Dirty Little Secret

Numero Quince.

I was riding in the back of the limo with my husband, Vince. We were on the way to the Flair household. Emma and Ric were wanting to have some discussions with us. I'd heard that Allyson had given birth earlier this week and I was hopeful that this was about the baby. I prayed to the Lord above that this child was my grandchild. Vince was holding my hand.
"You nervous?" He asked.
"Yeah. I am. I don't know what this is about and I'm scared they're going to tell us this child is Kaleb Hart's child." I replied.
"Well, whoever's child it is, it'll all be okay." Vince said to me with a smile.
It wasn't long after that, that we pulled up to the Flair house. By this time, my heard was pounding in my chest. I was very scared by what they were going to tell me. What if the child was Shane's but Allyson didn't want him to be in the child's life? That was another fear that I had. Vince and I got out and went up to the door and knocked. Emma came to the door.
"Hey." she said. "Come on in guys." We followed her into the living room where Ric was sitting, holding a swaddled baby.
"Hello Vince and Linda." Ric said to us smiling then looking down at the baby. He surely did look like a proud grandfather.
"Hello Ric. You sure do look proud." I said.
"Oh I am." He smiled.
"Have a seat." said Emma and we did so.
"What we called you down for is this." Emma said as she handed us the birth certificate. Vince put on his glasses and started to look over it then I saw a wide grin form on his face.
"We have a grandson." He said. My heart smiled. I was so happy. "Colton Joshua McMahon." I heard Vince say. Ric brought the baby over to me and placed him in my arms. I looked down at him.
"He's so beautiful" I said as happy tears escaped my eyes. Vince looked at him and smiled.
"My grandson" He said with a glow on his face. I hadn't seen Vince like this since Stephanie was born.
"Oh precious baby. Hello there. Hello there Mr. Colton McMahon." I smiled as he grabbed my finger with his tiny hand.
"Now listen. Just because the children don't speak doesn't mean we don't want you and Shane to be a part of Colton's life. We would love nothing more than for you guys to have split custody. How does that sound?" Emma said.
"That sounds amazing. We know we as well as Shane will love it." I replied.
"Great. So we will bring him to you guys every other week?" She asked.
"Sounds great." I said. We spent the rest of the afternoon in awe at our grandson. We were blessed.