‹ Prequel: Perfect Porcelain
Status: On Hiatus

True Love Ever After

8: There's No Guarantee

Third Person P.O.V.

Two days, that's how long it has been since Michelle left, and it has been the longest two days ever experienced. It didn't help that at around 10 in the morning the third day, in the early December morning, there was the loudest knocking ever heard rapping on the front door.


With that Matt got up from his chair in the kitchen and went to go open the door. It was worth the effort and he smiled and opened the door wider, letting the two people on the front porch in the house.

"You guys are damn lucky Vancouver is never as cold as the rest of the country." The blonde mused, "Otherwise I would have broken down that door."

It was true, because they lived on the coast, the water carried warmer currents therefore making Canadian weather less harsh than it was to the rest of the country.

Matt just rolled his eyes and pulled Jessica in for a hug before releasing her and saying hi to Alex.

"Is that the mini Ramsay we hear?" Ian called out.
"Well last time I checked my last name wasn't Ramsay anymore but you know, whatever floats your boat."

The other three walked in to the front room and hugged Jessica and Alex.

"Seriously though, it may be warmer but it's still cold you know. Thanks for finally opening the door."

Jessica was still upset about being left waiting, but it was how she knew Michelle wasn't home, because she always answered the door right away. Sighing Jess picked at her sleeves which were pulled over her hands. The tension in the room was almost unbearable.

"You can drop the act, boys, I know she's not here. The question is: where is she?"

Jessica got no reply, only blank stares and glances at the floor.

"Josh what did you do?"
"Why do you automatically assume it was me?!"
"Because I know the both of you and what she's like. Only something with you could have made her turn off her phone."
"Her phone is turned off?!"
"Must be because I haven't been able to reach her in days."

Jessica rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. Alex immediately wrapped an arm around her, his hand landing on top of her small baby bump.

"But you guys do know where she is right?"

They all nodded in response.

"Good. Now why don't you guys hang out for a bit because Josh is going to tell me what happened."

No one could turn away from the look of determination on her face, they never could and they would never be able to. Once Jessica had you pinned on something she would see it through and fix it.

So with that Jessica grabbed Josh and pulled him into the kitchen.

"All right what the hell did you do?"
"Where the fuck do I start?"
"At the beginning would be nice." Jess pointed out.
"It's a long story though." Josh whined.
"Yeah well you have a guest bedroom and Alex and I are here for a week."
"Speaking of, when are you going to tell Mom and Dad? And Sarah?"`
"Josh for crying out loud stop changing the subject this isn't about me right now!"

Jessica knew she was going to get what she wanted, but she also knew she would have to pry it out of her brother.

"I'm assuming you've heard about Ally?" he asked.
"Yeah," Jess started "I know it was hard on everyone."
"So I'll start there. After the funeral we were all in the Chapel with the kids and Michelle was outside. She came back in and just sorta sat there for a while before she grabbed Alex and Alice and I rode back in her car. She just seemed distraught I didn't know."
"Know what?"
"Later on it had to be early in the morning, the middle of the night. That's when she decided to say something."
"Josh what the hell is going on just tell me!"
"She told me she has custody of Ally's twins, okay?! And that meant her being an actual mom and actually having kids around and I didn't know how I was supposed to handle it!"

Jessica eyes flew open wide.

"You didn't?" And they both knew what she was implying.
"I maybe, kinda, sorta... did."

With that confession Jessica was beyond upset with Josh, and she blew up.


Jess just stopped and looked at him.

"Really?" she started, her voice was deadly calm, "Because I think it's an awesome idea. I think Michelle would make a fantastic mom and I'm sure she's proving herself of being more than capable, isn't she?"

Josh just nodded.

"She never told you, did she? She'd never admit but she's always wanted a family, I can see it. But even back when we were kids and she's never realize it or even admit, she liked you a lot. So she had taken her small dislike and created this world where she had convinced herself having a family was not a good idea. Then after he was attacked, she still went with it because all her hopes went flying out the goddamn window. She will never admit it but you can see it that all she ever wanted was to be happy and be like one of those modern moms who's really cool and she's really chill and relaxed. Believe it or not, she'd never admit it but she wanted it with you. Josh she would do anything for you, go anywhere with you. All. For. You."

With Jessica's little speech being finished, Josh just stared at her. Never could he have guessed Michelle was a family girl, given her obvious distaste of anything like being a white-picket fence family.

"Not to mention, you gave in to her biggest fear. She is still so scared that one day you will think you don't love her anymore and you'll just leave. She's had people in and out of her life for a long time, and she's had some insane shit go down. On the inside she still has that little voice telling her this isn't real, that no one could ever stick around this long and love her like you do."

Replaying what he did, Josh realized what Michelle must have thought that night, what it looked like.

"I didn't mean to make it look that way."
"I'm sure you didn't, but you still messed up really bad."
"Yeah well not everyone can be perfect-happy-couple like you and Alex!" Josh snapped at her, he was more angry at himself than anything.
"Since when are Alex and I being brought in to this?!"
"Oh please, it's easy for you to give advice when you're obviously so perfect!"
"What the hell would ever make you think that Alex and I, of all people, are perfect?! Josh you know me better than anyone, I was always the first one to run. But you know what makes this different? Alex and I have had our fair share of fights, but every time I run, his first instinct is to run right after me. That boy chased me across half a continent just over 3 years ago and guess what! If hadn't done that I wouldn't be sitting here so happy and carrying a baby to have with the man I love. When it comes down to it you have to remember you love her, and I know you love her a lot Josh. So take a page from my husband, would you, and go chase the damn girl!"

Josh was surprised, but nevertheless he knew his little sister was right.

"When did you get so damn wise?"
"When I realized I had to grow up a little bit and move on."

Josh stood up and Jessica did too and he hugged her, maybe a little too tight.

"HEY! Watch the pregnant girl here, don't screw up my baby."

Josh just let go and laugh, standing there for a second and just looking at his sister.

"Well what the hell are you waiting for? An invitation? YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS GO GET HER!"

With that Jessica smiled as she watched her older brother grab his jacket and a set of keys and bolt out the front door. Never had she been prouder because, getting Josh to admit he was wrong, that was a challenge. On the other hand though he loved 'Chelle a lot and the look he gave her said it all, that he would do anything for her.

Jessica walked out of the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. All the guys looked at her, obviously hearing the outbursts and seeing Josh run out the door.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked her.
"He created the problem, and now he'll fix it." was her reply, but that didn't stop her from letting her husband wrap her up in a hug.

So they all spent the rest of the day just relaxing and catching up, but it was no lie that they were anxiously waiting for something, anything, that would relieve all the tension. Somehow, 'Chelle would be back and her and Josh would be as in love as they ever were. So pretty much their entire sanity revolved around Josh right now, and his ability to fix what he had done.

Just. Great.
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I really hope you guys like the story, I really do. Some comments would be nice, let me know how I'm doing. TALK TO ME I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. <3