Dirty Little Secret

Numero Once.

Being on the road with my dad was awesome. I loved the whole company all together, especially being around all the larger than life wrestlers. It was great. It had gotten my mind off of Allyson. I also stayed my distance from Kaleb. I swear if that fucker were to look at me wrong I'd bash his motherfucking head in. I couldn't stand him. Ever since we were kids, he'd always thought he we better than me and he always had Allyson's attention.
I had gotten to see tons of places from all over America to Europe to Japan. It was amazing having a father with such a successful business. I was a third generation McMahon and one day I was going to relieve the legacy of my father, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and my grandfather, Vincent James McMahon. I was Shane Brandon McMahon, third generation promoter. This was a business that was in my blood and would stay in it as long as the McMahon family is breathing.
It was a Monday night and it was a few hours before Monday Night RAW. Tonight was a big one. Ric Flair vs. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart as the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship. I was pretty stoked. I couldn't wait to see Ric beat the hell out of Bret and win the title. Ric was one of the best in the business. Don't get me wrong, so was Bret, but Ric was even better, in my opinion.
Tonight, I was chilling backstage with JJ Lawler and Adam Hart. These two were my best buddies growing up minus Morgan Flair. We were playing black jack while we were waiting for the show to start. JJ was winning, Adam was in second, and I was losing. Skylar Race, Jennifer Michaels, and Savannah Anderson were all watching and laughing at our jokes and mistakes. The next thing I saw and heard surprised me.
"Shane?" I heard her voice say making me turn around. It was Allyson. My eyes went wide. "Can we talk?" She asked. I swallowed and then looked back at the guys, put down my cards, and followed her.
We made our way into an empty locker room. I sat down on the couch and Allyson closed the door and paced around the place. I could tell there was something bothering her. She kept pacing and sighing.
"Look, I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry about what happened." She said. I chuckled. I'm not falling for her shit again.
"Bullshit. I've heard your shitty lies before. I'm not falling for it. You mean to tell me you came all the way here to tell me your damn lies? Well you can just get the hell out. Or better yet, I will." I said getting up and walking toward the door.
"I'm pregnant." She said. I turned around with my eyes wide. She had the test in her hand.
"So, you're having my kid?" I asked.
"Um, actually, it might not be yours." She said looking down.
"What do you mean by that?" I said glaring at her.
"Um, It might be Kaleb's." She said looking down. This pissed me off.
"Of FUCKING course it is. Typical." I was pissed beyond belief. "You disgust me, Allyson Jane Flair." I said shaking my head. "I can't believe this shit." I said as I walked out of the room with a slam of the door behind me.
So many fucking thoughts were going through my head. Allyson was pregnant. The baby could possibly be mine. There was a possibility it was Kaleb Hart's. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I'm tired of Kaleb Hart and I'm getting pretty damn tired of Allyson Flair. I was done. MOTHERFUCKING DONE! I walked outside of the building, got in my dad's limo, and left the building.