Combination Lock

Chapter: The Third

(Gerard POV)

I leaned my head against the cool metal of my locker door, my heart still beating wildly. I wish I hadn’t left so fast, but I had panicked. I didn’t want anyone knowing. I couldn’t let anyone know. Especially Frank. I didn’t want him to know I was such a mess. Damn. I didn’t think…

Through my dark regretful thoughts, franks voice broke through.


I glanced up. Frank was standing off to the side of me, looking at his feet.


I said back shakily, getting a grip on myself.

“Um, listen” he began again “ I’m not exactly sure what happened, but, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel weird or any thing, but I-”

“Its ok” I cut him off. “I just have this…thing, about being touched. Its nothing personal…I’m sorry I freaked you out. I wish I wasn’t so weird...”

The lie burned my tongue as it left my mouth, but telling frank I didn’t like being touched was the easiest what to explain how oddly I was acting. Still, it hurt because I loved holding him that first time we met, and just now in class. Maybe more then I should.

“ Damn it Gerard” I thought angrily to myself “ stop falling for this kid! It won’t end well if he’s straight. Even if he’s not, you cant trust anyone that much yet. Just be friends…”

“Your not, I mean, it’s not that weird. So, your not mad at me?” frank asked eagerly, bouncing forward a little.

“ No” I said, smiling a bit at how his face lit up.

“Great!” he said smiling brightly “ come sit with me today at lunch, there’s some people I want you to meet”

“Ok…ill see you then”

“Awesome!” he said, and darted off into the crowed and was gone

I was a little startled by his sudden energy, but happy nonetheless. Now to just find my next class…
I sat down next to frank across the table from a tall boy with the curliest hair I had ever seen and a slightly shorter blond, who was asleep with his head in his arms. I had no idea how he could sleep with all the noise of the other teenagers around us. The boy with the curly hair spoke up

“I’m Ray, and this” he said poking the sleeping blond “is Bob”. Bob sat up, giving ray a death glare I could feel radiating across the table. Ray just smiled and poked him in the nose. Frank meanwhile had taken out four packs of skittles and was contentedly munching on them

“That’s all your eating?” I asked skeptically

Frank nodded, odiously delighted at my dismay .I smiled broadly, and we started talking about our favorite bands. During a lull in the conversation felt something small and hard bounce of my head .it was a skittle, I tuned to look at an innocently smiling frank. I raised one eyebrow at him, and turned back to Ray, when again, a skittle bounced off my head.

“ So its war!’ I said dramatically, throwing a skittle back at him. In the hail of brightly colored candies, we all failed to notice that one had gotten away from its intended target, bob (an alliance had been formed against the two boys sitting across from us, who liked m&ms better, the sworn enemy of skittles) and hit one of the soccer players at the table behind him. They tuned to look at us. As one of them shouted something threatening at frank, I noticed that one of the taller ones was giving me a peculiar look that made my skin crawl. That look reminded me of a certain girl with green hair I had known-NO, not thinking about that, no…

“Hey Gerard, are you ok, your really pale, err than usual” Frank asked looking worriedly into my face.

“Ye-yea” I stammered. “Just one of those guys looking at me really strangely”.

Frank gave me a small smile and just continued staring at me.

“Aw damn it you guys!” Ray said fretfully, interrupting our moment. He was running his hands through his hair and mumbling under his breath. “I think there are skittles stuck in my hair!”

We all exploded into laughter.

“Thanks guys” Bob groaned, still grinning “ he’s gunna be annoyed all class now”

Frank smiled at me again. “Welcome to the club Gee”

That night I smiled and to myself, lying in bed, despite my previous warning to myself about falling fore him.
“ He calls me Gee”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been forever