Dirty Little Secret

Numero Doce.

When I went to tell Shane about my pregnancy, he didn't take it as well as I hoped. It upset me but I was telling the truth. While Shane was in the hospital, Kaleb had visited again and he and I did a little something, so it's possible that he may be the father of my baby. It was such a tough time right now. I told Kaleb about the pregnancy too and he said he'd be really happy if it were his.
It was time to tell my parents and my friends. I was scared of telling my parents and Stephanie. My brothers probably wouldn't be too happy either. I think some of them would be okay with me being pregnant, just not the fact that I have two possible fathers. That's what made me ashamed of myself. That's why I was so scared.
I walked into the house after I got home from the WWE showing to see my mother folding some towels. In between the folding, she was also watching a soap opra. On the soap, there was a girl who was pregnant and having problems finding out which guy was her baby's father. I could see my mother shaking her head. That made me scared. I gulped. My mother must have heard because she looked over at me.
"Everything alright, Allyson?" She asked me. I sighed.
"Uh, no mom. We need to talk." She put down what she was doing and turned off the television and then we sat on the couch.
"What's going on, sweetie?" She asked me. I sighed.
"Mom. I missed my period this month and when I took a pregnancy test it revealed that I'm pregnant." I said to her.
"Oh Allyson." She said with a sigh. "Birth is a beautiful thing. I just wish you wouldn't have been so young. Who's the father?" She asked.
"Um. I actually have two possible fathers." I said looking down.
"Oh, Allyson. I'm disappointed in you." She said.
"I'm disappointed in myself, mom." I said to her.
"Who are they?" She asked.
"Kaleb Hart and Shane McMahon." I said.
"I bet Shane is upset to hear that." She said.
"Why do you say that, mom?" I asked her.
"It's been pretty obvious for year, Allyson. Shane McMahon has been in love with you for years. He's probably crushed right now." She sighed. Mom was right. He was. I sighed.
"I'm going to see Stephanie." I said as I walked out the door and down to the McMahon's house.
I knocked on the door and Stephanie quickly answered and stepped outta the door with a slam of it.
"What in the hell do you think you're doing showing your face around here, Allyson?" She asked.
"I just wanted to tell-" She cut me off.
"To tell me what? I already fucking know! I can't believe you would do that shit to my brother! He loves you and has loved you for years." She said.
"Stephanie. I'm sorry." I said.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, Allyson. This "friendship" is done. It's over Allyson. You've disgraced my entire family. Get the hell off our property or I will have you escorted off." She said and went inside with a slam of the door. Tears started falling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this. I just lost my best friend in the entire world over this and my second family hates me. Man, what was I going to do now?