‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

3: I Swear We'll Never Die

Michelle's P.O.V.

It must have been about 3 in the morning when I had just managed to get Josh asleep, drifting off along with him.

That's when my phone decided to ring, blaring my ringtone loud and clear.

I groaned, wondering who the fuck would be calling me at this hour. Then I groaned again, realizing Josh had woken up.

"After all this time, the phone still hates me."

I giggled at the attempt to clear the tension of us being tired at 3 am.

Finally I picked it up, even though I didn't recognize the number at all, but I knew this had to be important.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice still a bit scratchy.
"Is this Mrs. Michelle Ramsay?" a female voice asked.
"Yeah, who's asking?"
"There's no easy way to put this... Mrs. Ramsay we need you to come down to Vancouver General right now. It seems your friend Allison and her husband have been in an accident and you're the first person on their call list."

I nearly dropped the phone, was this all some nightmare? I then decided I better answer, before worse things happened.

"Yes, I'll be right there, I promise."

I quickly hung up the phone and bolted out of bed, rushing to put on some proper clothes.

"Babe, what happened? Who was on the phone?" I faintly heard Josh ask as I quietly brushed out my hair.
"The hospital, I have to go. Ally and Kyle got in an accident."

With a quick kiss I was gone and out the door, making sure I didn't wake anyone else up. I climbed in my car and started it up, backing out of the driveway and on to the highway, going as fast as I could without speeding.


As Vancouver General came in to sight I sped up, making my way to the Emergency Room parking lot and parking the car before getting out and literally sprinting to the doors and running up to the front desk to talk to a nurse.

"Hi, I'm Michelle Ramsay, I was just called about Allison and Kyle Marks?"
"Oh my goodness you're here!"

I guess this was the lady on the phone.

"Yes and?"
"It seems they were in a car crash, drunk driver going to wrong way on the highway."
"What's their status?"
"They're both stable as of right now, but they're in very serious condition and being monitored."
"So why was I called?"

I was genuinely concerned, I just had to ask.

"It seems you're the first on their emergency contact lists, it's the rules."
"All right."
"I'm so sorry, but they can't take visitors right now. Go take a seat outside room 212 and the doctors will let you know."

I did as the nurse instructed, making my way down the halls, looking down at my feet as I walked. I hadn't managed to get fully dressed, I was still in my plaid pajama pants, I had just thrown a hoodie over my tank top and brushed my hair in to a pony tail.

It must have been a few hours and I was still sitting there, not getting anything more than updates from the doctors. Other than that, the room was silent, no one else was even in here this time of night.

Then I heard it, the shout from down the hall.


I smiled a little bit as I saw the sleepy blonde twins run towards me. Behind them Josh was walking along with Matt, Ian, and my brother. I jumped up and ran to hug Josh, reaching up and kissing him.

"Baby what are you doing here?" I asked.
"After you left I woke up the guys and we went to go pick up the kids. Ally's mum is a mess and I knew you shouldn't be here alone."
"Yeah but should the kids be here?" I sighed, still locked in Josh's arms.
"I think they should be. But what were Ally and Kyle doing driving at two in the morning?"
"It was their anniversary weekend. They left the kids with Ally's mum and they were driving back to be here in the morning to wake the kids."

He nodded as I retreated back to my seat, the kids sitting on either side of me.

"Auntie 'Chelle? What's wrong with mummy and daddy? Did the get hurt?" Alex asked, he was the older twin and took great care in protecting his sister. I smiled softly at him.
"You could say that, but don't worry sweet heart, everything will be fine."

I still couldn't help but feel like he might have seen right through it, see the empty promises in my eyes.


It was a while later and the twins had fallen asleep, curled up beside each other to my left. Josh was sitting on my right and the other guys had spread across the room, sleeping as well.

All of a sudden a doctor came out, motioning for me to come over. I looked at Josh, and his eyes told me to just go. So I got up and made my way to go see him.

"Hello Michelle I'm Dr. Hastings. It looks like your friends are stable, sleeping, yet stable enough that you can go in and see them for a little bit."

With a sad smile, I slowly opened the door, careful not the wake them up. I sat down in the chair beside Ally's bed, cautiously grabbing her hand in mine.

I remembered the last time I was ever in this place. It was the day I found out that I had been pregnant, and that I had an inevitable miscarriage because of my severely damaged reproductive system. I remember feeling Ally sit there and just hold my hand as I got through it, now it only looked as if the roles were reversed.

Here I was, sitting at her bedside, holding her hand.

"Ally, please don't leave me." I whispered. "You can go in to a coma, wake up paralyzed, anything could happen but you are my best friend and I don't want you to leave me. Anything in this universe can happen but you're not leaving me."

I hadn't realized I was holding back tears until I started crying. I guess it was because I knew I had to be strong for the kids, confident that nothing would happen.

I just sat there for a little bit and cried, praying for her to stay.

After what felt like a long time, I got up and made my way out of the room, figuring I better just bring the kids home with us.

Just as I closed the door, that's when I heard a large crash and doctors rushing in as I heard the faint beep of a heart monitor flat-lining.
♠ ♠ ♠
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I can see the hate coming.