‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

10: We Grow Older By The Hour

9 Years Later

Third Person P.O.V.

It was mid-November, quite a somber time for the Ramsay family as they just continued to live. More specifically, Michelle simply tried to live, she tried to live all through the month of November.

Yet it was very hard with an a very temperamental 13 year old girl living in her house.

It had been long since everyone had moved out and moved on with their lives, yet Michelle still lived in her old house on the outskirts of the city of Vancouver. Inside it she was currently sulking around it, November 23rd, a Saturday this year. Yet every year it was the same displeasure, the same despising feeling she had for the day.

However she was finding it impossible to be sad and mournful when she had a teenager on her ass.

"Auntie why can't I go tonight?! Are you kidding me?! It's a Saturday I'm supposed to go out with my friends!"

Michelle was annoyed more than anything and the anger boiled, her becoming more and more pissed off.


Michelle blasted at her, she had blown up right in her face. To think this girl couldn't take a hint, she thought she had raised Alice better. Alex was sitting quietly in his room, doing his homework and coming out every so often to make sure his Aunt was okay. He knew what was going on, early on his Uncle had taught him the ways of Michelle, and made sure he knew what to do.

Alex was tempted to go out, grab his sister and just calm her down and make her stay in, but he knew there was no way she would go down that easily. When he did step outside into the hallway, to make sure nothing bad happened, he saw that he had been beaten by his Uncle.

Josh had grabbed Michelle's shoulders and he was rubbing them softly, trying to calm her down. Alex noted how his mother's best friend was now nearly in tears, threatening to break down. He also took notice of how his sister stood there fuming, and he questioned if she had seriously forgotten one of the days that blanketed their house in sadness.

"Auntie Michelle please? It's not fair that I have to just sit at home. I did all my homework."

The look on Michelle's face read betrayal, but she just used her energy trying not to cry.

"Fine, go out with all your friends, I'm sorry for yelling. After all it's just a Saturday, right?"

Josh sent Michelle to their room, and he looked down the hall to see Alex, his blonde mop of hair, and he nodded his head towards the door, telling him to go check on his Aunt. Once he disappeared into their room, that gave cue for Josh to grab Alice's arm and and drag her down the hallway.

"Ow! Uncle Josh! What the hell?! Where are we going?"
"Just be quiet for a minute."

He continued leading her down the hall and eventually they reached a door, a small storage closet somewhere along the main upstairs hallway of the house. Josh opened it up and pulled down a box, one covered in dust seeing as it hasn't been touched in a long time. Slowly he opened it and pulled out a white scrapbook with red laced all over it. Allison and Kyle's wedding album.

Once he had that in his hands, Josh grabbed Allison again and lead her downstairs and into the kitchen, sitting her at the table.

"You wanna know why November is such a shitty month around here? You wanna remember why we spend so much time just quiet, especially this coming week?"

Allison's teenage head drew a blank. What the hell was so special about November? Sure it had Rememberance Day, but it couldn't have been that. Josh watched her face contort with confusion.

"You gotta be kidding me. Okay, because you can't remember this, you're not gonna remember what your Aunt just said you hear me? New chore for the day, read this back to front. You're not going out tonight, you're gonna figure this out and then go apologize to Michelle and spend every free minute this coming week making sure she's okay, and that you're okay, you and your brother."
"No. What's not fair is the way you just treated your Aunt. She has done so much for you and has enough of her own problems, yet she spend every waking minute on you and your brother and you can't spare her this one day? The day she is so obviously upset?"

Josh walked off, leaving Allison in the kitchen and going upstairs. When he walked into his room he saw Michelle seated on the bed beside Alex. She was showing him a framed picture, the one she kept on her dresser of the group of them at the wedding.

"She loved him so much Alex, you have no idea how much love you were made from."

Instead of being weirded out like any other teenager might be, Alex smiled at his Aunt.

"I know, if I've learned anything from you it's how much they loved me and each other."

Alex leaned over and hugged his Aunt, and she kissed the top of his head, her eyes slipping out a few tears.

"Go back to whatever, just stay quiet and be good okay? That's all I ask right now."

Alex nodded and left the room, going back to his own and just lying down on the bed, picking up a book and reading it.

Meanwhile downstairs Allison had finally gotten over seeing red through her anger and she finally opened up the album. Right there on the first page was what she was supposed to find, a wedding invitation.

"You are invited to the wedding of Allison and Kyle.
November 23rd at 3pm, the Chapel on 5th Street.
R.S.V.P as soon as possible."

Short and simple, but what did she expect from her Mother. From what she had heard all her life, her Mom was a sweet person who just loved to be around. This is what she had forgotten, her own parent's anniversary, and only a few days more and, bam, day of death.

She remembered it all clearly now, very little bits and pieces. She had missed her parents when they left for a trip, but she got the shock of a lifetime when they never came back. Allison could only imagine what it had been like for Michelle, having to sit through and watch her best friend be so happy and then she was just, gone.

She didn't even need to look at anything else, Allison simply sprinted up the stairs taking two at a time to get there faster. She burst in to her Aunt's room and just hugged her, apologizing and mumbling andy sorry she could find in any language, any words to describe how guilty she felt.

Everyone spent the rest of the day quiet and easy, just getting through, and over the next week they did exactly the same thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, so I decided instead of ending it, I just pick up when they're older because you will not believe how the fast the writing came for this chapter, I think I'm doing okay. However there are still not many chapters left, to be honest maybe one more at most, I don't know yet. Please keep reading though I love you guys! <3