‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

2: Let Your Heart Win

Michelle's P.O.V.

"NO WAY!" I squealed through the phone receiver.
"Mmmmhhmmmmm" was her reply, and I knew she was beaming.
"After two years right?"
"Yep. Honestly I'm actually really happy."
"Well you should be Jess. I'm happy for you."

Right now I was alone in the house and I was talking to Jessica, Josh's little sister. About 2 years ago, she had come to visit for the holidays and went on tour with the guys. It was there that she met and fell in love with the lead singer of All Time Low, Alex Gaskarth.

Which was pretty awesome if you ask me.

About a year later they got married, literally it was like, just around the time Ever After came out (A/N: I'M NOT GOOD WITH TIME LINES, JUST GO WITH IT PLEASE) and I was so happy for her.

Now they had been married for about two years I guess, and she had called the with greatest news ever.

"You know, for people who hate kids, man you seem to love them."
"Kids who are family are the bomb dot com. Other people's kids are damn annoying."

Jessie laughed, it was a sweet sound. I could practically see her glowing like she always did.

"So are you coming to visit soon then?"
"Yeah actually. I'll see if Alex has any time off and if not I'll come myself. Probably just after my first visit to the doctor."
"I can't wait to see you."
"Ditto hun. I can't believe it's been so long. I can't wait to tell everyone in person, but I just had to call you, and maybe Josh if he was there. You know how it is, we can never wait to tell each other anything."
"How do you think you're family is gonna react? Especially Josh? You are his little sister after all."
"Everyone will be fine, and if they aren't then.... I'll just hide in Baltimore for the rest of my life."

I let out a laugh.

"I'm sure they'll be fine Jessie."

Just then I heard the front door open and the four boys walk in.

A smile spread across my face as I said, "They're home. Wait a sec and I'll put you on speaker."

Just then Josh and everyone else walked in and sat with me at the table.

"Who's on the phone babe?" Josh asked as I clicked the speaker button.
"Your sister. You know, your little sister who should really be your twin?"

Everyone laughed.

"HEY GUYS! IT'S EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE RAMSAY!!" Jess screamed through the phone.
A chorus of "Hey's" rang out and then Josh clued in.
"Just kidding big bro you know I love you, but seriously Michelle loves me more."
"Does not!"
"Well she does right now!"
"What are you talking about?"

I looked at the guys, I knew they were about to jump off the walls.

"You're never gonna believe it!" I heard Jess take a deep breath in.

"Guys, I'm pregnant!"

I started smiling, I was so happy for her. I know her and Alex had been trying for 2 long years at this point, but between touring and all the working, sometimes there was never any time. Now she was gonna have her first baby, I couldn't be more proud. Over the years Jessie had grown to be a little sister to me, just like she had to all the guys.

With so many best wishes and congratulations Jess had to go, seeing as she had to get to work.

For the next little while we all just kind of sat there in silence, but we were smiling.

"So is she coming to visit soon then?" Josh asked, reaching over to hold my hand on top of the table.
"Yeah, she said if Alex doesn't have any time off soon she'll come down alone after her first appointment. She wants to tell everyone in person you know?"

It stayed like that, just relaxed all day. It was a beautiful day in all honesty, one of the best I'd had in my life.

I wish I had known it wouldn't stay like that for long.
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This is a filler, I'M SORRY. By the way, I have kinda tied this in to my All Time Low story, all because I needed ideas and this is what came to me.Enjoy guys, love you all. <3