Status: Active.



It's normal to feel dissatisfied with yourself, your life and everything around you at night. When you start feeling like this during the day—that's when it becomes a cause for concern.

My name is Allie. Just Allie. My parents abandoned me after my first turn into the natural werewolf I was. After that I lived with my uncle, Ivan and his wife Siobhan. Then I was—for a lack of better words—kidnapped. It wasn't until after I woke up that I realized I was within a Salem triangle with power rushing in my very fingertips and mind. I wasn't allowed to speak, I couldn't mutter a single word over the immense pain which ran through my body. I couldn't breathe yet I had enough oxygen to scream from the very bottom of my stomach.

I head felt light, body weak. I thought for sure that I was going to die, even though I had never hurt anybody. Ivan helped me when I turned—he made sure that the chains never broke and that I was stuck in the basement with all my bones breaking and shifting so that I morphed into this devilish monster.

I was capable of killing at the time, but now I was the ultimate weapon.

With world war two going up in flames around us, the creatures of the night wanted something that gave them the advantage. The witches promised to help as long as their kind was kept safe and completely out of harms way.

"You remember the deal. Once the spell is complete, she will need your blood to complete the transition."

The man smiled, "Yes, I remember our bargain. No one will touch the witches for the centuries to come, Veronica, you have my word."

That was the only thing aside from the pain I could remember from that night. I was given vampire blood—which, by the way, was meant to be lethal for a werewolf however I never died.

I was reborn.

Powerful, fearless, indestructible.

My purpose was only for killing the Germans in battle, as a female would take them aback. It was even better to watch the look on their faces when they shot me and I continued to walk towards them. Nothing hurt. No pain, no fear, no regard for their lives.

After the war was over, I was supposed to die. The magic was supposed to leave my body and the vampire blood within me would've killed me. The Legend stated that there needed to be balance in the world. For every vampire, there was a werewolf. For me? I was a hybrid. I was lethal, dangerous, sometimes often careless but for every good, there was bad.

The Legend created a punishment for both races. The werewolves now were slayed to near extinction and vampire hunters roamed the earth. Finding any sort of magical creature only got harder as the world evolved. Vampire could walk in broad daylight, the werewolves were able to hide their true forms with more magic.

And myself? I was a dead woman the second the hunters were created. Both Slayers and Hunters tried multiple times over the last few decades to kill me, although this was not proven to be an easy task.

I was staked, drained of blood, had my neck snapped but I couldn't bring myself to kill any of them. I never did the killing, I couldn't.

To the Circle, I was evil. I had never hurt anyone, I never broke the Code or made my hybrid existence known. I never went to high school, got married, had kids. I didn't associate with humans. But they wanted me dead. I was the worlds most powerful predator and in their eyes I was nothing but a blood craving, seductive monster.

My life got easier over the years. Eventually, the original Circle members died of old age and while the Legend was passed on, not a single member has tried to see for themselves if I truly existed. They knew of vampires and werewolves. But a hybrid was impossible. My story was written in the Legend, the witches wouldn't testify to the act of their ancestors, as I was the only one who could keep them safe. I now lived in peace.

My uncle turned Siobhan in the 50's, in the 60's, Adrian, a vampire, joined our group, in the late 70's, Issac and Lisa, werewolves, vowed loyalty to us. More recently, two young teens joined us. Jovica, a werewolf, and Stefana was a witch.

This was my family. We protected each other. We loved each other. Forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, really shitty but just some background knowledge I thought you guys might want. I'll explain the Code and the Legend later, but btw, the name Jovica isn't 'Joe-vi-ka' it's 'yo-vi-sa'.