.

Frank was finally losing it.
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Ooh, do you get it? Reference to Chapter 1!!!