Dirty Little Secret

Numero Diez.

It had been a few weeks since Shane and I slept together. It was something I wasn't proud of especially being Stephanie's best friend. I mean, who wants their best friend sleeping with their big brother? I wouldn't be happy if she slept with Morgan or Ricky. Morgan and Ricky were my bubbas as well as Shane was her bubba. We don't wanna think about them sleeping with girls, much less our best friends. This regret played over in my mind over and over again. It made me sick to my stomach to think of it. What would Stephanie say? Would she still want to be friends with me?
Today I was hanging out with my other best friend. Brooke Lawler. She was the daughter of legendary wrestler and commentator, Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Brooke and I go back almost as far and Steph and I but not quite. Stephanie and I were together even when our moms were pregnant with us. Brooke and I became friends when I was around two.
"I think you should just tell Stephanie." Brooke said to me.
"It's not that simple." I said.
"It may not be simple but it should be done. Stephanie's worried about you. She's barely heard from you. She's wondering what she did wrong." Brooke said.
"I just can't face her. I mean, how would you feel if I slept with JJ?" I said referring to her older brother, Jerry Lawler Jr.
"I mean. I wouldn't like it at first but if it makes you both happy I'd say go for it." she said to me. "Have you spoken to Shane?" she asked.
"No." I said putting my head down with a sigh. "I didn't even say goodbye."
"Dang. That's brave. I bet Shane doesn't like you much right now either."
"I know. I just don't know what to say. He was more into it than me. He told me he loved me, Brooke. I don't know how to face that." I said with a sigh. "And another thing. I'm late." I said.
"As in, you haven't gotten your period?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well there's only one way to deal with this." She said and the next thing I knew we were in her car pulling up to a drug store. "Pregnancy test." She said.
"I'm not pregnant. I'm sure it's just stress." I said.
"Just to make sure."
We went in and purchased a pregnancy test and then made our way back to my house. We ran inside so my mom wouldn't see what I had and ran up to my room. She made me start drinking water since I really didn't have to use the restroom.
After I got enough water in my system and had to go, I went into the restroom. I opened up the test and read the instructions and then did as I was told. I then put it on the counter. It was going to take ten minutes for the results. I went out into my room.
"What if it's positive?"
"I don't know." I said.
Everything was silent for the next ten minutes until the results were ready. Brooke decided she would read them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath waiting for her.
"Allyson." she said taking at pause. I looked up her. "You're pregnant."