Path to Darkness


You never did have many friends. When you were a child you had classmates. As a young adult; customers. As a man; targets. You suppose that your lifestyle shares the blame of it.

You get out of the cab around midnight. Coming home after an assignment always felt good. It's nice to relax once in a while. You walk in the door and see your wife dozing in her armchair. But it never affected you much. Even though she didn't know anything about your passion, she supported you in every way she could. You don't regret her. "Honey?" You hear from the doorway. You look down at the, now still, robber. "What are you doing up so late?" You ask, keeping what little blood there was from staining the floor. It's too bad you had to end him quickly, but you didn't want to upset her with the noise. "I heard something. Did someone try to break in?" You wipe your face and look over the kitchen island. "Yes but don't worry, I already took care of it. Head on up to bed, I'll join you shortly." She shifts nervously and nods. Once she's gone you turn your attention back to the body you're kneeling over. Burning it at this time of night would be too obvious, and burying it would take too long. You'll just get up early and burn it in the morning. You clean up the rest of the blood and go to take a shower. You're only half way to the bathroom when you hear your wife scream. You knew it would happen eventually. Now you can't say that you didn't enjoy it. But you certainly enjoyed it much less than usual. You made sure that hers would be quick. You drive down the road. Fifty miles or five hundred miles, you don't know which. You've got two bodies in the back, two spare tires in the trunk, and some fire starting equipment. You pull up next to a dry field. It's quite a hot day, so it might take a while for someone to notice something suspicious. You have to say, you're a bit sad to see her go. But then she was about to call the police, and you couldn't have that happen. Two jugs of gasoline and one match later, you sit in your car and watch as the fire engulfs the field. You idly wonder how many others will die in that fire. You almost stick around to find out. But the cops might end up putting two and two together to get four if you do, and that's what you did this to avoid. As you drive away, you imagine what the cops reaction will be when they see your little mark. A Capricorn symbol on the inside of the right wrist. Of course, you don't want to be caught. But that doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun if you're smart about it. You still miss her at times. But if you could go back and do it again, you wouldn't change a thing.

You tilt your head to face the man. "And I've been waiting. You could have at least tried to be timely about it." You somehow manage to say. Of course some blood comes up, but you barely notice. "I've got an offer for you. I'm sure you won't be able to say no." He says.