

Jack woke up to his phone ringing in his ear. He was quick to grab it before it woke Alex up. He was so sick and Jack felt so bad for him.
"Hey Matt, what's up? " he answered into the phone.
"Just calling to tell you that you need to be at the airport at 11. Be there ON TIME." Matt replied
"Alright. We'll be there. "
"I mean it Jack"
Jack watched Alex run out of their bedroom and into the bathroom.
"Shit!" He swore, still on the phone with Matt. He walked over to the bathroom and stuck his head inside.
"Fuck, Alex, again? Are you okay? " he watched Alex shake his head no.
"Everything okay?" Matt asked.
"No, Alex is sick as hell. He's got a high ass fever and he's been puking everywhere all day."
"Shit. Is he gonna be okay for tomorrow? "
"I don't know. He's really fucking sick. But I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.
"Okay. See ya."
Jack walked into the bathroom and saw Alex leaning over the toilet, resting his head on the rim. He looked awful. His eyes were glazed with a fever, his hair was tangled and sweaty and clung to his face, he was so pale, with the exception of his cheeks that were bright red.
Jack sat down on the floor, rubbing a soothing hand on Alex's back. He pulled the ill vocalist into his lap and held him close.
"You doing okay, babe? " Jack asked
Alex just shrugged and snuggled more into Jack.
"We should get you back to bed."
"Nu-uh. If I move I'm gonna throw up everywhere."
"It's okay, I'll find you something." He helped Alex up and into the bed. Then he went out to the kitchen and grabbed a cold water bottle and a large bowl from under the sink.
Jack reentered the bedroom to find Alex already asleep. He set the bowl on the side of the bed and sat next to Alex. He pushed the hair off the sick boys face. Alex instantly burried his face into Jack's side. Jack climbed into bed, moving Alex so that his head lay on his chest. Alex nuzzled his face into the crook of Jack's neck and wrapped his arms around him. It's no secret that Alex loves to be held close when he's not feeling well. It's just a fact, Alex has always responded well to touch.
Now, Jack just layed there, holding Alex as close as he could. He toyed with his hair for a while before pressing a soft kiss to his temple, then drifted off himself. Hopefully Alex would sleep through the night and feel better in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I finally updated. I'm laying in bed sick, so why not continue my sick fic? I wrote out a story line and there will probably be about 6 to 8 chapters.