Dirty Little Secret

Numero Diecisiete.

The past four years had been tough as well as being a blessing. Having Colton was the best thing I'd ever done in my life, but the McMahon family not speaking to me was tough. They'd always been like my second family up until before Colton was born. It killed me the way myself, Shane, and Stephanie were so close and then I screwed it all up. I wish I could turn it all around. I wouldn't change the fact that I had Colton, but I wish I could erase Kaleb Hart from then.
Colton was down on the floor playing with his WWE action figures in his little ring. He had his favorite little wrestler, Uncle Paul (Triple H), against Stone Cold Steve Austin. I was folding his clothes. All he ever wanted to wear were either basketball shorts, jeans, or camo pants and WWE t-shirts. He was definitely all boy and Grandpa Vince and Grandpa Ric had him in love with wrestling. I was just fine with it though.
"Knock, Knock!" I heard my dad say as he and my mom walked into the house.
"Grandpa Ric, Granny Emma!" Colton said getting up and running up to them and hugging them.
"Hey sport." Dad said picking him up.
"Hey mom and dad" I said smiling and hugging them both.
"Hey sweetheart." Mom said.
"Hey Colton, why don't you go and watch this." My dad said pulling his own dvd out of his bag. "While me and granny talk to your mom." Colton's face lit up.
"Okay!" He said running upstairs to his room.
Myself and my parents made our way into my living room where we had a seat across from each other on my leather couches. I knew my parents wanted to talk about something serious, I just didn't know what.
"Allyson, your mother and I have been speaking with Linda and Vince lately and we all think that you and Shane need to get together and have some closure." my dad said to me. I sighed.
"You guys are right. We do need to get together." I said.
"Vince and Linda are setting it up for this afternoon if you're up for that." My mom said.
"That's fine." I replied.
"Good." They said.
We continued talking for about an hour until a WWE limo picked me up to take me to WWE Headquarters. I was super nervous. My heart had butterflies. As we pulled up to the building, I felt as if I'd have a heart attack.
We walked into the building and up to a door. It read 'Shane McMahon, Chief Operating Officer'. He was finally living his dreams and I was happy for him. I knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard his voice say from the inside. I opened the door and walked inside. He hadn't changed much. Still looked the same.
"Hey Shane." I said.
"Allyson, have a seat." He said as I sat down.
"We need to have some closure." I said.
"I agree." He said. I sighed.
"Shane, I'm sorry. I never meant to do what I did to you." I said. He sighed.
"Allyson, it's okay. I'm over it now." He replied. "Colton's a great kid."
"He is." I smiled. "He looks just like you."
"Yeah. He does." He replied. "Listen Allyson, I'm sorry I held you accountable for everything. Some things were my fault too. I was just a stupid young man with some growing up to do." He sighed.
"It's okay, Shane." I replied.
"I hope we can rekindle this and be good friends." He said.
"I'd like that." I smiled. He got up and hugged me.
"Colton and I will see you next weekend when I drop him off." I said.
"Sounds like a plan." He said as I left. I'd finally gotten some closure and felt that best I had in years.