‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After


Michelle's P.O.V.
I stood there in front of the full-length mirror, over-looking every inch of myself thoroughly. I couldn't believe it. I stared wide-eyed at myself, my eyes catching the ring that shined bright against my skin. It was almost surreal, knowing what was about to happen.

The white dress clung to me, the black lace that covered it in every inch. Strangely enough it looked just like the dress I had been in so many months ago to play the part of Porcelain. It was the exact same dress, only it was white and black lace sewn over the fabric. My heels matched my dress in every way possible and the veil on my head was black lace. My hair fell in straight pleats and my bangs had been pinned back by my veil.

So many months ago I stood in a studio, portraying the part or Princess Porcelain. Now I was standing here in a wedding dress ready to finish the story.

Myabe I need to go back a little bit.


After coming home one night from the world's longest art auction known to mankind, I was least to say exhausted. Yet I came home to a quiet house, and I knew something was up. I walked aorund the house, outting away everything I had taken with me.

Finally I stepped in to my bedroom, only to find it had been transformed. Everything was where I had left it sure, but instead of the lamp on the nightstand my room was now illuminated with what had to be a dozen candles. Standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by the dim candle-light, was the guy I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend.

Even if he was a lanky douche I loved everything about him. Incuding his now blonde and blue hair. Before I could even ask what was going on, I was beat out by Josh.

"Would you change anything about me?"

I was a little unnerved about the question, it wasn't something I'd ever expect him to say. I knew the answer though and withought hesistation I let it slip out of my mouth.

"Never in eternity would I change you."

The smirk on his face made me question myself.

"Why are you asking? Is there something you'd like to change about me?" I asked, stepping forward so I was standing right infront of Josh.

"Only one thing."
"And that would be?"
"Your last name."

Without hesistation Josh slipped down the floor on one knee. Tears sprang to my eyes and I swear even I could have spoken, I would still be at a loss for words.

"So that being said... Will you, Michelle Marie Ayley, marry me?"

I rolle my eyes a bit, as if I could say no to that.

"Yes you over-dramatic moron. Yes I will marry you."


The ring was typical Josh, but it was beautiful. A black band with a sapphire blue stone. I stared at it on my finger, wondering if this was all just a dream and I was in a coma after the accident. I was snapped out of it by my best friend Ally, who looked amazing even after giving birth to twins.

"This isn't a dream. You're really here. And this is actually happening."
"I still can't believe it. Some one remind me why I'm wearing a dress."
"Because this is the only time you wil ever get married, you have one shot. You deserve the feel like a bride Michee."
"Again, when did you ever get so good at pep talks?"

We burst out laughing at the memory. Ally had given me one of her famous pep talks before I had to play Porcelain. Shoving a bouquet of black flowers in my hands, I was dragged out the door and in to the waiting hug of my father.

My life had always found a way to be a rollar coaster, the highs and lows and the rushes in between. I couldn't care less though because now I was married to the only man I'd ever thought about marrying. This was true love, forever and ever after.