A Place of Hope and No Pain

Chapter 2: Psycho, gun-wielding freaks

A silhouetted man stood in front of me, his SWAT uniform blurred by the flashing lights, his voice drowned out by the endless sirens echoing through the busy street.

With my shoulders slumped and Mikey's arm around me I stood facing the bank, awaiting any news or sign of movement. The once empty bank was now swarming with snipers and onlookers.

The silhouetted man was shouting orders at the top of his lungs, or at least trying to. It felt like the whole of the nation had turned out to see what was going to happen.

A scream pierced through the veil of background noise. "MALLORY! WHERE ARE YOU?"

A familiar red headed gentlemen was sprinting towards us. Pushing and shoving his way through the crowd he eventually came to a sudden halt in front of us. Waiting for his breath to catch he stood with his head focused on the ground and his knees bent like a monkey attempting to be a ballet dancer. His finger stood in the '1 minute' position.

"Bloody hell I'm out of shape." Were the wise words said by my godfather before he wrapped his arms around me in a tight bear hug.

Mikey was staring down at us sadly and loud sobs caused the people around us to stop their insane shouts.

It was only when Gerard wiped away the wetness on my face did I realise that the intense sobbing was coming from me.

"Everything will be alright, you hear me Mall? Your mother is the strongest woman I know and she adores you with every fiber of her being. No matter what happens to her body her love will always protect you." My godfathers speech made my not so silent cries worse, my mum was trapped in a room with some psycho, gun-wielding freaks and there was nothing I could do about it.

Gerard opened his mouth to speak when some gun shots interrupted him.





The street froze, hundreds of eyes were staring at the bank in shock before chaos erupted.

The SWAT leader from before shouted some unrecognisable instructions before grabbing a gun and running round the side of the bank with other buff men and women.

Some more bangs and wallops exploded from within the building, I hid my face in Gerard's chest trying to ignore all of the sounds around me.

The news reporters were more excited than ever, talking speedily about the current events. But they would be excited about what was happening. They got a news story which could give them a promotion. I got the prospect of being an orphan.

After what felt like hours SWAT suddenly began speeding out of the building. Some pulling men in handcuffs along whilst others were rushing normal citizens off to the awaiting ambulances.

I was with Mikey and Gerard at the front of the crowd. I saw countless numbers of people being carried out of the building but none of them were blondes wearing predominantly pink.

The line of SWAT carrying people out ended.

I fell to the ground only to be picked up by Mikey.

My sobs and screams were uncontrollable now.

I knocked out of Mikey's arms and raced past the police vans and ambulances lining the pavement. Ignoring Mikey and Gerards screams to the SWAT teams I rushed past the barriers and into the heated building.
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Glad we got that settled.