Sequel: Only Pity
Status: Yet another drabble type story

Red Lipstick

Only his opinion matters

It had been two days since the movie night at Harry and Louis’ flat, and in those two days Harry and Una had been text nonstop. Una found herself acting completely different towards Harry than she did with any other boy who had liked her. Usually when a boy would text her nonstop she would normal just ignore them.

Una sat her phone down on her and sat down in her chair in front of her station as she waited for her next appointment to come in. She rolled her eyes as she heard her phone vibrate. She knew it was Harry so she decided to just ignore it for a few minutes.

“When’s your next appointment coming in?” she looked up to see Drew standing in front of her. Drew was a sweet girl who she had been working with for the last year.

“I think it’s in a half hour,” Una said turning her head slightly to the side. Una stood up and grabbed her phone of the table and looked to see that her text was from her appointment. “Never mind it looks like my appointment just canceled.

“Was that supposed to be your last appointment of the day?” Drew asked.

“Yeah and since he canceled, I’m gonna head off,” she said reaching under the table grabbing her purse.

“Lucky you,” Drew said smiling.

Una walked outside of the tattoo shop and dialed Harry’s number. “Hey Una,” she couldn’t help but smile as he said her name.

“Are you free by any chance?” she asked walking off towards her car.

“Yeah I am did you want to grab coffee or something?” Harry asked.

“Yeah do you want to meet me at my flat?” Una asked as she unlocked her car door. Una crawled into her car and drove the short distance to her and Bridget’s flat. She barely had time to listen to songs on before she was home. She got out of her car and headed to the lobby of her building. She hopped into the lift and headed up to her floor. She opened her front door to find Bridget lying down on the couch snogging with Marvin.

“Can you guys take that to Bridge’s room, Harry’s coming over?” Una said as she walked by them towards her bedroom.

‘”Why is Harry coming over?” Bridget said as she followed Una off towards her bedroom.

“Because he’s coming over to pick me up so we can go get some coffee,” Una said sitting on the edge of her queen sized bed.

“What’s going on with you and Harry?” Bridget asked sitting next to her.

“I guess we’re dating,” Una said making it sound like it wasn’t a big deal.

“You know that almost every magazine is talking about you and Harry?” Bridget said. “I mean I don’t think any of them are saying anything bad about you, they’re just talking about how Harry has found a new girl.”

“Is that all people see me as, just some girl that Harry is hooking up with?” Una asked sounding annoyed.

“Probably, but that’s because they don’t know much about you,” Bridget said trying to make Una feel better.

Una felt her phone vibrate in her hand and looked down to see she had a text from Harry. “It looks like Harry’s here,” Una said walking out of her room. Una walked towards the front door and saw Marvin sitting on the couch now watching TV. She opened her front door to find Harry standing there with a smile on his face. She looked from his curling how down his flannel covered chest to his skinny jean covered legs, and finally his favorite brown boots that he always seemed to be wearing.

“Really?” he asked leaning against the door frame.

“Yep, I just got to grab my purse,” she said before she walked off towards her room. She walked into her room to find Bridge holding her purse out for her. Una walked back towards the front door to find Harry exactly where she left him. “I’m ready,” she smiled.

“Let’s go,” Harry said reach down and grabbing her hand.

Harry took them to the same cafe he took her to on their first date. Una couldn’t help but smile as Harry hurried up and got out of the car and quickly rushed over to open Una’s door. “What a gentlemen,” she smiled as she got out of Harry’s car.

“I try,” he smirked as he shut the car door.

“Harry have you by any chance read what magazines are saying about us?” she asked as they towards the front door of the café.

“No I haven’t, and I don’t really plan on it. I don’t really care what people have to say about me. No matter what I do there will always be people trashing talking me,” Harry said stopping and looking Una in the eyes letting her know not to care what people think. “Una I also don’t care what people say about you, because all I care about is the fact that I like.” She couldn’t help but smile at what he had just said.

“So you like me?” she said tilting her head and smiling.

“Maybe just a little,” he said with a laugh.

“If you only like me a little what am I doing here?” she asked messing with him.

“You’re here because I like you more than just a little bit,” he said with a laugh before pressing his lips to hers.

“I knew you liked me,” she smirked as the started to walk into the café.
♠ ♠ ♠
Una's outfit

I think Harry is a sweetheart. What do guys think about him when it comes to Una?

Once again thank you so much coward. and Lo_east for commenting. Reading peoples comments give me inspiration.

As soon as I finish this story I'm going to start posting a story about Una's roommate Bridget and a complicated relationship that forms with Liam. It's gonna be called Only Pity.