‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

6: I Guess I'm Leaving

Third Person P.O.V.

For the few days that followed, everyone stood there and watched the routine shift as Michelle avoided everyone that wasn't the twins.

She now woke up just a little bit earlier, quietly creeping out from the makeshift room she had made in her studio. She made breakfast for herself and the kids, waking them up as soon as it was done so they could eat.

As soon as that was done the three were dressed and ready to go by the time the four boys had woken up and they made their way out of their rooms as soon as the door slammed behind Michelle.

She always took the drive to drop the kids off at one of their grandparent's house, usually Ally's mom. She may have been guardian but she wasn't going to take away family. Plus it was always nice to sit down and talk, even just for a few minutes. Michelle knew she needed help and even though she knew it wasn't easy, she had swallowed her fear and pride and just talked about it, asking for advice.

This was something to take in stride, but still she couldn't help but feel a little bit happier everyday, as she spent more time with her god children. However that happiness didn't stop her from getting home every day and immediately finding her way in to her studio, locking the door and turning up the stereo as she worked.

So far she had managed to avoid Josh and everyone else because she simply wanted to. Though ignoring him didn't stop Josh from observing everything he saw going on.

He watched her take care of the twins like it was almost nothing, like she was just doing what she'd always done. At the same time, when he saw her the few times he did, he noticed she was tired but still going.

If only he'd known what she had been doing. She wasn't just painting in her studio she was planning. She had already asked permission from her parents and now she was slowly finishing her plans.

When Michelle came home with the kids that Thursday night, she was nervous. Well making dinner she was worried about how everyone would take it when they realized she was gone. Maybe they would be home and see her leave. All she knew was that she was going through with this, they all needed a break.

So when her and the twins finished eating, Michelle left the rest of the food in the stove to keep warm for they boys when they got back. She ushered Alex and Alice up the stairs with her, smiling as they hopped around.

"Auntie what are we doing?" Alice asked as they made their way in to the twins room.
"Well I decided we could go on a mini vacation."

She said, pulling out two duffel bags.


The twins started beaming at the same time and Michelle just nodded.

"Now come on! We gotta pack your stuff so you can take a bath."

With the most excitement she'd ever seen, the twins both jumped up to help her get everything ready and it was done in no time. So while they were taking a bath, Michelle took the 10 minutes to go and quickly pack her things, her last stop being the bathroom to pack toothbrushes and all that jazz. As soon as she was done she got the kids dressed and in to bed.

"You guys be good, okay? We're gonna have a trip tomorrow."

With a kiss to the forehead for each of them, Michelle got up to leave the room. She stopped when she heard a voice.

"Auntie, can you sing for us?"

She turned around to find that it was Alex, looking up at her with his big eyes.

"Honey I can't sing." she lied through her teeth.
"But mommy always said you were amazing, please?"

She couldn't say no to that, so Michelle made her way to the isle between the two beds, sitting down on the floor.

Slowly, she began to sing.

"How've you been? Can I come in? Just came to get my things and then I guess I'm leaving.
If I could say, what you'd like to hear, I'd whisper in your ear it's only temporary.
But I've been taking you for granted.
And I thought you'd feel the same as me, it's time that I come clean.
But, but for now can we, just both pretend to sleep.
Sometimes the one you want, is not the one you need.
What goes around don't come around, you should know me by now."

Michelle stopped and looked up, seeing both the twins half asleep, but she knew she had to finish the song otherwise she'd just be asked to again.

"Our talk is small, I'm seven inches tall and you should keep the apartment.
So here's my keys, change all the bills.
We're only built to spill and wonder where the heart went.
And you've been taking me for granted.
And I thought you'd feel the same as me, it's time that I come clean.
But, but for now, can we, just both pretend to sleep.
Sometimes the one you want, is not the one you need.
What goes around don't come around, you should know me by now."

Once again she looked to find the kids were completely asleep and Michelle got up, quietly making her way out of the room and finishing the song for the hell of it.

"I know that I remember you, and I think that you remember me.
So how can one of us, still feel blessed while the other one's lost.
I know you got to feel the change, it just gets worse when it stays the same.
How can one of us, still feel blessed while the other one's so lost."

She finished, hitting the long note like she always did, because it was what Josh had taught her how to do. Shaking her head clear of those thoughts and memories Michelle grabbed the duffel bags and put them downstairs, ready for the morning.

It was just then, however, that the boys decided to walk through the door and Mike saw her first.

"Where are you going?"
"Away. I talked to Mom and Dad, they're letting me use the cabin for a vacation."
"Because we all need a break, and I decided that Alex and Alice deserve it with how tough this has been on them."

Without another word and the four of them staring at her, she made her way down the hall and in to her paint studio, locking the door to sleep for the night.

When everyone woke up in the morning, Michelle was gone and so were the kids. There was no sign of them in the house, just the regular note that she left whenever she went away.

However no one could deny the uneasy feeling in the house. Sure Michelle had left before either for work or her own vacation or trip, but never had she left on bad terms.

Which is what just happened.
