‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

1: I Don't Ever Wanna Lose My Best Friend

Michelle's P.O.V.

I was downstairs one morning, listening to the quiet hum of the radio. I was enjoying it, that was until I heard a huge crash and a chorus of "ows". Rolling my eyes I sighed, it was never a quiet day in this house. Then again I'd been living with this for how many years now? I guess I could survive a few more.

I walked over towards my stove, grabbing the only thing I ever eat for breakfast: bacon. Just as that was done and I slowly slid it on to a plate, arms came from behind me and wrapped around my waist. I smiled a bit.

"Mmmmm. Morning."

Josh's reply was muffled by my hair, as it usually was.

"What is it with you and my hair?"
"You always smell like vanilla." was the only reply I got.
"So you love me because I smell like vanilla is that it?"

I could feel Josh shake his head against my shoulder.

"Nuh uh. I love you because you're my best friend and you make me happy."
"AWWWWWWWWWWWH." was all we heard from behind us and we jumped.

Josh and I turned around to see Mike, Matt, and Ian all standing there laughing at our terror.

"Remind me what you morons are doing in my house again?"
"Correction babe, our house."
"You're right."

I turned to the other boys.

"Why are you still in our house?"
"Because we've officially declared this the band house."

I raised my eyebrow at my brother.

"Or really now? So when all of you get married we'll all still be living here?"

They all paled and looked at me.

"That's what I thought."

I turned to Josh, smiling at the amusement in his expression.

"But I suppose, for the sake of the band and Josh, that you can stay here for now."

I smirked as I hopped on the counter and continued to eat my bacon. Suddenly I felt a tug at the end of my food. I looked up and noticed Josh had bitten on to the end of the bacon in my mouth.

I smiled, opening my mouth to take a bigger bite and my lips landing perfectly against his. I felt Josh smile, taking what was left of the bacon in to his mouth, leaving our lips connected.

"Why the hell do you two have to be so cute?"

Josh and I groaned, opening our eyes and separating.

"Why the hell do you people have to be in my kitchen right now?" I snapped.
"Oh calm down. You two have the rest of your lives to be all in love." Matt retorted.
"You know what, just for that."

I grabbed Josh by his shoulders and by the look on his face I knew he knew what I was thinking.

Josh leaned in to my grasp and kissed me with the love that had always been there. We must have been kissing for a while because they finally broke and started whining at us to stop.

"Seriously how do you kiss? Like all the mouth piercings and just - " Matt shuddered and didn't even finish.
"Easy," I started "I love piercings almost as much as I love Josh. Josh having piercings, 10 times better."

Everyone just rolled their eyes at me.

"Hey, you asked. You wanna stay living in this house? Then I suggest you get over it."
"Calm down" Josh said, kissing my temple.
"All right, I'm calm." I muttered.

I hopped off the counter and made my way to my bedroom. Well if you wanna get all technical, mine and Josh's room.

I got dressed and sat on the bed, playing with the ring on my finger. So much has happened this last year, I can't even begin to figure it out.

Everything started when I finally started getting better. I had been selling a bit more art and I had gotten another tattoo.

This one was on my other leg, opposite my "Picture Imperfect" tattoo and it says "Without Struggle There Is No Progress".

I remember the day Josh went with me to get it so clear.

"Come on Joooooossssh." I whined, tugging on his wrist.
"I'm coming babe, wait up."

Josh came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side.

"Some one's touchy," I teased
"Well I can do whatever I want with what's mine."

I raised my eyebrow at him, but just ended up laughing.

"There it is."
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, i just missed hearing you laugh.

I smiled as we walked down the street, almost to the shop. I had everything ready, now there was just getting the actual tattoo.

When we finally got there, I sat down and Josh sat beside me. Thank God today was warm because I had to wear shorts.

Josh reached out and grabbed my hand as we watched the stencil be applied to my thigh.

"You ready?"
"As I'll ever be." was my reply

Honestly, it didn't hurt much. Then again I never really felt pain, like ever. I guess I just had a high pain tolerance.

With a happy sigh I got up off my bed and threw on my converse, making my way back downstairs.

"I'm going to see the twins!" I shouted as I grabbed my bag, heading for the door.
"We know!"

It's true, this was pretty much everyday. I spent a lot of time with Alex and Alice.... I don't know Ally's family has a thing with A's.

Ally worked for a studio now, doing professional cosmetics for movies and Kyle worked as well. Since I could do my art and babysit (I've been doing it for years now), I was there pretty much every day taking care of them.

It's not like I minded. What could I say? I may not like kids, but my godkids are special and have the greatest godmum EVER.

With final goodbyes I made my way out of the house.

It was another day of routine, which I loved.

That wasn't gonna change anytime soon... at least, I hoped it didn't.