Dirty Little Secret

Numero Seis.

The party was amazing and now it was just getting better. It was around midnight now and everybody was drinking and having the time of their lives. Steph and I had some whipped cream vodka and Paul had a beer. I noticed Shane over by the pool with my brothers who all had beers too. It was a great party. I could even see my parents and Vince and Linda letting loose some.
A few hours went by and most of the people here were getting fucked up. My dad didn't want anyone dying or getting a D.U.I. so we brought out the air mattresses, cots, and pull out couches for everyone to sleep on who had been drinking. By the time 6 a.m. came around everyone was asleep except for me. I was at the beach. I wasn't drunk. I was far from it. I only had two drinks but I couldn't sleep. I had alot on my mind.
Tonight, Kaleb Hart asked me out. I told him I'd think about it. I really don't know what was making me so hesitant. Kaleb was the total package. He had good looks, smarts, and he was sweet. I've always gotten along with Kaleb, but for some reason, I was hesitant. I just didn't understand why. He's liked the guy my dad wants me to be with.
I was torn from my thoughts when I heard someone come sit beside me.
"Hey Ally, what you doing out here so late?" He asked. It was Shane.
"Couldn't sleep. I've been thinking." I replied to him. I looked at him. He was sober. I could tell.
"What about?" He asked me.
"Well, Kaleb asked me out tonight." I replied. I could see his face grow disgruntled. "Ummm, are you okay, Shane?" I asked him.
"Uh yeah I'm fine." He replied. "I just...don't think he'd be good for you. He talks crap about you all the time. I've been told by reliable resources."
"He's a good guy Shane. I don't believe that." I said back to him with a bit of attitude in my voice.
"Allyson, his own cousin Adam told me. He said that Kaleb was talking about how he would love to get into your pants and shit like that." He replied. I was taken back. Kaleb seemed like such a good guy. I couldn't believe it.
"Wow. I can't believe him." I replied looking out at the ocean.
"I'm sorry." He said to me making me look at him. Shane had a handsomeness that nobody could describe. It was a different kind of handsome.
"Thanks Shane. I appreciate that." I said smiling at him and putting my hand on his.
"I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to, Allyson." He replied grabbing my hand in his.
We sat there for a while just holding each others hands until Shane made the move. He went in and he kissed me. I reacted by deepening the kiss. After a few minutes, I tore from it and my eyes widened. What had I done.
"I can't do this." I said getting up quickly and running into the house.
When I got into the house, I ran up to mine and Stephanie's room, got in my bed and laid there thinking for the rest of the night.