Dirty Little Secret

Numero Siete.

I was drowning in regret. I kissed Allyson last night and she didn't react well. I thought it was awesome and I thought she liked it too until she ran away. That sent a sharp pain through me. It made my heart hurt terribly. I banged my head against the tile wall in the shower and got out, dried myself off, and dressed myself in khaki shorts, WWF t-shirt, backwards WWF baseball cap, nike high tops, and sunglasses.
I walked out of my room and downstairs. When the Flairs partied, they partied hard because today they were continuing the partying. I walked out to the backyard and Get Silly was playing. Alot of couples were grinding to it, some people were swimming, and others were just chilling. I looked over and saw Stephanie sitting on Paul's lap in a beach chair and Allyson sitting close to Kaleb in one beach chair. Bitch.
I walked over to the garage and went and got a dirtbike. Didn't worry about getting a helmet though cause I don't give a fuck. I took off on the bike and went fast as the machine could go. I must have been going about 50 mph but I didn't care. Right now, I was pissed to the max. I could tell that bitch hadn't listened to me. I shouldn't even care though. I kissed her and she acted like I had poison on my lips. I couldn't believe her.
I zoomed out onto the road and was going as fast as the bike could go. I was booking it and I loved the rush that I was getting. It was getting all that bullshit off my mind. I wanted to feel the rush so I started to press the brakes as I was going to do a donut. Oh shit! The brakes were out! Not good! I was looking down trying to figure it out when I looked up. Oh shit! I tried to stop, but it was too late. I collided head on with a car. It sent me flying off the bike and onto the asphalt. So. Fucking. Painful.
"Oh my God! Are you okay?" The lady asked getting out of her car. "HELP!" she yelled out.
Next thing I knew, mom, dad, Ric, Steph, Paul, and Allyson came rushing to my side.
"Shane!" I heard my mother shriek and run up to my side. I put my hand to the back of my head and felt blood coming from it.
"Shane! Are you okay?" I heard Allyson as she came up.
"I'm fine." I said glaring at her. "Not like you care." I said getting up and starting to walk.
"Shane! Man, are you okay?" I heard Morgan as he came up and put his arm around me. Ricky did the same.
"I'm fine guys. Really." I said continuing to walk.
"No, you aren't man." said Paul as he came up and started helping them.
"I'm fine." That was the last thing I said before I collapsed.
Last thing I saw before I passed out. Tears falling down Allyson's face under the red glare of the ambulance lights.