Status: In the works

Closed Doors

Another trip

Laura was out with May and her boyfriend George. May had called her friend up earlier that day and offered a free ticket to Warped tour, if she would help out with the cross country driving. She knew Laura couldn't resist a good road trip, especially since it was summer break, which is why Laura is now in Wal-Mart. With the lovers in front of her, holding hands.
She felt as though the feelings of lonliness were more intense than they would normally be. Maybe it's because of Harrys recent absence in her life. He left without even a note and never called after. Laura was deep in thought, wondering what could have been different this time around when May pelted her with a bag of jerky.
"Hey, miss down in the dumps, we can tone our extremely gross love down for you if that's what's got you like this." May stood in front of the cart with hands on her hips. Laura wondered when the buggy had gotten so full.
"It's fine, darling. You two are in love, who am I to say you shouldn't show it?" Laura smiled at the happy couple as the two engulfed her in a hug.
"See, I told you she would approve," May nuzzled into Laura's cheek as she pinched George'a face, "and you were worried."
"Don't embarrass me May." George whined. Laura laughed at them both, glad that they both cared about her. Still, Laura did feel out o place without someone to truly call her own. Which is why she decided that before they returned to New York, Laura would find a nice guy of her own.


Liam and Zayn were on the phone with their girlfriends. Louis was in his bunk skyping Eleanor. Niall was fast asleep. And Harry was sitting on the couch, mindlessly watching whatever channel the lads had left the telly on. As he continued to watch, things started to slowly remind him of Laura. The orange juice commercial reminded him of the morning they ran to the corner store for juice and frozen waffles.
"Hurry up before your lovely friends with cameras show up." Laura remarked sarcastically. Harry looked up at the green eyed girl from the freezer and stood up.
"Sorry I wanted to get the best frozen waffles for you, princess." He smirked and threw the waffles into the basket. Laura pinched his arm, he flinched and rubbed the sore spot.
"Keep that kinky stuff for the bed love." Harry wiggled his brows. Laura scrunched her face up and continued on for juice.
Harry went down a different aisle, looking for something else to eat with the waffles. He spotted a can of whipped cream and brought it back to Laura to put it in the basket. Laura saw the can in his hands before he even had the chance to put it in.
"Are you serious, Harry?" She looked exasperated. It took Harry a moment before he realized she was referring to the whipped cream and held his hands up.
"For the waffles, woman," as he put the can in the basket, he noticed strawberries in it, "I bet these are why you were thinking dirty."
"No I just like fruit with waffles." She defended.
They heard a grumble from the man behind the counter. They then looked at each other and giggled, deciding that it was best they left. Harry paid for the food, much to Laura's dismay, and went back to her home to enjoy strawberry whipped cream waffles, which ended up in Harry initiating a food fight and a steamy shower shared.
Harry turned off the telly. He missed Laura, but he was afraid to even talk to her now, especially after the note he left her. She hasn't even once called him or sent a text. Harry wondered if the note had scared her off. He hoped to god it didn't scare her off.