‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

9: Well If You Wanted Honesty

Third Person P.O.V.

Josh must have spent at least two hours driving around the area that they lived in. He couldn't exactly bring himself to start the trip to the other side of the island, doing that meant he had to finish what he started. One could say he wasn't exactly ready to do that. When Josh finally looked at the clock on the dashboard, he realized it was just after 12, going on 12:15.

With a sigh he finally turned towards the highway and started making his way. The entire drive the car was silent, even the radio wasn't making any noise. Josh was worried by the single thought of what in the world he could do to gain his wife's forgiveness. He knew her too well, she wasn't going to give in quickly, she always has been stubborn.

With all the time lost in thought it was almost 4 when Josh finally reached the other side of Vancouver. He had to bide by the time, if he was going to get any chance to talk to Michelle alone he knew that he would have to wait until the time that the twins would be in bed and asleep. So he waited, and waited, just trying to think of what might work.

Meanwhile back at the house the other five did what they could as they waited. Jess had gone into the guest room to take a nap and Alex went with her. He was currently sitting on the bed beside his wife and scribbling in the notebook he had brought. Suddenly he felt the bed shift a bit and Jess’ eyes opened revealing the beautiful blue.

“What are you doing?”

Alex didn’t say anything, just showed her what he’d been working on. She simply smiled and told him it was amazing, much like she always did. With a kiss she was out like a light once again and everything was silent.

Eventually the clock read 9 pm and Josh knew for a fact that the kids went to bed no later than 8:30. So he started driving the familiar route he had memorized.

When he got there, the cabin was dark, one or two lights on and shining through the windows, the unmistakable sound of a timer going off quietly. `

Inside, Michelle had no idea what had gotten in to her, she simply couldn’t stop baking. She had a batch of cookies cooling on top of the counter while a cake baked in the oven. She was guessing it was just to keep her busy, to just do something mindlessly and have her thoughts be wiped clean.

However she just couldn’t shake the nagging feeling she had floating in the back of her mind. She chose to ignore it though, turning up the radio a little bit louder, and by radio that meant the dock she had plugged her iPod into.

When the song playing ended, there was nothing but silence and then a creak from the floor boards. Michelle tensed up, someone was here. She tried to stay calm, masking her emotion as she bent down to check the cake in the oven.

She heard the steps come closer, walking towards the kitchen as she stood there. She was about to turn around and try to run to protect the kids when she heard it, his voice.


Well Michelle was a little more than upset.

“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”

There it was, the question that if not answered probably, would be leading to Michelle travelling across the world and leaving for good.
Yet all Josh could struggle out was an “Everything.”

Michelle just snorted and rolled her eyes, looking him dead in the eye.

“And what qualifies as ‘everything’, Josh?”

There was a silence filling the air, it was just getting in to all the little gaps and holes, all the insecurities being opened.

“Everything,” he started “means everything. Everything I have done these past few weeks, I take it all back.”
“Oh really now?”

Michelle just leaned back against the counter, watching her husband fumble as he tried to find the right words to say.

“I shouldn’t have walked out of our bedroom, I should have sat down and talked to you. I shouldn’t have continued to ignore you, I should have made the effort to try and fix it then. I really shouldn’t have had to make this trip because I should have sucked it up and went with anything to make you feel better because I love you.”

At his speech Michelle was shocked, she herself stood there speechless. She had no idea what to say.

“You’re right, but I mean, I shouldn’t have acted like a child. I was just so upset you don’t even know how many times I think you’re gonna just leave.”

“You should know that I would never do that to you, ever. I promise.”

Michelle just looked at him and smiled.

“I love you too, by the way. You’re an idiot, but I fucking love you.”

She walked over to him and kissed him, smiling and making sure she conveyed that she missed him a lot.

All of a sudden the smoke alarm started going off and they pulled apart and jumped back.


The cake Michelle had been baking was burning in the oven, and was now just a charred, black crisp. Staring at it just sitting there on the counter Michelle started laughing, and Josh just joined her.

It was a very sappy moment, but one they wouldn’t let go of.
Later on when the weekend was over and the group made the trip back to their home, everything was much better.

The atmosphere was brighter and everything was a lot calmer instead of the tense feeling it been having.
When they finally got home, the twins curled up in their rooms to just relax for a bit, while Josh and Michelle received smiles and knowing looks because everyone knew that it was okay now seeing as they walked in holding hands. Michelle, on top of that, also got a surprise.


Michelle saw Jess and her eyes lit up and she smiled wide.


They hugged as Jessica answered.

“We’ve been here for a few days, hello. Who do you think convinced my brother that he was an idiot and needed to win back his girl?”
“Well thank you. And you brought the baby daddy, cute.”

Everyone laughed as Michelle went over to hug Alex.

It was a really cute moment, and there were so many more to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Look, a finished chapter appeared! To be honest, this is going nowhere as of right now, because really I am just blocked and school is taking over and my brain runs a mile a minute in imagination land. So, I am posting this, and then the epilogue and it is done! UNLESS, you guys say you want more, then I will truly try for you. But if nothing happens, epilogue it is because I'm just done. I feel like a terrible person, I'm so sorry. <3