Dirty Little Secret

Numero Cuatro.

It was a pretty good day here at the Flair Family's beach house. I always loved coming here. There was tons to do and it was in the middle of beautiful Miami, Florida. There were lots of fun things to do here. Ride atvs and such, go out on the water, hit on hot girls, and more. This was probably my favorite place to come besides going on the road with WWE. The Flairs were one of the best family I know. Ric and Emma were my second parents and Ricky and Morgan were always my best friends and Allyson was just always my little sister's best friend that I picked on. Ricky, Morgan, and myself always hung out backstage while we were growing up even though Ricky was always two years older than Morgan and me. Ric and Emma really were caring parents though. Ric always worked hard to support his family while going to North Carolina to visit them as much as possible as well as bringing them on the road as much as he could and Emma worked hard to raise Ricky, Morgan, and Allyson as well as she could without Ric being there all the time. She did a great job. Our family's had always been so close since we were in diapers. I guess you could say that it was perfect timing with mom and Emma got pregnant. They got pregnant with Morgan and me around the same time and with Stephanie and Allyson around the same time. Irony. We all thought it was pretty funny though. Our parents were getting it on around the same time each time. All of us always laughed about that.
Anyways, today was Allyson's sweet sixteen party and there were tons of people at the party. There were alot of members of the Flair family, people from Allyson and Stephanie's school, and some wrestler's kids that we all grew up with. Everybody seemed to be having a good time swimming and dancing and just relaxing. I noticed that Ricky and Morgan were hitting on some chicks that went to school with Stephanie and Allyson. Typical Flair men. The ladies of the Flair family along with my mother were bringing the food out of the house getting ready to serve it. My father and Ric and Allyson's uncles were speaking with some other wrestlers such as Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Roddy Piper. I noticed Steph standing over by her boyfriend, Paul. Honestly, I liked the guy. He treated my sister with loads of respect. No matter what my parents think, he and my sister have never had sex. He says that he doesn't need her to do that to prove her love to him, so they're going to wait till the time is right. I don't think there's anyone better for my sister than him.
"Everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming." said Ric over everyone causing them to hush. "It's amazing how many people came out today to help us celebrate the sixteenth birthday of my only daughter, Allyson Jane Flair." He said as he smiled at Allyson who smiled back at him. "Ally, baby girl, I love you more than anything and I can't wait to spend more and more years with you. You're the most precious thing that's ever entered dad's life." He said and I could see tears coming out of the big man's eyes. "Let us pray, Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all that you bless us with and thank you for the people that you've brought here to celebrate Allyson Jane's birthday with us Lord. Lord, I pray that you be with them all as they leave here tonight and I pray they get home safe, God. God, please bless this food that we're about to eat and make it to the nourishment of our bodys and bless the cooks who made them. Lord, we love you and we praise you, in your name we pray, Amen!" He prayed.
After he finished praying, everyone started to line up for food. The menu for tonight was Allyson's favorite meal as long as I could remember. She absolutely loved chicken parm with a ceasar salad and a roll and strawberry lemonade. Yes, I pay attention. So freaking what? I ended up getting a good bit of the food and then I went and sat down beside Stephanie, Allyson, and Paul. Paul was talking to Steph about what would be the perfect time to tell mom and dad about them.
"So, you having a good birthday, loser?" I asked Allyson. She looked back at me and smirked.
"Yes, I am jackass. Are you having fun?" She asked me.
"Yep, sure am" I said smiling and not taking my eyes from hers. Her blue eyes were gorgeous. She looked back into mine. I'd never looked this deep into Allyson Flair. I could see everything.
"Uh, guys. That's weird." I could hear Stephanie say which made Allyson pull back. Damn you, Stephanie Marie McMahon.
"Time for cake and presents!" We heard Emma call out.
"You better go girly." Steph told Ally. And with that, Ally went to open her gifts.