Status: Who says we're wrong for opening the wrong doors

Something Almost Human

Olly has never had friends. Not that she hasn't wanted them. But she's a monster, and she'll only ever be a monster. There's no changing that.

Supernatural FanFic Sam/OC set after 7.01 when Sam starts hallucinating about Lucifer, but doesn't follow the story line of S7. Almost AU. Rated (mostly) for language.

Meant purely as writing practice for me, getting the characters of Sam and Dean right and working on character and plot development, but comments are always loved dearly. I don't know how this will pan out, or if it ever will completely. Well look at that, I finished it(: Hooray

Also on Wattpad under user TeamMoose7. We're the same person. Don't get your panties bunched. Thanks.