‹ Prequel: Northern Downpour

Waking Up in Vegas


Haley watched Shaun walk away from her and Kevin, suddenly feeling a little guilty. That was the most inappropriate way for him to be told. It wasn't fair, but, at the same time she knew that sooner rather than later would be better for all involved. She felt herself turning in Kevin's arms, leaning up to press another kiss to his lips.

Haley apologized as she looked up at the older man, "I'm sorry for earlier."

Kevin smiled, "No, you had every right to be angry with me." He leaned down to rest his forehead against Haley's, "I'm sorry too."

Haley laughed a little and put her hand on Kevin's cheek. When they were good, they were so good and she totally loved moments like this. These were the moments that were the ones she had been waiting for. Like that walk when they had first met. No one wanted to go with her but him. It was the small things.

Kevin's voice was soft as he spoke, "He wasn't being mean to you I hope." Kevin paused, "I can go stuff him in a trash can if he was."

Haley shook her head and smiled, "No, he was ok. Except for that stomping off part." She admitted, "You ok?"

Kevin gave a nod, "I'm better now that I've found you." Kevin re-iterated. "Would you like to join me back at the party?" He asked.

Haley shook her head as she took Kevin's hand, "Can we talk?" She asked, looking up at her older husband as they walked along. The music and noise of the party soon faded as they walked through the large estate. Haley finally stopped when she saw a large log overlooking the pond, taking her time to sit on it.

Kevin let go of her hand as she went to sit on the log. He watched her tilt her head up and look at the stars. Kevin followed her lead and sat with her after looking at the stars himself. Usually he was too absorbed in whatever he was doing to bother, "What's wrong?" Kevin's voice was soft as he spoke, turning his attention from the stars to Haley.

Haley shook her head, "Nothing." She said, "I just." She paused. Haley wasn't sure how to ask the question. She'd been thinking, mostly about the first time that her and Kevin had met, and then everything recently. It made her feel unsettled. "I just want to know that if something happens, you're not going to let me shut you out this time." Haley said as she remembered the phone call

"Come on Haley, you have to tell him." She muttered to herself as she stared at the phone in her hand. Haley and Kevin hadn't talked in a while. Kevin's face flashed across her phone screen and she reluctantly swiped her thumb across the screen, "Hey." She answered, nervous.

"Hey." Kevin's voice was cheery on the other end. Kevin himself was glad and excited to see Haley. He missed her, he was on the verge of splitting with Ellery, and after this, he swore he would. Right now, now just wasn't a good time, seeing as he was at his brother Andrew's wedding and all. "How are you?"

Even though Kevin couldn't see her, she still nodded like he could, "I'm..." She froze, "I'm ok." She replied shortly after re-gaining her composure. "How's the wedding?" Haley asked.

Kevin laughed, "I wished you were here." He said, "I don't know, there's a lot of stuff going on."

"You think they'll have kids right away?" Haley blurted out unintentionally.

"I don't know," Kevin paused, "I don't want kids though." Kevin said. He just wasn't ready. He was just getting going and he wanted so much more than that. Plus, he wasn't sure he even liked kids.

Haley sat on her bed, she suddenly felt deflated, like someone had punched her in the stomach. How could she tell him now? He didn't want kids. She was pregnant. She'd known for some time and she had decided today was supposed to be the day. "You don't want kids?" Haley asked, trying not to let her voice crack.

Kevin just sounded so casual about it, but at the same time he sounded so sure. "Yeah, I'm just not a kids person."

Kevin himself was a little confused, maybe it was some of the alcohol, maybe it was because he didn't want to remember what a dick he had been to her then. "Haley." He said, watching the young woman as tears had begun to well into her eyes. Kevin himself reached up to wipe at them as they began to fall. "I am not going to let you go without a fight. Whether I'm fighting another man or I'm fighting you, you're not getting away that easy." Kevin's hand cupped her face. "Do you remember the day we met?" he asked as he remembered the day they met.

"I hope you don't mind dear, Danny brought some of his friends and well, sometimes they crash here even though they have their own homes to go to." Kathy called through the door.

Kevin had been half-awake, lying in bed in his boxers when he heard Haley's mom talking through the door. He hurriedly put on some basketball shorts and one of his Nike t-shirts as he went to reach for the door. "Fu—" Kevin half-shouted as he stepped on what would later be discovered to be his keys. "Sorry Mrs. Simpson." He apologized to the older woman as he pushed a hand through his hair.

Come on, you had to be kidding. There was another girl. She was cute, attractive, seemed fairly innocent. Leave it to him to make a fool of himself.

As Kevin and Haley sat together he knew one thing, he was clearly meant to be with Haley, even when it seemed like they were fighting it. Something had brought them together. Haley was sure that there was a reason for all this and she still struggled to figure it out but, as she went along, putting on this front for their families and friends, she found herself believing more and more in it.

Haley laughed a little as she too remembered Mrs. Simpson opening the door after hearing what had been going on inside, "Yeah, I remember the day we met." She remembered, despite how hard she had tried to forget for a while.

Kevin gave a little nod, "Good, because some day, when we've made it past all this, we're going to be sitting on a porch somewhere telling our grand-kids about how we met." Kevin rested his forehead against Haley's as he looked into her eyes, "I promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: This I Promise You by NSYNC.

Hope everyone is having a great fall. my apologies for delays in postings. I'm trying to figure out how to end this... because, well, I think I need to move on... I'm thinking about re-writing the novel I did a couple years ago for nanowrimo so if you're interesting in, at some point, seeing that I guess... let me know? It's not done at all so first on the agenda is finishing it before I re-write it.