Sequel: Only Pity
Status: Yet another drabble type story

Red Lipstick

Killing the air

Una leaned against her car outside the club. She inhaled the smoke from her cigarette as she watched people go in out of the club. She also watched as paps showed up on at time and stood by the entrance.

"Una why in the bloody hell are you standing out here?" she looked up to see Thomas walking towards her.

"I'm obviously getting some air, and taking a moment to get away from all the creeps that were getting a little bit to handsy," she smirked before taking another drag.

"I think you're killing the air with the smoking, and you are such a liar you know you love when boys are handsy," he laughed.

"Fuck you," she laughed.

"I totally would if I liked girls," he smiled.

"Damn I forgot," she said sarcastically as she dropped her butt to ground. She stepped on it with her black booty heels."Why are all the paps outside the building?" she asked.

"I guess that bloke Harry Styles is in there." Thomas said leaning against the car next to her.

"Well we should leave, because I don't wanna be here when he walks out and the paps go nuts," Una said pushing herself off the car.

"Alright but don't you think you should go inside and get your probably drunk roommate?" Thomas asked raising his eyebrow.

"Fuck I forgot, I be back," Una said walking towards the entrance.

She walked passed the bouncer and showed him her wristband and flashed him a flirty smile, then headed in towards the loud music. She pushed her way through the crowded and ended up at the bar. As she was looking around she walked right into somebody who had to of been at least six two.

"Excuse me," she looked up to give who ever she just bumped into an annoyed look.

"Same," she said as she rolled her eyes. She couldn't help but noticed the curly headed guy looked familiar. She didn't bother saying anymore she walked right pasted him and luckily found Bridget.

"Bridget let's go," she said grabbing her hand.

"Alright," she slurred.

She got Bridget to the car and the three of them headed back to Una and Bridget's flats.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I decided to write this for my friend Stephanie. I literally have no clue how long this is gonna be.

Una's outfit