Dirty Little Secret

Numero Dieciseis.

It had been four wonderful years since my handsome nephew was born and I was the proudest aunt in the world. Colton was smart and sweet and so very handsome. He was a true McMahon as well. He reminded me so much of Shane when we were younger. He was a little troublemaker like Shane was and a little heartbreaker like Shane was but at the same time you couldn't help but love him. He was the best thing in a long time that had happened to this family.
Shane and Allyson still didn't speak. My parents would go and meet the Flairs and pick up Colton everytime. They hadn't spoken since before Colton was born. It was sad but true. It was the same way between myself and Allyson. Sometimes I wish I could turn it all around and Allyson would still be my best friend. It stunk and I hated that Colton had parents who weren't together much less didn't talk but it was the way it was.
Shane and myself were in my father's office with him all doing work. We were going over the scripts and making corrections and adding things we could think of. The company was flying high right now. I'd just graduated high school and came straight here and Shane had been working her the past four years. It was a great family business that we loved more than anything.
The big storyline right now was D-Generation-X against the Nation of Dominance for a number one spot in the company. The Nation of Dominance's leader was The Rock and the leader of DX was my boyfriend, Paul aka Triple H. It was a fantastic feud but as I'd hoped, DX was in the lead. Paul was having a blash with Chyna, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg. It was a good time in the company.
The door flew open in the middle of us doing our work and in came Colton driving a small driveable army jeep. He was dressed in camo pants, boots, a DX t-shirt, and a backwards DX hat. He looked adorable. Paul came in walking behind him.
"Look at my little degenerate nephew. I'm so proud." He smiled. Myself, Shane, and dad laughed. He looks adorable. Colton then proceeded to get up and stand on the hood of the jeep.
"For the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home....LLLLLLLLEEEEEEEETTTTTTT'S GET READY TO SUCK IT!" He said as he did the crouch chop like his Uncle Paul.
"What are you doing to my child, Paul?" Shane laughed.
"Making him a damn good boy that's what." Paul smiled and picked Colton up putting him on his shoulders. "Hey Vince, I think we should make Colton here the DX mascot."
"I'll think about it." was all my father said.
"C'mon gwandpa. It would be fun." Colton said smiling at my dad.
"Maybe." my dad replied.
"Okay." Colton smiled. "Daddy, can Uncle Paul get me a soda and some cookies?"
"That's fine buddy." Shane smiled and continued on his work.
"Okay." Colton said grabbing Paul's long hair like he was a horse. "Let's go." He said laughing.
"As you wish." Paul said making a horse noise, winking at me, and making his way to the snack machine.
My dad, Shane, and I spent a few more hours going over things before it was time for us to go home. I picked up my stuff and started to head out to my BMW that was parked beside Shane's Escalade. Shane had little Colton on his shoulders.
"You guys wanna come over for dinner?" Shane asked.
"Sure." Paul said smiling up at Colton.
"Yay! Uncle Paul and Aunt Stephy are coming! Woo hoo!" He smiled bright.
"See you guys there." Shane said putting Colton in his carseat and we left heading to Shane's mansion. It was gonna be a fun night with my brother and nephew.