Combination Lock

Chapter: The First

Chapter: The First, In Which Gerard Gets Lost

{Gerard POV}

“Damn it”

I swore under my breath. My first day of school, and already I was late for class. I had gotten hopelessly lost, and being “ that freaky new kid” who had transferred in the middle of the year, I was too shy to ask anyone for directions. As a result, I wandered around the halls for most of third period. Looking around, established that I had somehow gotten to the most remote isolated part of the school, and had no idea whatsoever, where the hell I was. I mean you think they would number the classrooms right? I’d follow some one out of this maze later, so for now I gave up and sat in the corner with my sketchpad, waiting for classes to get out. Over the music I was listening to I herd some scuffling and a small yelp of pain. Quickly turning off my music, I peeked around the corner to see a smaller boy being pinned roughly against the wall by which I could only assume was one of our schools “acclaimed” soccer players. You know the kind, tall, all American good looks, with an ego to mach the color of his eyes. Rolling my eyes in disgust, I looked on. I hated just watching, but there wasn’t a lot I could do against someone almost twice my size. The most I could be was a witness.
“Iero,” the soccer jock said, shoving the other boy hard into lockers again “ whatcha doing holding your head up around here? I though I knocked that arrogance out of you last time?
“Leave me alone Jake,” said the boy whose last name I guessed was Iero, with a calm I truly admired. Jake just smirked, that calm, knowing smirk that said that he knew exactly how scared you where. I knew that smirk well, actually… the Iero kid said something I couldn’t hear, and Jake punched him hard in the stomach.
“Bye fag” he grinned, before walking down the hallway away from me and the Iero kid, who was crumpled on the ground, the wind knocked out of him. I hesitated for a moment, before deciding to go offer him a hand up. For some reason it hurt me more than it should to see his little frame twisted on the ground, his cute little face sharp with pain. Wait, cute?
But before I could go over to him, the bell rang and he heaved himself up as the classrooms opened and the hall flooded with students. Despite my efforts, I lost him quickly in the crowed. Two things I had lost today. O well…

Finally, finally it was the end of the day. I had once again gotten lost, and there was no one else in the hall. I twiddled the combination lock for my locker and opened the door, and some one fell out with a muffled cry of surprise. I managed to catch him just in time, and looked down in shock to see the boy from before in my arms.
“Oh god I’m so sorry” he said quickly “I was leaning against the door when it opened and I guess my balance isn’t very good, I’m sorry” he repeated, embarrassed.
“No. No its fine” I assured him. Then realizing I was still holding him, we quickly broke apart, which sent an odd pang of regret through me. He sent me a quick shy smile, one that made his whole face shine. I immediately smiled back, a surge of happiness coursing through me.
“Why where you in there?” I questioned. He smiled a rather sad, resigned smile. That’s one the golden boys’ at this school’s favorite past time” he said. “Thanks for rescuing me.” I don’t know why, but that made me blush so badly, and against my pale skin, I’m sure he noticed. Why the hell was I blushing? But luckily for me, he seemed distracted.
“ I got to go, it’ll be…bad if I’m home late.” He started off down the corridor. I was still a little mystified before I managed to shout
“Hey wait, what’s your name?” he grinned, still walking backwards “Frank” he yelled back. “And yours?”