Dirty Little Secret

Numero Catorce.

The pain was excruciating. Giving birth was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life. The past nine months of my pregnancy brought things like morning sickness, swollen ankles, moodiness, and lots of pain. My whole family was there for me through it all and I was very grateful for them. My dad, mom, Morgan, and Ricky. Kaleb was there at times, but I still hadn't heard from Shane. It hurt me that he was that hurt and I really wish I could take it back.
"Alright Ms. Flair. Just a few more pushes and your baby will be out." The doctor said to me.
"You've got it Allyson. We can see it's precious head already." My mom said.
I started pushing harder than I'd ever pushed before and I could feel the baby coming out. I hurt really bad. Worst pain I've ever experience in my life. I was just ready for my little angel to be out. I didn't know what the sex of my baby was yet, but I was about to find out. I took a break from pushing to breath when I looked down and saw the doctor holding up my baby. I was in awe.
"It's a boy." said the doctor handing the baby to me. I smiled wide. I had a son. A beautiful baby boy.
"Hey." I smiled. "I'm your mommy, baby boy."
"Okay. So I will get the nurses to wash him off." The doctor said getting my son from me.
"Also doctor, can we request a DNA test?" My mother asked.
"That won't be a problem, ma'am. Do you have some kind of DNA from the possible fathers?" He asked.
"Yes." She said getting out two ziploc bags. One had a bottle Kaleb had given me and the drank from and another was on that Linda had given my mother. Linda and Vince were still talking to my parents despite all that went down.
"Okay. We will take a swab of your baby's saliva as well and you should have the results by tonight." Said the doctor.
"Thank you sir." My mom said as the doctor headed over to my baby, got a sample, and left the room.
"What would you like his name to be?" One of the nurses asked as she approached me. I thought for a second.
"Colton Joshua." I replied.
"Okay." She writes down. "Flair?" she asks.
"Actually no. I would like to use the father's last name when we find out the results later." I replied.
"Yes ma'am." She said leaving the room.
The other nurse came over with little Colton and handed him to me. He was so precious. I couldn't believe that something that beautiful came out of me. I created that. This little angel grew inside of me for nine months. He had alot of dark hair on his head and gorgeous blue eyes. I kissed his precious head. This is what life is all about.
My dad and brothers came to visit Colton and instantly fell in love with him. My dad was so proud to have a grandson and my brothers were happy to have a nephew. After they visited, Morgan and Ricky went home and my dad went to get me some food. He brought me back some chinese which was my favorite and I was delicious. He then went home to get some sleep. My mom stayed with me the whole time. It was around 9:00 pm when the doctor walked into the room with paperwork in his hands. He looked down at them, then me and Colton.
"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded and let out a shaky sigh. "Okay. As a result of your DNA test. Your baby's name will be...Colton Joshua........McMahon."
Colton was Shane's baby. It all made sense now because Colton looked just like Vince and Vince Sr. He had Shane's black hair and everything else. Now, I wondered how this was going to go.