Dirty Little Secret

Numero Trece.

The last few months had been a blur to me. It mostly consisted of me keeping myself busy. I was on the road with WWE all the time now. I barely ever went home. I had to keep myself busy so that I wouldn't get depressed or anything. It was definitely working, for the most part at least. I also kept my distance from the Harts, except for Adam and Owen of course, as well as the Flairs, except for Morgan. Morgan was very ashamed of his sister right now. He did keep me updated though. He told me Allyson was having a very healthy pregnancy and everything was going well with her and the baby. I was relieved to hear that, especially due to the fact that it may be my child she's carrying.
I made my way backstage after just arriving to the building in my suit. I had my briefcase in had and I was going over tonight's script. I made my way to my father's office and put my stuff down reading over the script. It was very well written. My father always made sure he had the best writers he could have for our company. I was proud to be a third generation worker in this business my grandfather and father built from the ground up. My father had gone from filing for bankruptcy when I was a baby to being a billionaire.
Tonight's main event was 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels vs. a newcomer, my sister's boyfriend, Paul Levesque aka Hunter Hearst Helmsley. His character was going to be a prude from Greenwich, CT. It was completely opposite from what he really was but the writers came up with it so my dad wanted to run with it. Paul was all in if it meant that he could work for the company and Steph was really happy to have him come into the business our family made famous.
I put down the script and walked into the hall. I looked down the hall and saw Kaleb Hart. Blegh. Just the sight of that fucker made me cringe. I sighed and walked down the hallway making my way to the gorilla position. I was just about to walk past Kaleb when he grabbed my arm.
"What's your deal with Allyson, McMahon?" He asked me.
"Don't touch me, Hart." I said snatching away from him.
"This kid is mine and I know it!" He said.
"Oooh, I'm so freaking threatened." I said rolling my eyes.
"Shut up, McMahon. You're such a pussy. You're just jealous that I had her first." He said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah Kaleb. That's it. Ya got me." I said sarcastically.
"You know it's true McMahon. With your little kindergarten crush you've always had on her. She doesn't want you McMahon. The only reason she slept with you if because she felt sorry for you." He said making my blood pressure and temper rise.
"Shut up Hart." I said to him.
"What are you gonna do, McMahon? Hm? Go cry to your daddy like the little bitch that you are?" He asked.
That's all it took for me to start beating the shit out of him. I just jumped him and started beating the shit outta him, taking my blazer off so I could move more freely. He was barely fighting back either, reason being I was kicking the hell out of him too hard. He'd finally drawn the line. Saying bullshit about me. I beat him until he had bruises and a bloody nose. Morgan and Adam ran up outta the blue, Morgan holding me back and Adam holding Kaleb back.
"Get your fucking hands off me, Adam. You talk shit about me too to the enemy." He said snatching from Adam and glaring at me.
"Fine. Whatever, Kaleb." He said walking towards me. "C'mon Morgan and Shane. Let's get outta here." He said glaring at Kaleb and we walked away.
I put on my blazer and made my way to the gorilla position. It was time for the show to begin.