Combination Lock

Chapter: The Fourth

(Frank POV)

And now, finally, it was the class I had been waiting for all week,(cue suspenseful music):GYM. And no, it is not that I enjoy gym; it is that I enjoy Gerard changing cloths for gym. Because I am a perv. And he is pretty. And pale. And I bet the muscles on his back ripple and make his skin look like…ahem…. anyway. Back to the point. Gym was invented for a reason.

When me and Gerard (I make it a point to say me and Gerard( in this instance) instead of Gerard and I, to spite my 7th grade teacher, who I actually never see, but its still a victory in my mind) any way, after class, me and Gerard stumbled into the locker room, giggly hysterically, his face flushed from heat and laughter, making him absolutely ravishing( I had given up on not liking him, it really wasn’t going to work).he striped off his shirt, back to me, asking me absently weather I wanted to come to the comic store with him today. I managed to stutter out some kind of affirmative. He could have been asking anything, I would have agreed. He was holding himself kind of oddly. I couldn’t see his arms… A clean black t-shirt covered his marble skin, awaking me from my, um, trance. Yea lets go with trance. Halfway up the hall, he remembered he’d forgot his eyeliner, and asked if id wait. He left and I sank against the lockers, feeling week. There is something to be said about teenage crushes. They have the best taste ever. I’m serious. There tangible. They taste like ambrosia. And there the best fucking high you will ever get. Every time he looked at me, wit h his crooked little smile, or we accidentally brushed against each other, or he laughed at something I said, or-ok you get it. But still, Gerard way was slowly taking over my mind. I craved his smile, for him to hold me, validate me.
(* Another half of me would like to apologize for my love sick 13 year old girl ness. Truly, I wish I could control it. But alas, I cant. You herd the rant)
Damn…. where was he. That eyeliner was conspiring to keep us apart. (Yes, this is how I think)

(Meanwhile, while Frank is being all swoony)
Gerard POV

Humming happily to myself and hurriedly looking for my treacherous eyeliner, I was interrupted of my thoughts of franks cute giggle by someone shoving me against the lockers. I was that guy. That same guy who was staring at me at lunch the day of our skittle war. Something in my gut twisted as he smiled at me. One of his hands fisted into my hair, pulling me to face him.

“Hey fag,” he murmured, yanking my hair harder. He just stared at me, licking his lips one or twice, pulling me closer, and I was given the distinct impression of a snake, the kind that swallows its pray hole, living, breathing, fighting and aware of the atrocity of being eaten alive. I started to panic, my mind spinning off in all kinds of horrible directions. I closed my eyes as he yanked my head back all the way, biting painfully at my neck.

“God, no, don’t let this be happening,” I thought franticly, fighting back, but to no avail. Every one would have lest school by now, gym was last period….

“Gerard?” I heard someone call. The guy let go of me, and I sunk to the floor in a heap.

“ Don’t think that I’m done,” he whispered to me, licking my neck, and leaving.

I stood shakily as Frank came down the row of lockers. Without thinking, I threw myself into his arms, breathing his scent, trying to calm down.

“Whoa, Gerard…what…never mind” he murmured, holding me a little tighter.
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i know, its been way more than forever, i've been a weird kind of joint hurting sick. still am, but feeling better today so