‹ Prequel: Insane Love
Status: Updated! New chapter is half-written and will be up in a few weeks (Apr-May 2016)

Don't Fall Back

The Rejoice

"I don't know, there's something about you. Say there's an hourglass: the sand's about to run out. Someone like you can always be counted on to turn the thing over.” ―Haruki Murakami

Colton woke up that morning to see Mike still asleep on the couch. His mouth was open and drooling over the pillow, and one of his arms was dangling down on the ground. He heard the fridge door being closed and he walked in to see Mia making coffee.

"Morning," he smiled.

She glanced at her right side and said, "We have a bear in our living room."

He laughed aloud and kissed the top of her head. She stirred in the milk with a teaspoon and held the cup out for him.

"You sit down and drink it, I'll make my own." he winked.

"No, honey--"

"Sit." Colton raised an eyebrow and opened a cupboard to take out his favourite Tim Horton's cup.

She sighed and sat down on one of the bar stools by the island. "Are Bozie and Phil awake?"

"Doubt it," he chuckled. "Nine in the morning for them is like six in the morning for us."

She grinned and put her palm under her chin. When his coffee was ready he sat down beside her and drank some down. And as always, Mia took her first sip only after him.

"Last night though," he said quietly, looking at her briefly and then smirking forward.

Her cheeks reddened. "Yeah."

"Yeah?" He moved his head closer to hers and spoke with a flirty voice.

"Mhmm." she nodded, blushing even harder when she knew his eyes were on her. She looked down at her lap. She didn't know why she was acting like a ten year old girl but the butterflies in her stomach had arrived.

"Mhm," he tilted his nose up and kissed her cheek. When she finally looked at him he kissed her lips softly twice.

She exhaled through her nose and smiled at him lightly as he placed his elbow on the island, his fingers holding the side of his head up and his other hand rubbing her back in circles. "What's the plan for today?" she asked.

"Whatever you want, babe." he said in a calm tone again.

"Hey babes."

Mia whipped her head back to look up at Tyler grinning at both of them and shaking his head. "Oh. Tyler." She jumped.

Kess came in around the corner and said, "G'morning."

"Morning," she replied. "You boys want something to drink, or, eat?"

He glanced back at Tyler who said, "Just some chocolate milk, but I'll get it. You want anything to eat, Colton?"

"Uh, nah, I'm good." he answered and sipped his coffee.

"Yeah, he's had enough." Phil faked a cough.

Mia and Colton exchanged looks. He was still leaning on his elbow and scrunching his eyebrows confusedly. They just shook it off and shrugged.

"Did you see Mike?" Phil chuckled.

"Yeah," Colton grinned and glanced at Mia. "Fuckin' grizzly out there."

"I forgot he was there so when I heard him snore, I think I had a heart attack." Bozie added and then smirked. "Lots of loud things in this house, I guess.."

A yawn grew noisier as Brownie walked in the kitchen and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning. Did you guys sleep well?"

Everyone nodded and he smiled, "I slept like an angel."

Bozie snickered. "Sure."

"So, have you bugged them about last night?" Mike grinned. "Oh, Colton! Mmmfff, yes!"

Mia sighed and looked down, feeling completely embarrassed. Colton rolled his eyes, "Brownie."

"Orrsie." he replied.

"Bozie." Kess called out.

"Philly cheese." Tyler clicked glasses with him.

"Anyway...." Mia spoke, hoping to change the topic. "What are you guys planning on doing today?"

"I dunno," Phil shrugged. "I kinda wanted to go practice a bit. We should all go together for old time's sake."

"That sounds good." Brownie agreed.

Colton glanced at her, wanting to go but also remembering that he had asked her before about what she wanted to do. "Well.."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Us girls would love to have some time alone. And you should go, there's only three weeks until pre-season."

"We have to go get our skates and stuff," Tyler put his glass down. "I'll let Lana and Zoe know to come over."

"Alright, then, let's go." Colton straightened his back and stood up from the stool.

They waited by the door for Colton to get his equipment bag from the basement and then the boys went out to their cars and reversed out of the driveway.

Four hours later, they returned to Mia, Lana and Zoe sitting on the couches with a large bowl of popcorn. Since they were exhausted, they got more food out of the fridge and joined them, all sprawled out over the living room watching Just Go With It.


On the final friday of that August, Colton, Tyler and Phil spent time with Brownie until his flight to Edmonton. At 6pm, they were sitting at their table in McFlannigan's, where they almost always sat when Mike was still on the team.

Colton took a sip of his Heineken and glanced at a group of girls sitting at a booth across from him. "That girl's looking at you, Philip."

All of them turned their heads to follow the direction of his eyes. Phil noticed the one with blonde hair and pale skin smiling and then blushing away. He turned back around and shrugged.

"She's cute." Mike nudged him. "Go talk to her."

"Nah," he responded.


"Not my type." he chuckled lightly.

Brownie laughed, "What's your type?"

"I dunno, I like brunettes I guess. Tanned skin, brown eyes." He then gulped a bit of his beer.

"Do you have to be at the airport at 8 exactly, or..?" Tyler asked.

"My flight's not until 10, so yeah I should get going soon." Mike answered, glancing at his phone which read 7:18PM.

Phil sighed. "It's gonna be a good year, bro."

"Yeah, man." Tyler grinned. "Cheers."

Colton dissolved into his own thoughts as they discussed the upcoming season. He thought about earlier when Mia had hugged Brownie goodbye until the Oilers visited Toronto, and how she always got along with everyone. Her straight teeth and perfect cheekbones. The way she always had to have a bracelet around at least one of her wrists. How she wore the necklace he had bought her for her birthday last year and how her tanned skin made it look so damn good.

Her smile, her lips and everything that she perfected and he wanted to see it all forever. He loved her, obviously, and sometimes he'd lose himself in his mind just picturing her. Then he started thinking about the future. Her left hand..her ring finger; ringless. But a small smile peaked across his lips as he knew what he was going to do.

"You there, warri-orr?" Tyler called his friend by one of his nicknames, laughing with the boys.

"I want to change that." he said aloud.

Tyler glanced at Phil in confusion. "Change what?"

"I will marry her." Colton looked at all three of them individually. And in that moment, he knew he had never been more sure of anything else.

Mike grinned, "Fuckin' eh, look who's put the big boy pants on!"

"Another wedding, another night of free drinks." Tyler held his bottle up, and they all clicked their empty bottles.

When they went out to the parking lot, Bozie spoke, "Bro we're driving right behind you to the airport, don't stop here."

Brownie smiled and shook his head, "You guys go home, that won't be necessary."

Phil patted his shoulder, "Thanks for a great Summer, brown beaut."

"You too, Kess, keep impressing 'em." he winked.

He hugged Tyler who patted his back for a while and said, "See you in October. We're getting shit-faced after the game, I hope you know that."

Brownie laughed, knowing he was referring to when the Oilers would play in Toronto for the first and only time in the season. Then he low-fived Colton, and pulled him in for a hug.

"Take care, man." Colton smiled sadly.

"You too," Mike said after releasing him. "And good luck. Get her a nice ring. Also, give her another thank you for the shit she put up with this Summer."

He laughed and then sighed. "Bye, Mike. Have a safe flight and landing."

Brownie opened his car door and smiled at them once more, "Bye guys. See ya in a few months."

Colton went home after that and opened the door to the sound of the T.V. Mia was seated on the couch comfortably in her leggings and short sleeved Love Pink shirt, watching highlights on TSN. She glanced at him to the side and smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically a week until the first episode of HBO ahh I'm so excited to see the *real* Leafs.

Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm not able to fix things easily on this old iPod until later. Anyway, fast chapter update to make you guys love me again. Comment, there's lots more to come.

'Till next time!